
After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

author:Coarse tea and light rice look at all kinds of states

Mao Yuliang, a young man from Fengyi Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province, has been destined to be extraordinary since the moment he embarked on his military career in 1980. His story is a combination of courage and wisdom, and an interweaving of perseverance and glory.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

At the beginning of his enlistment, Mao Yuliang showed extraordinary military talent. Not only did he excel in physical training, but he also had a deep understanding of tactical theory. His military skills improved rapidly, and he quickly stood out from the crowd of recruits. Mao Yuliang's military talents were recognized by his superiors, and he was selected as a member of the teaching team to teach military skills and tactical knowledge to recruits.

In the teaching team, Mao Yuliang is not only a teacher, but also a one

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

In the teaching team, Mao Yuliang is not only a teacher, but also a role model. He leads by example and is strict with himself and his trainees, ensuring that every training session is held to the highest standards. He knows very well that as a soldier, he must have excellent military qualities and a strong will. Therefore, he constantly challenges himself to make breakthroughs in every training session.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

The initial stage of Mao Yuliang's military career was a critical period for the modernization of the Chinese armed forces. His unit is facing the challenge of transforming from a traditional infantry to a modern, information-based army. In this context, Mao Yuliang not only had to teach traditional military skills, but also to learn and teach new tactical concepts and the use of technical equipment.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

During his tenure as an instructor of the teaching team, Mao Yuliang led his students to participate in the military region's martial arts competition. This competition is not only a comprehensive test of the students' military skills, but also an assessment of Mao Yuliang's teaching achievements. Under Mao Yuliang's careful guidance and rigorous training, his students showed extraordinary combat effectiveness and teamwork ability. After fierce competition, they finally won the first place in the competition, which is not only the best proof of Mao Yuliang's teaching ability, but also an affirmation of his leadership ability.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

The initial stage of Mao Yuliang's military career was full of challenges and opportunities. With his own practical actions, he interpreted the mission and responsibility of a soldier. His deeds have inspired generations of soldiers to constantly strive for excellence and contribute to the peace and security of the country. The story of Mao Yuliang is a legend and an inspiring journey.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

Mao Yuliang's border defense combat experience was a period full of gunpowder smoke and glory. His name, closely connected with the mountains and rivers along those borders, has become an indelible part of that history.

On the border line, Mao Yuliang participated in many key battles, and each time he made great contributions to the defense of the country's territorial integrity with his outstanding military qualities and heroic and fearless spirit. Laoshan and Zheyin Mountain, these two place names are not only geographical coordinates in Mao Yuliang's military career, but also the testimony of his combat career.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

In the battle to regain Laoshan, Mao Yuliang's unit faced unprecedented challenges. The terrain of Laoshan is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the enemy has laid a heavy defense line here. Relying on his familiarity with the terrain and his deep understanding of tactics, Mao Yuliang led his troops to skillfully bypass the enemy's defense line and successfully completed the task of recovering Laoshan. In this battle, Mao Yuliang not only showed his excellent command ability, but also led by example, charging ahead, which greatly boosted the morale of the troops.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

The battle at Zheyin Mountain was equally hard. During a night raid, Mao Yuliang and his comrades-in-arms quietly approached the enemy position under the cover of night. However, just as they were about to launch a general attack, enemy flares suddenly rose and illuminated the entire battlefield as if it were daylight. In the face of this sudden change, Mao Yuliang did not panic at all, he quickly adjusted his tactics, commanded the troops to use the terrain to conceal, and at the same time organized firepower to suppress the enemy, which bought precious time for the troops to attack.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

In actual combat, Mao Yuliang's performance was particularly outstanding. In a chance firefight, in the face of the enemy's heavy firepower, Mao Yuliang was in danger, he took the initiative to take over the bazooka, and with years of training and actual combat experience, he accurately aimed at the target. With a loud bang, the rocket pierced the night sky and unmistakably hit the enemy's point of fire, successfully destroying it. This move not only effectively suppressed the enemy's firepower, but also created favorable conditions for the offensive of the troops.

Mao Yuliang's heroic behavior not only won the respect of his comrades on the battlefield, but was also highly praised by his superiors after the war. His deeds were widely circulated among the troops and became a model for inspiring soldiers to forge ahead. Under the leadership of Mao Yuliang, the troops have completed seemingly impossible tasks again and again, and have written their own legends on the border line again and again.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

Mao Yuliang's border combat experience was a period full of challenges and dangers, but also a time full of glory and achievements. During this time, he not only exercised his military skills, but also tempered his will and character. Every battle is a test of his ability and a sublimation of his beliefs. The story of Mao Yuliang is the epitome of the border guards, and it is also the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese soldiers in that era.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

Mao Yuliang's heroic deeds and honors are the precious wealth he has accumulated in his military career. As a squad leader and platoon leader, he not only excelled in military skills, but also showed extraordinary talent in leadership and tactical intelligence.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

During his tenure as squad leader, Mao Yuliang took the initiative to fight many times and led his comrades to complete one arduous task after another. During one mission, the troops accidentally lost part of their guns, which had a significant impact on the combat effectiveness of the troops. After Mao Yuliang learned of the situation, he immediately organized a small detachment and personally led the team to go deep behind the enemy, and after a series of well-planned actions, he not only succeeded in recapturing the lost guns, but also captured a large amount of enemy equipment. The success of this operation greatly boosted the morale of the troops and also demonstrated Mao Yuliang's outstanding tactical command ability.

In another ambush mission, Mao Yuliang once again showed his bravery and wisdom. According to the law of the enemy's activities, he carefully selected the ambush site and drew up a detailed battle plan. In the ambush operation, Mao Yuliang and his comrades-in-arms successfully repelled the enemy's attack with less than more, and won a valuable strategic opportunity for the troops. The success of this operation not only demonstrated Mao Yuliang's bravery and fearlessness, but also demonstrated his superb tactical wisdom.

After 7 years of guarding the border, he was awarded a combat hero for 9 times, and he was so good that the instructor promised his sister to him

Mao Yuliang's heroic performance and tactical wisdom have won him a series of honors. For his outstanding performance in battle, he was awarded first-class merit and second-class merit. These honors are not only an acknowledgment of his personal heroism, but also a recognition of his leadership and tactical wisdom. In the Chengdu Military Region, Mao Yuliang was awarded the title of second-class combat hero, which is the highest praise for his outstanding contributions in his military career.

Behind these honors is Mao Yuliang's countless hard training and actual combat tests. Every honor is a test of his ability and a sublimation of his belief. Mao Yuliang knows that as a soldier, honor is supreme, but behind the honor, there is responsibility and mission. He has always maintained a modest and cautious attitude, kept learning, constantly improved, demanded himself with higher standards, and tempered the troops with stricter requirements.

Mao Yuliang's heroic deeds and honors have become a legend in the army. His deeds have inspired generations of soldiers to strive for excellence and contribute to the peace and security of the country. The story of Mao Yuliang is a legend and an inspiring journey. His name will forever be engraved in China's military history and become an example for future generations to admire and learn from.

Mao Yuliang's personal life and family is a warm and touching story. During his military career, he not only won the respect of his comrades for his integrity and outstanding military talents, but also won high appreciation from his instructors. The instructor took a fancy to Mao Yuliang's character and talent, and decided to marry his sister Jiang Guifang to him, which was not only a recognition of Mao Yuliang's personal qualities, but also an affirmation of his military achievements.

Jiang Guifang, a gentle and virtuous woman, her appearance brought new luster to Mao Yuliang's life. The two met at a friendship event organized by the army. Jiang Guifang was attracted by Mao Yuliang's integrity, courage and wisdom, and Mao Yuliang was also moved by Jiang Guifang's gentleness, kindness and understanding. Under the matchmaking of the instructor, the two began to date and soon fell in love.

After getting married, Mao Yuliang and Jiang Guifang's lives were full of sweetness and harmony. Although Mao Yuliang's military career was full of hardships and challenges, Jiang Guifang always gave him the greatest support and understanding. She not only played a role in family life, but also played an active role in Mao Yuliang's military and local work. Jiang Guifang's strength and independence allowed Mao Yuliang to devote himself to work more confidently on the front line.

In his married life, Mao Yuliang continued to excel in military and local work. He is well aware that as a soldier, he should not only make meritorious contributions on the battlefield, but also give full play to his abilities in local work and contribute to the development of society and the well-being of the people. In local work, Mao Yuliang actively participated in various constructions, whether it was infrastructure construction or social governance, he was able to put forward practical suggestions and plans, injecting new vitality into local development.

In family life, Mao Yuliang and Jiang Guifang support each other and face the challenges of life together. Their lives are simple, but they are full of love and warmth. Mao Yuliang's prestige in the army and his sense of responsibility in the family made him a respected husband and father. With his actions, he interprets the loyalty and responsibility of a soldier, and also shows the tenderness and care of a husband and father.

The story of Mao Yuliang and Jiang Guifang is a good story full of love and responsibility. Their marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the integration of two families. With their joint efforts, the family has become their strongest backing and the driving force for them to keep moving forward. Mao Yuliang's personal life and family are an indispensable part of his military career, and they are also the most valuable assets in his life journey.