
The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

author:A light smile

In ancient times, Dongpo meat tasted beautiful all over the world, and now there are new honey snow products that cause controversy. When traditional tea drinks encounter innovative flavors, will consumers' taste buds accept the challenge of novelty?

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Recently, the well-known tea brand Mixue Bingcheng has launched a new product called "Glutinous Lemon Tea". However, this new product was not widely praised as expected, but caused heated discussions due to what some consumers jokingly called "stinky feet".

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

It is reported that this new tea drink has quickly become the focus of consumer discussion on social media. Some consumers said that the tea had a unique taste, and even used the "stinky foot smell" to describe its taste, which made them feel very uncomfortable. They said the taste was so unacceptable to them that some even felt the urge to vomit as a result. However, another group of consumers praised the new tea, which they found to be unique in taste, with an indescribable aroma and a refreshing taste, which they liked very much. In response to this controversy, the official customer service of Mixue Bingcheng said that everyone's feelings about taste are different, and this difference may be caused by personal taste differences.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

The comments of netizens are also varied, some people try boldly, and some people stay away.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Some netizens said that they would buy this new product every day, thinking that although it has a unique taste, it was this novelty that attracted him.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Some netizens also bluntly said that this new product is too unpalatable, and questioned whether the brand has conducted sufficient taste testing.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

However, some netizens have a neutral attitude, thinking that although this new product tastes a little special, it is not difficult to accept, and you can try it.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Some netizens shared their experience of trying this new product with their daughter, saying that the taste is a little complicated, but overall it is acceptable.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Some netizens joked that this new product is a must-try for gay men, and the humor reveals curiosity and desire to try this new product.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Of course, some netizens said that they only recognize the classic taste of Mixue Bingcheng, and their evaluation of the new product is not high.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

However, some netizens said that if they don't think it tastes good, they won't buy it, after all, everyone's taste is different.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Finally, some netizens said that although this new product tastes a little special, it is this special that makes him want to try it and feels that it is worth trying.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Whether it is rave reviews or bad reviews, this new product has successfully attracted the attention of consumers. In this era of diverse tastes, everyone has a different definition of food, and perhaps it is this difference that makes the world of food more colorful. For Mixue Bingcheng, how to meet the taste needs of more consumers while maintaining the brand characteristics will be a problem that it needs to continue to think about in the future.

The new product of Mixue Bingcheng is hotly discussed, is it a new taste for stinky feet? Netizen comments are polarized

Inspiration: Global perspective