
Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

author:Free kitten cm


There is a "wake-up duty schedule" circulating on the Internet, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion. This watch list lists the staff of the middle school, the doctors and nurses of the health center, who seem to have been assigned to hold a wake for someone. This can't help but make people wonder what is the identity of this deceased person, and how can there be such a large-scale mourning activity. Some people say that this is "the dead are greater", but this kind of battle is really surprising.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Judging from the duty schedule, the deceased died on June 22, and the memorial service is scheduled for June 29, with a seven-day wake. Teachers of Chinese, Mathematics and English in the middle school, as well as the principal and director, were also on duty. The same is true at the health center, where nurses and doctors take turns to keep vigils. Everyone can't help but wonder, is this a senior leader or celebrity who has passed away? After all, it is now advocating the simplicity of red and white ceremonies, and such an arrangement is particularly grand.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth
Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

The incident spread on the Internet, causing a lot of speculation and discussion. The Education Bureau couldn't sit still either, and quickly responded that it was verifying and handling the matter, but did not disclose the specific situation. As the results of the investigation were announced, the truth finally emerged: it turned out that the father of a middle school teacher had died. The teacher's wife works at the health center, so colleagues from the school and the health center spontaneously formed a wake. This situation may seem exaggerated, but it is actually a local custom and practice, and it is not a mandatory arrangement, but only provides an opportunity to choose.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

While the truth of the matter has been clarified, it has also sparked a discussion about the balance between traditional customs and modern life. As a tradition of mourning and respect, the wake embodies the strong humanity and traditional values of the community. With the development of society, we also need to think about how to respect tradition without affecting normal work and life. After all, life has to go on, and we can't let our daily work and life fall into chaos because of the wake. What do you think about this?

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Body content

This matter has attracted a lot of attention and discussion. A seemingly ordinary duty schedule has caused such a big response, and there is a profound social and cultural background and human sophistication behind it. First of all, judging from the arrangement on the list, this wake-up involved many staff members of secondary schools and health centers, which undoubtedly increased people's curiosity about the identity of the deceased. After all, it must not be ordinary people who can make so many people spontaneously participate in the wake.

With the official response and the announcement of the results of the investigation, the truth gradually became clear. In fact, the father of an ordinary middle school teacher died, not a big man. This makes one sigh that this teacher's social connections are really strong. But in fact, behind this is more of a continuation of customs and habits. In some places, colleagues and friends spontaneously come to the wake after the death of a loved one as a way to express their condolences and support. It's not just about honoring the deceased, it's about community cohesion.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

This is also illustrated by the explanations of the Education Bureau and the Propaganda Department of the county party committee. They stressed that this wake, which was not mandatory, and that those on the list were simply given a chance to choose. In fact, only a small number of people participated spontaneously, which did not affect the normal work. While this explanation is reasonable, it also provokes people to think about the relationship between traditional customs and modern life.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Some people believe that the wake, as a traditional practice, reflects people's respect for the deceased and support for the living, and is a very humane act. As the saying goes, "human touch, paper is hard to write", this kind of human touch is particularly precious in modern society. However, with the progress of society and the acceleration of the pace of life, we also need to make appropriate adjustments to this custom to meet the needs of modern life.

In addition, from the perspective of community and social management, how to ensure the normal operation of society while respecting tradition is also a question worth exploring. Although this wake-up did not affect the bigger picture, it also reminded us that traditional customs need to evolve with the times in order to continue to play a positive role in modern society.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Through this incident, we see the strong human touch and respect for tradition in the community, but also some confusion and challenges in modern life. How to adapt to the rhythm of modern life while inheriting tradition is a problem that we need to think about and solve together. Perhaps, on the basis of respecting tradition, we can explore some ways to be more flexible and adapt to modern needs, so that traditional customs can be rejuvenated in modern life.

Netizens hotly discussed:

"Forgive me for being lonely, isn't the wake a matter of the immediate family?"

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Netizens ridiculed: "It's really a teacher for one day and a father for life"

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

"Dejiang County will be in 1024 years now"

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

"The whole staff of the health center is also watching, this person is much more powerful than the principal"

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Finally, a local netizen: "Normal, this is a local custom, as long as there is an elderly person in the family who has a unit, he will post the table like this, and it depends on the individual whether he goes or not"

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

Sublimation at the end

This event shows us the delicate balance between traditional customs and modern life. As an ancient custom, the wakes carry people's mourning for the deceased and support for the living, and this human touch is especially precious in modern society. With the development of society and the acceleration of the pace of life, we also need to make appropriate adjustments and innovations to these customs to better adapt to the needs of modern life.

As this incident demonstrated, traditional practices are not static, but need to be constantly innovated and developed in the process of inheritance. On the basis of respecting tradition, we can explore some ways to be more flexible and adapt to modern needs, so that traditional customs can be revitalized in modern life. For example, we can express respect for the deceased through community mutual assistance, online mourning, etc., without affecting normal work and life.

Dejiang arranges the follow-up of the vigil! Official response: The deceased was the teacher's father, and the locals exposed the truth

This incident also reminds us that the human touch and spirit of mutual help in our community is an important part of our society. No matter how times change, this spirit should not be lost. By inheriting and carrying forward this spirit, we can make our society warmer and more loving.

I hope that in our future life, we can continue to innovate and develop while respecting and inheriting traditions, so as to make our lives more beautiful and harmonious. Human touch is the precious wealth of our society, which we should cherish and inherit.

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