
As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

author:Zihan Cottage

The rain whispered softly between the city's night sky like a deep sigh. Li Min stood quietly in front of the window, and the courtyard outside seemed to be soaked in dim light, and the lines formed by the dense rain spread all over the field of vision. A cold wind blows from behind, and a light earthy smell and humidity flow through the air. She turned around suddenly, and without hesitation, she stuffed the clothes into the suitcase that had been prepared.

"Mom!" Wang Qiang's voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the room, "What are you doing here?" ”

Li Min stopped what he was doing and didn't look back at him: "Qiangzi..."

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

"I just lost my father—" Tears twinkled in his eyes, and his voice was filled with suppressed tremors, "Do you want to tell me that even you are leaving me now?" ”

Li Min sat on the edge of the bed weakly: "I understand that this is difficult for you..."

"Difficult? Did you know that at this time of year, Dad takes me to the river to fish? Wang Qiang walked to the window, "Can we stop mentioning everything about him?" ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

She took a deep breath: "Yes... I used to think that leaving here would make life better for both of us. ”

The atmosphere in the room instantly became solemn. The sound of rain outside the window left traces of water droplets on the window that gradually dissipated.

"But how can this place full of memories just leave?" interrupted her in a loud voice, "this is our home!" With that, he gripped the corner of his suitcase tightly.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

The pull seemed to trigger some sort of chain reaction - the box fell to the ground with a dull crashing sound that was particularly clear in the silent space.

Their eyes met in mid-air, then quickly moved away—tears suddenly welling up in their resolute eyes.

After a long silence, Wang Qiang finally spoke first: "The last word that Dad left me was to let me take good care of you." ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

The lawyer looked as if he had irrefutable evidence in his hand, and every word was like a hammer slamming into every corner of the air, making the otherwise damp and heavy atmosphere even thicker.

Li keenly sensed that some kind of burden on his body had left his body: "You're right... But—" his words began to be confused, "no matter how hard I tried, I could always feel the pressure of living here. ”

Time is like a colorful neon sign on the street, silently flowing through people's hands. In the face of grief, no matter how strong or fragile a person's heart is, it can seem so easy to be broken.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

Wang forcibly rubbed his hands: "Can we sit down and talk?" Don't rush to organize your things just yet. The conversation between them is short and direct, and the emotions are like rain and dew that suddenly fall on the earth, although it is soft and delicate, it cannot be ignored, and it is so real that it is distressing.

These few days have been a very long time, and after the turmoil at home has subsided, only the cold air remains. Wang Qiang often stood in the living room, looking at the empty walls, and felt a chill in his heart. The TV is like a silent guardian, silently watching the room change, and the images that once filled the laughter of the whole family are no longer there.

The dinner table at night was unusually quiet, only long shadows cast a cold and silent atmosphere, and Li Min occasionally asked in a low voice, "Do you use this?" ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

This is repeated every night – in the middle of the night, only the sound of the clock "tick, tick" echoes in the living room. The couch and TV in the room are like ornaments in a cage; The paint outside was already dusty, and the books on the shelves were quietly waiting for the memories to arrive.

I was wandering around in solitude when a notice suddenly fell on me like a bomb: the family had found my grandfather's will and asked all their relatives to sign it for confirmation—at this moment, the low-key and calm tone of the notice was like a stone thrown into the calm waters, rekindling the flames of what had been gone, and making the peaceful lake after the rain ripple again.

Seeing that the family was calm on the surface, but hearing the relatives discussing the division of the inheritance behind their backs, it made me feel that Li Min's status began to blur; In fact, when I called my uncle to explain the situation, he was also nervous, and he asked, "Then how should we divide it?" Have you ever thought about this question? ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

I had to bite the bullet and answer, "Let's listen to everyone's opinions." ”

When I got home and saw Li Min's eyes full of questions, I almost couldn't help but call her mother, but when the words came to my lips, I swallowed them back, and just said, "We...... It's going to be fine. ”

However, this seemingly peaceful day did not last long. My younger brother Xiaohui couldn't stand this oppressive atmosphere, and began to complain about the environment at home, and even got very close to my mother, showing an attitude of wanting to be independent.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

These complaints and grievances whipped me like a whip, filling my heart with anxiety and uneasiness. I know that the story of this family has just begun.

That night's dinner, as if it had been pre-arranged, was destined to be a family debate meeting. The atmosphere at the table was breathlessly tense, and everyone had seriousness and anger on their faces.

Just when the uncle said that mocking words: "Li Min, if you really think this division is wrong......" Before he finished speaking, his brother-in-law Zhang Hui suddenly stood up, his face turned red, and shouted loudly: "What are you talking nonsense!" ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

Seeing that the situation was about to collapse, Wang Qiang immediately interjected and said: "Don't get excited, everyone... Aren't we here to have fun today? ”

"Happy?" Zhang Hui was like a fried cat, his body was tense, "If Dad knew about what you did, he would definitely die of sadness." ”

Li Min clutched the napkin in his hand tightly: "I never thought of breaking up this home." ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

Just when they were arguing, a cold voice suddenly came: "What can mom get by staying here?" Be an outsider? "It turned out that the younger sister who was still a little childish said it.

At this moment, the conflict was completely intensified - the question about grandma's inheritance became the last straw that crushed the whole family. The jade pendant, which was originally round, now looks so eye-catching.

The uncle suddenly yelled, "What is yours in this family?" Get out! You don't even deserve to touch these things! Li Min's tears blurred his vision, and his mouth trembled and he couldn't speak.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

In the midst of this heated quarrel, the faces of each family member turned gloomy. Wang Qiang clenched his fists and decided to step forward, "Enough! He took a deep breath and tried to control the turmoil in his heart, "If we are always obsessed with gaining and losing, then I can only lose you relatives." ”

His gaze swept over the faces of everyone in the room—worry, anger, uneasiness, and depression intertwined. Time seemed to freeze under his gaze, and everyone bowed their heads at this moment, making way for him.

This sudden decision may seem like a whim, but at that moment, it is particularly powerful and heart-wrenching. Immediately afterward, an elderly elder got up lazily and said, "Children... What are you struggling with? I think let's go and miss the happy days of Mom and Dad together. "

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

This sentence is like opening a door to the past, and the memories of those times spent together and those laughter and laughter instantly flood into everyone's hearts.

Then, the whole room fell into a long silence, and in the open space in the center of the living room, the silent understanding and tolerance between the family members quietly appeared. Under the flickering candlelight, Li Min's figure was stretched long, shaking and deforming on the floor.

The jade pendant was not separated in the end; It lies quietly on the coffee table, shimmering with a faint light, becoming a symbol of love that can be expressed without words.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

The morning sun peeked through the cracks in the curtains, like a pair of gentle hands gently wiping away all traces of the long dark night. The home seems to have unconsciously regained that tranquil atmosphere. The fierce quarrel of the previous night seemed to disappear with the morning mist, leaving only a heavy aftermath of relief and relief.

Wang Qiang got up early, and he was busy downstairs preparing breakfast for the whole family. Bread, eggs and ham are simple yet intimate treats neatly laid out on the table waiting for the family to enjoy. His mind was still echoing with the words that the elders had said last night, and he couldn't help but begin to reflect and feel deeply in his heart.

Li Min slowly went downstairs in his pajamas, "Qiangzi... Why do you wake up so early? ”

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

"Mom, how about we go out for a walk together after you've finished this reassuring breakfast?" Wang Qiang raised his head, said to her with a smile on his face, and poured her a glass of hot milk.

Li Min was silent for a moment, then replied with a soft smile: "Okay, it's all up to you." ”

The fresh air outside the window sweeps away the dust from the depths of people's hearts. The two of them strolled to a small nearby park, found a bench and sat down, enjoying the warmth of the sunset and the quiet company of each other.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

With a deep sense of guilt and repentance for his mother, Zhang Hui found his brother Wang Qiang the day after the incident: "Brother... Yesterday I was so impulsive..."

"We know that everybody is going to have a hard time feeling in their hearts." Wang Qiang gently patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "What our father wants to see most is that our brothers can reconcile as before." ”

By the time the family reunion took place again, the atmosphere was completely different. The room was filled with laughter that had not been seen for a long time—the elders opened a thick family tree and told everyone not only about the continuation of the family name, but also about the spiritual and cultural inheritance; The exchange of gifts has replaced the property competition in the past and has become the focus of family communication.

As soon as my father was buried, my stepmother hurriedly packed up her things and wanted to leave, but I stopped at the door: You can't go!

The rift within the family has gradually healed and strengthened after the baptism of time and the nourishment of memories. Every family member is deeply aware that family affection and mutual support and understanding between family members are more precious than money and material possessions.

The harmonious atmosphere slowly warms up in the early morning sun, and soft music flows through the air; Everyone understands that the true meaning of love is not that you compete with me, but that you recognize each other, go through the journey of life together, and look forward to welcoming new hope and dawn together tomorrow.