
The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence

author:Can't eat spicy oO

I heard that you are all watching the blood-boiling "Haitian Eagle"? That's right, it's the drama where the pilots show off their skills in the air! However, what I want to talk about today is not about those guys who are handsome in the air, but about the "mastermind behind the scenes" who is often ignored but silently dedicated - Kang Yancheng.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence

Every time he watched the show, he always flew there silently, like a low-key invisible person. But you know what? He's actually a master of technology, and his flying skills are simply breathtaking. It's a pity, just like the wildflowers on the roadside, although they are fragrant, they are always stolen by those gorgeous flowers.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence
The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence

As the plot progresses, the challenges of the test flight team are one after another, and Kang Yancheng has always been silently paying. He is not only a solid backing for his teammates, but also a key figure who can step up and defuse the crisis at critical moments. But the strange thing is that after each climax of the plot, everyone seems to forget about this "hero behind the scenes", and only remember the "protagonists" who are churning in the air.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence
The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence

It wasn't until the finale of "Haitian Eagle" that I finally understood why Kang Yancheng was always so easy to ignore. He's like the supporting character who always stands in the corner of the stage, but every effort counts. His presence, like the lighthouse by the sea, is unobtrusive, but always able to guide people in the dark.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence

Kang Yancheng is a person, his personality is just like his name, modest and steady. He never competed for the limelight, nor did he care what others thought of him. He thinks that he is a pilot, and the task is to fly every mission well and help his teammates, it's as simple as that. To be honest, when I first saw Kang Yancheng's character, I thought he was very down-to-earth. He doesn't have the aura of a high-flying protagonist, nor does he have the kind of pompousness that deliberately shows off his skills. He's so real that you feel like he's your friend, or the guy you played football with in the alley when you were a kid. His selfless dedication is really admirable.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence

So, the drama "Haitian Eagle" not only shows the bravery and challenges of the test flight team, but also allows us to see behind-the-scenes heroes like Kang Yancheng. They are like those who give quietly, although they are not well known, their contribution is immeasurable.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle": Seeing the end, I finally understood why he was never valued for his excellence