
The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

author:He He said things

"I also thought about taking the entrance examination to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but I was too lazy to take the test." This sentence came out of the mouth of a 16-year-old sophomore high school girl, and it instantly detonated the Internet. People are questioning: Is this just an excuse to cover up failure? However, the facts gave everyone a resounding slap in the face. This seemingly arrogant girl finally proved her choice with her strength. Her story is not only a legend of the growth of a scholar, but also a deep reflection on the essence of education.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

In 2020, Xian Qiqi, a 16-year-old sophomore high school student in Guangdong, said a shocking sentence in an interview: "I also like Tsinghua University and Peking University, but I am too lazy to take the exam." As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

As the top university in China, Tsinghua University and Peking University have always been the dream goal of countless students. Every year during the college entrance examination season, all walks of life will pay close attention to the enrollment dynamics of these two prestigious schools. However, in the face of such an academic palace, Xian Qiqi showed an indifferent attitude, which made many people feel incredible.

Immediately on the Internet, various voices of skepticism and criticism appeared. Some people think that she is making excuses for her lack of effort, some people mock her for not being self-sufficient, and some people accuse her of disrespecting these prestigious schools. Faced with overwhelming doubts, Xian Qiqi chose to remain silent. She did not defend herself, but responded to all the criticism with practical actions.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

When the results of the college entrance examination were announced, Xian Qiqi shocked everyone with an excellent score of 663 points. What's even more surprising is that she finally chose the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China instead of Tsinghua University and Peking University. This choice has made people begin to re-examine this "arrogant" girl, and it has also triggered people's in-depth thinking about education choices.

Xian Qiqi's growth experience can be called a typical record of the cultivation of a top student. She was born into a family of educators and both parents were experienced teachers. Since she was a child, her parents have focused on cultivating her learning ability and interest, rather than simply instilling knowledge.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

When Sin Qiqi was a toddler, her parents used various educational toys to develop her attention and thinking skills. This entertaining and educational approach not only allowed Sin Qiqi to learn through play, but also cultivated her strong interest in learning.

As she grew older, her talent for mathematics gradually emerged. She learns much faster than her peers, and has mastered some of the math knowledge of middle school and even high school in elementary school. This advanced learning ability has laid a solid foundation for her future academic development.

After entering middle school, Xian Qiqi's talents were better played. She was successfully admitted to the Olympiad class of the High School Affiliated to South China Normal University, which is an elite class that brings together many talented teenagers. In this competitive environment, Xian Qiqi not only did not get crushed, but instead stimulated a stronger motivation to learn, and always maintained the first place in the class.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

However, Sin is not satisfied with the status quo. She is eager for greater challenges and a broader academic world. When she happened to learn about the enrollment information of the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China, she was immediately attracted by this project to cultivate scientific research elites.

In order to chase this dream, Xian Qiqi made a bold decision: to take the college entrance examination a year in advance. This meant that she had to complete a course in a short period of time that would have taken two years to complete, and the pressure was understandable. But instead of backing down, with amazing perseverance and wisdom, she finally achieved her goal.

Xian's story provokes people to think about the nature of education. Her choice tells us that true educational success does not lie in blindly pursuing prestigious schools, but in finding the most suitable development path for oneself.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

@学海无涯123: Sin Kiki's choice is amazing! Instead of being bound by the eyes of the world, she bravely followed her interests and dreams. This is the true meaning of education!

Indeed it is. Sin Kiki's choice shows her clear sense of self-worth and a clear plan for the future. She was not confused by the aura of Tsinghua University and Peking University, but chose the junior class of USTC that was more in line with her interests and development direction. This ability to think independently and make independent choices is exactly what modern education advocates.

@理性思考者: I think Sin Qiqi's success is not only due to her personal efforts, but also to her family's science education. Cultivating interests and abilities from an early age is much more important than simply pursuing scores.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

This netizen pointed out the key to education. As educators, Sin Qiqi's parents are well versed in education. They do not adopt a cramming education method, but focus on cultivating children's interest and ability to learn. This scientific educational philosophy laid the foundation for Sin Qiqi's future success.

@教育改革支持者: Sin Ki-ki's story teaches us that education should not be one-size-fits-all. Every child has their own characteristics and potential, and we should respect their choices and help them find the most suitable development path.

This point is very pertinent. Our education system has long focused too much on standardized tests and uniform evaluations to the neglect of the individualized development of students. Sin Kei-ki's choice reminds us that students should be given more options to choose the most suitable development path according to their interests and strengths.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

@社会观察员: I have to say that Xian Qiqi's choice is very far-sighted. Although the junior class of USTC is not as famous as Tsinghua University and Peking University, its advantages in the field of scientific research are beyond doubt. Her choice may pave the way for her future path in scientific research.

This netizen's point of view is very insightful. Xian Qiqi's choice is not only for the short-term, but also for the long-term development. The junior class of USTC is known for cultivating scientific research talents, which is very consistent with Xian Qiqi's interests and strengths. This targeted selection may allow her to go further on the road of scientific research in the future.

@教育公平倡导者: We should not only focus on geniuses like Sin Qiqi, but also think about how to provide fair educational opportunities for every child. Only when more children have access to quality education can our society truly progress.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

This netizen offered a more macro perspective. While Sin Kiki's story is encouraging, we also need to recognize that not every child has access to such a superior education. How to narrow the education gap and provide more children with fair educational opportunities is a problem that our whole society needs to think about and solve together.

Xian Qiqi's story has brought us many inspirations. It tells us that the true meaning of education is not to pursue superficial success, but to cultivate the ability to think independently and make their own choices. It reminds us that every child is a unique individual and needs to be taught according to their individuality, respecting their interests and choices. At the same time, it also leads us to think about how to build a more equitable and diverse education system, so that every child can find their own development path.

The 16-year-old girl threatened to "be too lazy to take the test at Tsinghua University and Peking University", and only after the results did she know: she was really too lazy to take the test!

In this era of rapid change, we need more young people like Sin Qiqi who dare to break the routine and follow their hearts. Their choice and success is not only a personal victory, but also a powerful impact on the entire education system. It prompts us to reflect: what is true educational success? How can we nurture the next generation so that they can find their place in the world of the future?

Sin Kiki's story teaches us that the essence of education is not about standardized test scores, but about bringing out the best in each individual and helping them become the best version of themselves. In this sense, her choice is not only a personal success, but also a possible direction for our education system. Let's hope that there will be more young people like Xian Qiqi who will use their choices and successes to contribute to China's education reform.