
The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

author:A light smile

The battle for lunar soil, a new chapter in international space competition. The United States, which once restricted China's space flight, now wants China to share in the mysteries of the moon. Lai's sharp rhetoric reveals the delicate nature of the space relationship between China and the United States.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

On June 25, 2023, China's Chang'e-6 successfully brought back soil samples from the far side of the moon, attracting international attention. Lai Yue-chien, a Taiwanese current affairs commentator, offers his unique perspective on the relationship between China and the United States in the international space race.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

The successful return of Chang'e-6 marks an important breakthrough in China's lunar exploration. However, this achievement has also aroused great concern in the United States. Although NASA Administrator Nelson has expressed his appreciation for China's space development, the United States can only be anxious about the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-6. Due to the existence of the Wolf Clause, the technical exchanges and joint scientific activities between China and the United States in the field of space are severely restricted. Although some U.S. scientists have tried to participate in the Chang'e-5 International Loan Review Conference for lunar samples through special approval, China's management of lunar samples is extremely strict, which makes it difficult for the United States to easily obtain Chinese lunar samples.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Netizens are also hotly discussing this lunar soil controversy and have expressed their opinions.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Some netizens said that they did not care about the views of the United States, but were more interested in the opinions of experts, such as Professor Yu Beichen expressed his imagination of lunar soil acquisition in a humorous way.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Professor Lai Yueqian's pride is beyond words, and netizens have said that this is a reflection of his deep love for the motherland.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Some netizens ridiculed the U.S. government's own legislation that restricts its cooperation in the field of space and questioned the consistency of its position.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Some netizens said in the form of a joke that the moon is there, why doesn't the United States fly up to get soil by itself?

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Professor Yu Beichen once again responded in a humorous way, proposing the idea of flying a large number of helicopters to the moon, which caused a burst of laughter among netizens.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Some netizens even ridiculed Chang'e-6 for bullying aliens in outer space, showing the sense of humor and relaxed attitude of Chinese netizens towards space exploration.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

This battle over lunar soil not only shows the competition between China and the United States in the field of space, but also reflects the attention and enthusiasm of netizens for space exploration. Despite the technical and political constraints between China and the United States, humanity's curiosity and spirit of exploration in space are shared. In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, we look forward to more achievements in space exploration and jointly write a new chapter in human space exploration.

The United States covets Chinese lunar soil? Lai Yueqian mocked NASA, and lunar exploration made waves again

Inspiration: Strait Shinkansen

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