
5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

author:Simple squirrel E

In a variety show five years ago, Wang Hengyi, who was only three years old, was like a bright star, lighting up the stage in an instant, he not only easily recognized more than 3,000 Chinese characters, but also recited more than 100 ancient poems fluently, and even recognized hundreds of different national flags.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

When this childish little boy showed his talent in a straight way, the audience was amazed, however, the outstanding performance of this little prodigy also caused a lot of controversy.

Some netizens praised his talent, but some people were worried about whether he had become a modern version of "Hurt Zhongyong", worried that parents' excessive expectations and education methods would have a negative impact on his future.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

In an ordinary family in Qingdao, Shandong, a magical child named Wang Hengyi was born in 2013.

Grandma He Xia is a literature lover, after retirement is immersed in the sea of books, enjoy the fun of poetry and songs, she knows the importance of children's enlightenment, so since he was a child, Wang Hengyi read nursery rhymes, three character classics, three hundred Tang poems and other classic literary works, hoping that he can draw wisdom from it, learn the truth of being a man and doing things.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

With the passage of time, Wang Hengyi gradually showed an amazing memory, and whenever his grandmother recited ancient poems, he could always quickly answer the second half, which surprised and excited his grandmother.

She realized that her grandson was extraordinarily talented, so she began to train him more seriously, in addition to reading and reading, her grandmother also noticed Wang Hengyi's strong interest in nursery rhymes, and whenever the nursery rhymes were played on TV, he would hum along.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

In order to stimulate his enthusiasm for learning, his grandmother not only bought a large number of books and literacy cards, but also made up interesting stories based on the content of ancient poems, or set small questions for Wang Hengyi to think.

Under the careful teaching of his grandparents, Wang Hengyi's literary talent has been fully displayed, at the age of three, he has been able to know more than 3,000 words, recognize the flags of more than 200 countries in the world, and even guess the name of the song just by the prelude of a song.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Wang Hengyi's outstanding performance attracted a lot of attention from his family, who realized that this was a rare opportunity and decided to take him to a bigger stage to show himself.

In 2017, when Wang Hengyi staggered onto the stage of "Amazing Child", his immature appearance and slightly accented speech immediately sprouted the hearts of the audience.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

However, when the host Meng Fei asked him what special talents he had, Wang Hengyi confidently claimed that he knew more than 3,000 words and could recognize more than 100 national flags, and this astonishing confession immediately aroused the curiosity and suspicion of the audience and the host.

However, the next scene completely subverted everyone's imagination, in the face of various challenges and tests, Wang Hengyi was not afraid, not only read every word accurately, the pronunciation was clear and accurate, even the books that Meng Fei took out from the bookshelf, he could read them fluently.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

What's even more amazing is that he can also quickly identify the title of the song being played, which shocked everyone present, and in the following days, Wang Hengyi's talent was more displayed.

He participated in CCTV's "Very 6+1" program, and also won the applause of the audience with his outstanding performance, and when he was four years old, he appeared on the stage of the "Chinese Poetry Conference", with his rich vocabulary and extraordinary memory, the host Sa Beining was amazed.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Since then, Wang Hengyi's name has quickly become popular on the Internet, known as the "Chinese Little Poetry Library", becoming a little genius in the minds of countless people, and also making many people come here.

In 2019, Wang Hengyi, who was only 6 years old, once again shined on the stage of "Challenge the Impossible", and his outstanding performance once again proved his extraordinary talent.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Subsequently, he and his grandmother He Xia boarded the "Chinese Poetry Conference" together, and played 20 rounds in one go in the game of "Surname Flying Flower Order", and the answers were fluent, which amazed the audience.

However, with Wang Hengyi's frequent appearances in the public eye, doubts have also followed, and some people believe that this is an overconsumption of children.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Some marveled at his intelligence, while others wondered if it was just a gimmick cultivated by his family in pursuit of fame, fearing that he would follow in the footsteps of the ancient genius Fang Zhongyong.

Fang Zhongyong's story is embarrassing, he was originally a small genius in the limelight, but because his father overused his talent and failed to receive a good education, he eventually became an ordinary person.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

However, Wang Hengyi's growth path is completely different, his knowledge is not obtained by chance, but the result of his family's hard upbringing, because his parents are busy, Wang Hengyi and his grandmother depend on each other.

Driven by interest and the careful guidance of his grandmother, Wang Hengyi's knowledge reserve grew rapidly and became a "prodigy" in the eyes of everyone.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

In this regard, Wang Hengyi's parents clarified that they just hope that with the help of these platforms, Wang Hengyi can broaden his horizons and meet more people who are better than him, so as to cultivate his humility and enterprising spirit.

They emphasized that although Wang Hengyi has shown excellence in some aspects, he has always been an ordinary child, and their goal is to let him grow up healthy and happy, rather than burdening him with too much pressure and expectations.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

They know very well that "there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the sky", so they hope that Wang Hengyi can maintain a humble heart and continue to learn and progress.

Wang Hengyi's family did not immerse him in the aura of praise and stage, but chose to let him return to the life of an ordinary child and receive a formal education.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Wang Hengyi's family is well aware of the negative impact that overexposure may have on children's mental development, so they do not regard Wang Hengyi as a "cash cow" and frequently show it in variety shows.

When Wang Hengyi reached the age of enrollment, his family did not hesitate to let him return to campus life, hoping that he could study quietly in a normal growth environment and realize his ideals.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Today, Wang Hengyi is a primary school student, his dream is to become a history teacher, and although his focus in life has shifted to his studies, his love for poetry has never waned.

On his social media accounts, we can often see him reciting ancient poems, or using ancient poems to cheer for his peers, and this dedication and love for traditional culture is a solid cornerstone for his future achievements.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

11-year-old Wang Hengyi occasionally updates his learning content on his video account, and the picture of reciting poems can always make people feel his deep affection for traditional culture.

He revealed that his future goal is to become a history teacher, continue to wander in the sea of poetry, and pursue that beautiful feeling.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

Wang Hengyi's coming-of-age story is like a mirror, reflecting the true meaning of education, which tells us that children's talents and interests need to be carefully explored, but more importantly, they need to be guided by scientific and rational methods to ensure that they can thrive in the right environment.

5 years ago, what is the current situation of the little boy who was 3,000 years old and knew 3,000 words and was ridiculed by netizens for "hurting Zhongyong".

We can't rush our children because they are talented, nor can we limit their growth because of overprotection, only with patience and prudence, give children an environment full of warmth and maternal love, they can freely display their talents and bloom their own unique light.