
"Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" were broadcast at the same time, but the word-of-mouth was very different!

author:A little expert in the entertainment industry

In June 2024, the two highly anticipated costume dramas "Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" will finally be broadcast, which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among the audience. However, the word-of-mouth of these two dramas is very different, and they have become a new topic in the entertainment industry.

Superstar-studded + well-funded "Yan Xinji" was questioned as an old-fashioned plot

"Yan Xinji" was built by a famous film and television company at a cost of hundreds of millions, and invited first-line traffic stars such as Luo Yunxi, Song Yi, and Cheng Lei to play the starring roles, and many senior actors joined. The cast is strong and the production is huge, which makes people have high expectations for the show.

However, as soon as the show was launched, it was complained and questioned by many audiences. Many people believe that the plot setting is old-fashioned, the rhythm of the first few episodes drags on, and the characters are slightly thin. Although the performance of the male and female lead actors is acceptable, due to the lack of character creation, the "CP feeling" between the two is not natural enough and difficult to believe.

"Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" were broadcast at the same time, but the word-of-mouth was very different!

"The plot is so old-fashioned, it's similar to some of the episodes from many years ago, and there's nothing new to say about it. "

"There are a lot of stars, but the actors' performances are mediocre, and the character portrayals are very superficial. "

"The first few episodes were very boring, and they almost turned me into a little show-watching expert. "

Netizens' complaints about this luxuriously produced drama series revealed that simply accumulating stars and funds may not be able to make a wonderful work, and the script and creation are fundamental. Blindly tending to the trend and copying the old model is difficult to impress the aesthetic taste of the current audience.

The new dual-metaverse setting "Spending the Year of China" has swept away bad reviews

is different from "Yan Xinji", which is in a word-of-mouth dilemma, "Du Hua Nian", which was broadcast on the same schedule, has a completely different wave of praise. The play is based on the creation of double world crossing, constructing a unique and imaginative metaverse world, and unfolding the plot around the main line of revenge.

The male and female protagonists Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai played the pride of the sky and Miss Shijia respectively in the play, and their wonderful acting skills and outstanding CP value made the series attract countless fans. Their daily confrontation with each other in the play is not only funny and interesting, but also contains deep meaning, concealing the foreshadowing of the character's growth.

"Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" were broadcast at the same time, but the word-of-mouth was very different!

In addition, "Du Hua Nian" is also not relaxed in terms of costumes, art, photography, etc., and shows a magnificent and bizarre world of ancient costumes in an innovative way. The tight and interlocking plot rhythm makes the audience sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes crying and laughing, and the unprecedented experience of watching the drama is full of praise.

"The plot is amazing, and as soon as it started, it made me a fan! "

"The acting skills of the male and female protagonists are really amazing, and I am completely attracted by their performances. "

"The crew's intentions in art, photography and other production aspects are all in their eyes. "

"I'm looking forward to every episode, and it's so exciting to catch up with the latest episode in one go! "

The data shows that "Du Hua Nian" has broken the 8000+ popularity record on the Youku video station since the second day after it was launched, and this number has soared all the way, and the reputation has continued to rise. It seems that innovation, intentions and the strength of the actors are the key to the success of this show.

"Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" were broadcast at the same time, but the word-of-mouth was very different!

To sum up, although "Yan Xinji" and "Du Hua Nian" were both powerful costume productions at first, due to the difference in creative concepts and presentation methods, the word-of-mouth evaluation of the two is very different. Audiences are more interested in innovative, creative dramas, and clichéd dramas have been

Aesthetic fatigue. At that time, which drama's reputation can finally be completely surpassed, we will wait and see!

Following the above...

In addition to plot innovation and actor strength, "Du Hua Nian" has also done a very good job in marketing and publicity. Since the start of the show, it has continued to make efforts on major social platforms, constantly rendering the atmosphere and hyping up the topic.

Online, the drama party frequently released promotional materials such as stills, tidbits, and interviews, and used popular Internet celebrities and bloggers to carry out grass marketing to attract the attention of a large number of young audiences. Offline, the crew also introduced a variety of fresh marketing methods, such as the cross-dressing experience exhibition, virtual character meeting, etc., which perfectly integrated traditional publicity and trendy gameplay to create a good exposure effect.

In contrast, "Yan Xinji" is in a relatively passive and lagging state in the field of publicity and marketing. The show still adopts the traditional route, lacks novelty and innovative marketing methods, and fails to effectively guide and transform the attention of the target audience.

"The early publicity is too simple, only posting some stills and interviews with actors, it is difficult to attract attention. "

"It's important for marketing to always keep up with trends, and you have to learn to promote it with the help of new media and new channels. "

"Looking at the new tricks that people's "Spending the Year of China" are constantly coming up with, it seems uninteresting on our side. "

In fact, the competition on today's video platforms has become quite cruel, and the high-cost production of a high-quality drama alone can no longer attract enough traffic. Excellent marketing capabilities and innovative publicity and distribution gameplay are the key factors that determine whether a drama can become popular.

Moreover, in addition to online and offline publicity, the team of "Du Hua Nian" is also sloppy in the development of derivatives, and has earned enough word-of-mouth effect.

In the second week of the series, the crew launched a series of merchandise, ranging from stationery and figurines to clothing and accessories, which completely fit the preferences of the young group. What's even more amazing is that the show also exclusively debuted a digital human virtual idol based on the image of the hero and heroine, which immediately caused an uproar in the two-dimensional circle.

"The physical periphery is too complete, and I love every single one! "

"Looking at the scene of the digital person, I felt super feeling, and immediately bought the membership! "

"The actor himself is already very handsome, and the digital person is even more beautiful! "

According to data, the total sales of "Du Hua Nian" exceeded the 20 million yuan mark in just one month, of which the revenue of virtual idol projects accounted for more than 40%. It can be said that the crew's prediction of the demand for drama fans is very accurate, which increases the overall commercial value and influence of the drama.

On the other hand, due to the conservative marketing strategy in the early stage, the surrounding development projects are also in a state of slow progress. Some viewers questioned the crew's failure to do a good job of transmission in time, missed business opportunities, and made it difficult to fully release the commercial value of the show.

"People's "Spending the Year of China" has already launched a variety of peripherals, and we haven't even seen a poster here. "

"The development of some physical digital products is also to further create an atmosphere to attract fans, but unfortunately the opportunity was missed. "

"It is difficult to gather enough attention only by relying on celebrity traffic, and the transformation of commercial value is also a very important part. "

To sum up, in the current environment of fierce competition in video content, if a drama series wants to really become popular, it not only needs excellent script creation and actor performances, but also pays attention to the development of peripheral derivatives and innovative marketing to release the overall commercial value. The team of "Du Hua Nian" has done a good job in these details and has become the most dazzling dark horse in the entertainment industry in recent times. In contrast, if "Yan Xinji" does not adjust its strategy in time, I am afraid it will be difficult to reverse the current unfavorable situation.