
The 59-year-old sister failed plastic surgery and made a big fuss in the hospital, but when she redid it, she found the "cat greasy" in it!


On Sunday, a news about the failure of plastic surgery has aroused widespread concern in the society. According to reports, a 59-year-old woman suffered a "disfigured" nightmare after undergoing plastic surgery at a plastic surgery hospital. This woman not only made a big fuss in the hospital to defend her rights, but also exposed some "cats" in the plastic surgery industry after re-undergoing surgery.

The 59-year-old sister failed plastic surgery and made a big fuss in the hospital, but when she redid it, she found the "cat greasy" in it!

The 59-year-old woman, surnamed Zhang, has never been very satisfied with her appearance. On the recommendation of a friend, she came to the plastic surgery hospital in the hope of improving her image through plastic surgery. However, the results after the surgery disappointed Ms. Zhang. Her face was visibly deformed, and her skin became loose and inelastic, far from what she had expected.

The 59-year-old sister failed plastic surgery and made a big fuss in the hospital, but when she redid it, she found the "cat greasy" in it!

Faced with such an outcome, Ms. Zhang was very angry and disappointed. She went to the hospital several times to ask for a solution, but the hospital has not been able to give a satisfactory answer. After several fruitless negotiations, Ms. Zhang decided to take more drastic action to protect her rights and interests. She went to the lobby of the hospital, loudly complained about the hospital's negligence, and demanded that the hospital take corresponding responsibility.

Ms. Zhang's rights protection action has attracted the attention of the hospital. With the coordination of the relevant departments, the hospital decided to re-operate Ms. Zhang to repair her previous mistakes. However, in the process of re-operation, Ms. Zhang unexpectedly found some shocking "catty".

According to Ms. Zhang, before re-operation, the doctor promised her that he would use the most advanced surgical techniques and the highest quality surgical materials. However, during the actual operation, she found that the surgical instruments and materials used by the doctors were quite rudimentary and inferior. This made her seriously question the professionalism and integrity of the hospital.

The 59-year-old sister failed plastic surgery and made a big fuss in the hospital, but when she redid it, she found the "cat greasy" in it!

What's more, Ms. Zhang also suffered from the doctor's negligence during the operation. According to her recollection, the doctors not only operated irregularly during the operation, but also made obvious mistakes. This led to infections and other complications in her wounds, causing great pain and discomfort to her body.

The 59-year-old sister failed plastic surgery and made a big fuss in the hospital, but when she redid it, she found the "cat greasy" in it!

Faced with such a situation, Ms. Zhang felt very angry and helpless. She believes that the hospital should not only be held responsible for the failure of her surgery, but also compensate her for the additional pain and loss she suffered during the re-operation.

The 59-year-old sister failed plastic surgery and made a big fuss in the hospital, but when she redid it, she found the "cat greasy" in it!

This incident has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. Many people have expressed concern and dissatisfaction with the chaos in the plastic surgery industry. They believe that plastic surgery should be a rigorous and professional medical service, but in reality, there are many non-standard and unsafe phenomena. This will not only harm the rights and health of consumers, but also have a negative impact on the image and reputation of the entire industry.

In response to this incident, the relevant departments have launched an investigation. They said they would strengthen the supervision and management of the plastic surgery industry to ensure the safety and effectiveness of plastic surgery. At the same time, they also call on consumers to choose carefully and consume rationally when choosing plastic surgery institutions, so as not to suffer unnecessary losses and injuries.

The incident also raised questions about the risks and expectations of plastic surgery. Many people believe that plastic surgery, while it can improve appearance and self-confidence, comes with certain risks and uncertainties. Therefore, when choosing plastic surgery, one should fully understand the risks and possible outcomes of the surgery and make a rational decision under the guidance of a doctor.

For Ms. Zhang, the incident was not only a painful experience, but also a profound lesson. She said that she will no longer try plastic surgery lightly, and hopes to remind more people of the risks and options of plastic surgery through her own experience. At the same time, she also hopes that the relevant departments can strengthen the supervision and management of the plastic surgery industry to ensure that the rights and health of consumers are protected.

This failed plastic surgery incident is yet another reminder of the risks and options of plastic surgery. When choosing a plastic surgery institution, we should maintain a rational and cautious attitude, fully understand the risks and possible outcomes of the surgery, and make decisions under the guidance of doctors. At the same time, the relevant authorities should also strengthen the supervision and management of the plastic surgery industry to ensure the safety and effectiveness of plastic surgery and protect the rights and health of consumers.