
The ambition of the China Space Agency, the construction of the Guanghan Palace! The United States, on the other hand, questioned its ambition to monopolize the moon

author:Bilan Finance

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The big plan of the Chinese space agency: the construction of the Guanghan Palace begins, and the United States suspects that we want to monopolize the moon!

Today I want to share with you a big news, that is, the big plan of the Chinese Space Agency - to build a Guanghan Palace on the moon!

The ambition of the China Space Agency, the construction of the Guanghan Palace! The United States, on the other hand, questioned its ambition to monopolize the moon

As soon as this news came out, the United States could not sit still and began to wonder if we wanted to monopolize the moon. Haha, are they overthinking? We built the Guanghan Palace just to find a home for Sister Chang'e, and by the way, to study how to grow vegetables on the moon.

First, let's take a look at the successful landing of Chang'e-6. This is the most technologically advanced lunar exploration mission in China's aerospace history, achieving "three major technological breakthroughs" and "a world first". The main mission of Chang'e-6 is to collect lunar samples and return them to Earth, providing valuable data and resources for the construction of our Guanghan Palace.

So why did we choose the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the Moon as the landing site? Because this place has important scientific value and strategic significance! It is one of the largest impact craters on the Moon and one of the largest known in the solar system. Studying the geological structure and resource distribution of this place can help us better understand the origin and evolution of the moon. Moreover, there may also be a large amount of water resources here, which are essential for the construction of our Guanghan Palace and the future survival on the moon.

The ambition of the China Space Agency, the construction of the Guanghan Palace! The United States, on the other hand, questioned its ambition to monopolize the moon

When it comes to resources on the moon, we have to mention Chang'e stone. During the Chang'e-5 mission, our scientists discovered a new mineral in lunar samples and named it "Chang'eite". This discovery is of great significance for the study of the geological history and resource distribution of the Moon, and has also become one of the important achievements of the China Space Administration in the field of lunar exploration.

And in this big plan, there is one person who has to mention, that is, Bian Zhigang, deputy director of the China National Space Administration. As an important leader and organizer of the Chang'e-6 mission, he presented the progress and results of the mission at a press conference and responded to NASA Administrator Nelson's questions. He said that China has always been open-minded and willing to cooperate and exchange with other countries, including the United States. Space exploration is the cause of all mankind, and we are willing to make positive contributions to the peaceful use of space by mankind.

The ambition of the China Space Agency, the construction of the Guanghan Palace! The United States, on the other hand, questioned its ambition to monopolize the moon

In response to NASA Administrator Nelson's questioning, I just want to say: Dude, you think too much! We built the Guanghan Palace just to find a home for Sister Chang'e, and by the way, to study how to grow vegetables on the moon. Moreover, space is so big that there is enough for all of us to explore together.

As the saying goes, "It is human nature to explore the unknown." "The big plan of our China Space Agency is to satisfy human curiosity and explore the unknown universe. So, let's look forward to the construction of Guanghan Palace and look forward to more space exploration in the future!

I would like to end this article with a hot phrase on the Internet: "Our journey is a sea of stars!" "Let's march towards the unknown universe together! #头条创作挑战赛 ##头条首发必备指南#

The ambition of the China Space Agency, the construction of the Guanghan Palace! The United States, on the other hand, questioned its ambition to monopolize the moon

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