
It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

author:Flower Kitchen

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "women are blood-based and liver-based". Women need to nourish their blood to make their qi and blood full, and the liver hides blood, so nourishing the liver is really important for girls!

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

As the saying goes: to nourish the skin first, a good liver can have a good complexion, and liver health is directly related to a person's complexion.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Summer is also a good time to nourish the liver, which can be combined with a reasonable diet and appropriate exercise to help our liver work healthily. Here are 4 "liver-clearing dishes" to help women nourish their livers and get better and better!

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

The first course: fried mushrooms with asparagus

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Ingredients: asparagus, mushrooms, millet pepper, red pepper, green onion and garlic

1. Rinse the fresh asparagus briefly, soak it in light salted water and sterilize, and cut the asparagus diagonally into thin slices after cleaning;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

2. Remove the roots of the mushrooms, and soak them in light salted water, and the black film inside can be simply brushed with a soft brush, and cut into slightly thicker slices after processing;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

3. Prepare a little millet pepper and red cabbage pepper, slice the garlic, and cut a little green onion;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

4. Bring the water in the pot to a boil, add a little salt and oil, pour in the asparagus and blanch for 1 minute, and rinse the water with cold water for later use;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

5. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, pour in the hot peppers, garlic slices, and green onions and stir-fry until the mushrooms come out of the juice, pour in the asparagus, quickly stir-fry evenly over high heat, add a little salt and pepper, oyster sauce, and the flavor is very fresh, and you can get out of the pot by stir-frying.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

The asparagus mushroom combination is not only crisp in taste, but also low in calories.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Second course: Stir-fried edamame with white sauce

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Ingredients: Dried white beans, edamame, fresh shrimp

1. Peel off the skin of the fresh callus white, cut off the old roots, cut it in half, then cut it in half, and then cut it into small pieces; Edamame is shelled and washed and set aside;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

2. Remove the shrimp line from the fresh shrimp, then cut off all the whiskers and feet, then soak it in light salted water for 5 minutes, rinse it with water, open the back of the shrimp, and put in ginger slices, cooking wine, green onions, and salt to marinate it slightly after processing.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

3. Boil half a pot of boiling water in the pot, add a spoonful of salt to the bottom of the water, blanch the edamame and the white beans together, boil the water again and cook for 2 minutes.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

4. Peel and slice the ginger, slice 5 cloves of garlic, take only the white part of the green onion, and cut it into long sections;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

5. Heat the oil, pour the green onion, ginger and garlic into the hot oil pan and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the shrimp and stir-fry until the color turns red, pour in some rice wine, and then fry to remove some water and put it out;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

6. Heat oil in another pot, pour in ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the white and edamame together and stir-fry quickly, stir-fry to remove part of the water vapor in the ingredients, pour in the shrimp meat after about 1 minute and continue to stir-fry over high heat; Seasoning, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce and stir-fry evenly over high heat, then you can put it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

The combination of edamame, green, white and tender shrimp meat is delicious, and the combination of red, white and green colors makes people look pleasing to the eye and appetizing.

The third course: spinach mixed with enoki mushrooms

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Ingredients: spinach, enoki mushrooms, carrots, garlic and dried chilies

1. Cut off the roots of enoki mushroom first, break it a little, then soak it in rice washing water for 15 minutes, and then rinse it several times with running water;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

2. After the spinach is cleaned, cut off the roots of the spinach first, then cut the leaves of the spinach into two sections, and then divide them and blanch them separately;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

3. Cut half a carrot into thin strips;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

4. After the water in the pot is boiled, put salt and cooking oil, first put the shredded carrots, enoki mushrooms, and spinach roots into it and blanch them for more than ten seconds, then blanch the spinach leaves slightly, take them out and put them in the cool white boil to cool, and then dry the water and put them in the mixing pot;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

5. Adjust the sauce: chop the garlic into minced foam, cut the dried chili pepper into small pieces, a little coarse chili noodles, cooked white sesame seeds, salt, sugar, and use hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, then add seasoning, chicken essence, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, a few drops of sesame oil, stir the juice evenly, and then pour it into the mixing basin;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

6. Bring gloves and mix evenly, let the vegetables fully absorb the flavor of the sauce, put it on the plate and enjoy, the spinach is delicate, fragrant and beautiful, delicious and flavorful, especially refreshing.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Fourth course: okra mixed with fungus

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

Ingredients: okra, fungus

1. Soak the fungus in rice washing water, then remove the roots and blanch them for later use;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

2. Add a spoonful of salt to soak okra for about 10 minutes, then remove the stem and blanch the whole water for 2 minutes, then take it out and soak it in cold water to cool down, and then cut it diagonally into small pieces and put it together with the fungus;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

3. Adjust the sauce: Put minced garlic, millet spicy, coarse chili noodles and cooked white sesame seeds in a bowl, pour a little hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, then add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of aged vinegar, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, a little salt, a little sugar and stir well for later use;

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good

4. Pour the sauce over the fungus okra and mix well and enjoy.

It is recommended to eat more 4 kinds of "liver-clearing vegetables" to detoxify and moisturize the skin, and the liver is good and the complexion is good
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