
The end of the era of drug trafficking

author:Only for a lifetime

In the evening, Zhang Suquan gave the troops a full meal and camped on the spot. Although today's attack was frustrated, he didn't seem to care, still calmly patrolling the various departments, still with that unfathomable mysterious smile on his face.

The next morning, after heavy artillery fire, Zhang Suquan's troops attacked the ridge from both front and rear. However, the strange thing is that not a single shot was fired on the mountain, and the troops on both sides rushed up to see that they were all their own people.

Zhang Suquan and Zhang Bingyu met on the mountain and did not shake hands for the first time. Zhang Suquan saw a trace of disappointment in Zhang Bingyu's eyes, and seemed to say: "Zhuge Military Division, you also have miscalculations. ”

Zhang Suquan smiled faintly and picked up the binoculars to carefully observe the movement on the road ahead. After looking at it for a while, happy laugh lines appeared on his face. He said to himself: "If Seon loses his horse, he will not know if he is blessed!" ”

Zhang Bingyu shook his hand angrily: "What is neither a curse nor a blessing, I worked hard to attack, but let Luo Xinghan run away!" ”

"Ran away? Did he run? Zhang Suquan snorted and sneered disdainfully.

"He also said that he couldn't run, and his horse team might come out of this jungle today, alas, we were busy in vain!" Zhang Bingyu was very depressed.

"Deputy Commander Zhang, don't worry, his horse team is not only not going out, but is returning and walking towards us."

"Is that really the case?" Zhang Bingyu's eyes widened like copper bells.

"Look!" Zhang Suquan pointed to the hills in the distance.

Zhang Bingyu held up the binoculars, and the binoculars showed that a team of mules and horses were walking towards this side, some stopped on the grassy slope, and seemed to be a little confused.

Zhang Bingyu slapped his thigh and jumped up excitedly: "Luo Xinghan, Luo Xinghan, your death time has come!" Well, Chief of Staff, you have even hidden your tricks from me. ”

"It's not to hide it from you, there are a lot of undecided numbers on the battlefield, and I'm afraid you'll be in a hurry if it's early. For example, his mule and horse team has two exits, and if I divide my troops to guard them, I will not have enough troops to guard one place, and I am afraid of missing them, so I have to unite several local armies and promise heavy profits, so that there will be enough troops to block him. However, it was not enough to block him, but also to surround them and eat them. If his mule and horse team retreated to the flank of Eagle Stream, and Luo Xinghan was holding Eagle Ridge to the death, he would still have enough space to escape. Therefore, if we capture Yingjian Ridge, we can annihilate him completely by attacking him with artillery fire. Zhang Suquan only revealed his plan and plan at this time.

Zhang Bingyu rubbed his hands and smiled: "Hehe, Luo Xinghan is unlucky enough to meet you!" ”

Luo Xinghan quietly withdrew from his position overnight, planning to give Zhang Suquan an empty city plan, let him pounce on the air, and even beat his own people. He listened happily to the sound of the cannons on Eagle Stream, but after a while a messenger came running out of breath to report that his mule and horse team had been blocked at the mud bend. The opponent's fire was so fierce that the mule and horse team had to retreat.

Luo Xinghan grabbed the correspondent's shirt and shook it: "How many troops are there to intercept you?" ”

"There are more than a thousand people."

"Impossible!" Luo Xinghan roared hoarsely, "He Zhang Suquan can't have so many people!" ”

"Captain Sun asked me to tell you that they not only have more than 1,000 people, but also more than a dozen cannons and more than 20 heavy machine guns, and we will definitely not be able to rush over, so in order to protect the safety of the mule and horse team, we have to withdraw to join the brigade."

Luo Xinghan let go of the communicator, only to feel that his eyes were black, and Venus was flying, and he almost fell to the ground. He had to put one hand on the correspondent's shoulder and force himself not to fall. As soon as the commander fell, the force dispersed.

He couldn't understand that almost all of Zhang Suquan's troops were fighting against him, and where could he free up so many troops to intercept him. But soon he found the answer, it must be Zhao Xia and other drug trafficking forces who attacked him with Zhang Jiajun.

Thinking about it like this, he thought it further: "Since Zhang Suquan and Zhao Xia and other drug trafficking groups jointly dealt with me, it means that he did not start his action after I set off, but made arrangements in advance before I set off, if so, then everything is over, and I can't escape from his carefully set pocket anyway." ”

Thinking of this, he was dizzy again. He muttered two words in his heart: "It's over!" It's completely over! ”

His sad gaze swept over the troops that followed, and all the officers and men looked at him with blank eyes, waiting for his orders, which made him sober again, no matter what the outcome was, do your best!

He ordered to continue the retreat to join the mule and horse teams. Soon, they joined up with the group of mules and horses that had retreated to this side. More than half of the troops escorting the mules and horses were lost, but the mules and horses were unharmed.

Seeing that the mule and horse teams had not suffered losses and that the opium was still there, the officers and soldiers of the Luo Department were overjoyed. Luo Xinghan ordered the troops to rest on the spot, each unit gathered its own men and horses, the mule and horse teams also sorted out the order, appointed new officials to replace the fallen officers, and adjusted the battle sequence and weapon equipment before and after. As soon as everything was put in order, the enemy troops in the direction of the road attacked, the enemy offensive on this way was not violent, but the advance was solid, they bent down and chose the terrain and features, and pushed forward in a position with as little exposure as possible, with heavy machine guns and mortars for cover.

Luo Xinghan organized his own powerful firepower to counterattack, and the enemy on this way stopped advancing and adopted a posture of surveillance and encirclement to prevent Luo from breaking through.

Luo Xinghan had just repelled the enemy in the direction of the road, and Zhang Suquan's troops in the direction of pursuit began to attack again. Their mortars were the most terrifying, but now their mortars seemed to be only there to complete the task of dislodgement, and the shells only exploded at the edge of the troops, forcing the troops threatened by artillery fire to gradually retreat.

The circle in which Luo Xinghan's troops were surrounded became smaller and smaller, and it was more likely to be surrounded and annihilated by artillery fire, so he left 300 troops on the spot to block the enemy in the northwest and south, and Luo Xinghan himself led the mule and horse team and the large army to quickly retreat to the east, waiting for an opportunity to drill out of the encirclement from the jungle.

The end of the era of drug trafficking

Luo Xinghan led his horse team and escort troops to gallop four or five kilometers to a high ground made of hills. This low plateau stretched in front of them like an embankment, and Luo Xinghan subconsciously felt an ominous feeling, and ordered to stop advancing.

As soon as the words fell, a dozen heavy machine guns were violently pushed out from behind the high ground, and at the sound of an order, the frenzied tongue of fire cut off a large area of the troops walking in front like mowing grass.

Luo Xinghan suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and he suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood. The two guards immediately stepped forward to set him up, and the troops retreated under the command of Chief of Staff Han Xin. The machine guns on the high ground chased their butts and beat them, and everyone hated their parents for giving them a pair of legs, and they fled backwards without their lives. As soon as they escaped the range of the machine gun in their backs, gunfire rang out again in front of them, and seven or eight hundred people scurried around like flies with their heads off.

The other side did not intend to kill them, and the mortar shells only exploded a few dozen meters along the edge of the troops. Luo Xinghan, who was supported by the guards, looked at the landing points of the mortars around him, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly summoned the main officials to his side and said, "Look, Zhang Suquan is negotiating with us. His condition was that he would leave the mules and horses, and the opium, and let us live. ”

The chiefs looked around blankly, why didn't they see Zhang Suquan's envoy?

Luo Xinghan said: "Zhang Suquan's cannonballs are his words, you see, his cannonballs always fall around, and don't throw them into the crowd, that's what it means, otherwise, we would have become a pile of meat paste." ”

Some people don't believe it: "He has surrounded us, will he let us go?" ”

"Yes." Luo Xinghan was very confident, "What he wants is opium, and if we burn it, he will not benefit." It's better to throw the opium away and save your life. ”

Luo Xinghan ordered to throw down mules and horses, heavy machine guns, and artillery, and all guns were carried on his back.

After Luo Xinghan's order was carried out, the gunfire immediately stopped. Luo Xinghan was carried on a stretcher, and the disarmed troops who led the seven or eight hundred statues withdrew in despair.

Strange to say, there was no one to stop them wherever they went. Zhang Suquan only sent a small force to follow them from afar for a day and a night before returning to the base camp.

The biggest drug lord battle in decades in the Golden Triangle is over. Luo Xinghan has been in a slump since then, and he is no longer able to compete with Zhang Jiajun, but his hatred for Zhang Jiajun has accompanied him through the rest of his life.