
Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

author:Huahua Says Entertainment ---717 Review

At the recent EU summit, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wanted to give the EU policy some drastic medicine, only to find themselves playing a high-stakes chess game, where every move could hit a thunderbolt. This incident not only exposes the contradictions within the EU, but also makes people start to worry.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

The two bigwigs had planned to make a big move at the end of the meeting to adjust the EU's policy priorities, but they didn't expect their proposal to be like a stone thrown into a lake, and the splash was dried before it fell. A person familiar with the situation in the EU circle said that this situation is really rare, indicating that the atmosphere of cooperation within the EU has become a little cool.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

The words of Danish Prime Minister Mette Fraseriksen after the meeting sounded like a direct response to Macron and Scholz: ". The subtext behind this sentence is that the EU's friends are not happy that France and Germany want to use the EU to alleviate their own domestic political problems.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

Macron's political situation at home is also quite embarrassing, and his recent election results have made him a little unable to sit still. However, the polls are not promising, and the possibility that the far-right National Alliance may take the opportunity to rise to power will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire in the EU.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

As for it, although after the summit, he did not reveal too many details, which made people a little more suspicious of the relationship between Germany and France and the future direction.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

Right now, the EU is facing a bunch of thorny issues, such as tensions.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

The internal friction and untimely actions of France and Germany are like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up the EU's unity and decision-making capacity. There are experts who remind,.

Von der Leyen and the EU all vetoed the proposals of Macron and Scholz, netizens: The United States has won again

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