
Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

author:Sister Ling who loves to share
Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?
Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing

In today's materialistic society, are people's ideas so free and open? I just got my marriage certificate and went to the divorce procedures in the afternoon, which is too casual! Whoever reads this title will say it.

This is a time when I was talking to a friend, and I talked about such a thing that made people's jaws drop and exploded, and everyone knew that it would be quite unpleasant in the future.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

It is said that there is a girl named Xiaojing, this child has a hard life since he was a child, and was abandoned in a remote ravine shortly after birth, according to the people who saw it at the time, the little face was red from crying, and the pitiful appearance could not help but shed tears when anyone saw it. Let's just say, how can there be such ruthless parents in the world?

After the child was discovered, although the people in the village were very sympathetic to her, but at that time, the policy was very strict, and it was not allowed to have superbirths, so even if someone wanted to raise it, it was not recognized.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

I don't know how this matter reached the ears of a lonely old man in the south of the village, saying that the old man was actually less than 60 years old, he found the village committee and wanted to adopt the child, and the people of the village committee felt that he would have no one to support the elderly in the future, and it happened that the adoption of the child also met the requirements, so he went through the adoption procedures for him, and since then the two have lived together according to each other.

This adoptive father is an honest rural old man, his family is very poor, and he lives by farming and growing some vegetables for money.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

But he loves this girl very much, and he will leave it for her if there is something delicious. Xiao Jing is also very stubborn, cherishes the hard-won learning opportunities very much, and has worked hard in learning.

In this way, I won scholarships again and again, and finally finished college. Later, he gained a firm foothold in a state-owned enterprise and got a good job.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

While at work, the girl met a boy. This boy looks very energetic, and the family conditions are also good, and after falling in love for a while, he felt that he was quite compatible with each other, so he decided to get married and live together.

Who would have thought that fate played a big joke on them at this time. When the wedding is held, it should be a time of joy, but something happens that people never expect and their jaws drop.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

The man's parents disliked that the girl's parents were from the countryside, and the family was poor, so they felt too cold, so they actually refused to let the girl's parents serve the table during the tea ceremony.

The girl was stunned at the time, she had suffered so much since she was a child, and she had been working hard, just to make herself and her family stand tall and live.

But at this time that should have been the happiest moment in her life, her father was so looked down upon and humiliated. Her long-standing hope for a better life in the future was suddenly trampled to pieces.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

Seeing this, some people may also say that the man's family conditions are good, as long as the girl endures it and swallows this breath, she will not be able to live comfortably in the future.

But for this hard-hearted and self-respecting girl, dignity and family affection are much more important than any material thing. She is unwilling to sacrifice the dignity of herself and her family for that money, and she is even more unwilling to live in a family full of discrimination and prejudice.

Therefore, the angry girl didn't say a word, and resolutely chose to regret her marriage. The marriage certificate I just received in the morning was ripped off in the afternoon.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

Some people think that girls are too impulsive, after all, marriage is not a joke, you should think about it more. But more people supported the girl's decision, feeling that she bravely protected the dignity of herself and her family, and had backbone!

In this materialistic and money-oriented society, the girl's choice is like a clear stream, allowing us to see that dignity and family affection cannot be bought with money. She used her actions to tell us that there are some things that cannot be exchanged for money, and some bottom lines that must never be touched.

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

In fact, this is not just a girl's marriage story, it also reflects the undesirable phenomenon of disliking the poor and loving the rich in society.

Shouldn't we reflect on whether we have lost the most basic respect and kindness in the pursuit of material things and so-called face?

Just got the marriage certificate in the morning, and got divorced in the afternoon, everyone said that this girl did the right thing?

Everyone has different opinions on what the girl does, but no matter what you say, it's something worth pondering.

It makes us really think about how important respect, equality and family relationships are in marriage.

I don't know what everyone thinks of this girl's approach?