
One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

As the summer heat grows, the cold and sweet ice cream is naturally a "must-have" item for citizens to escape the heat. This summer, affordable cold drinks have returned to the mainstream, and this affordable cold drink shop in Yangpu, Guohe Cold Drink Wholesale Store, has become very popular. Recently, many citizens have come to "sweep the goods" to see how the situation is?

One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".
One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".

"Big pudding, eight cents! Eight cents one! "Red bean popsicle? The original price is two dollars a piece, now buy one get one free, and the bulk is only one dollar a piece! ”......

In the evening, when you walk into the Guohe Cold Drink Wholesale Store at No. 1048 Guohe Road, the first thing that catches your eye is a huge price list with white characters on a red background, and the prices of all cold drinks in the store are clear at a glance. Hundreds of cold drinks are neatly arranged in the freezer for people to choose from.

One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".
One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".

"Ice cream for 2-3 yuan sells best, and most people prefer to buy ice cream for less than 5 yuan." Boss Zhao Xuekuan said. Guohe cold drink wholesale store is a "veteran" cold drink wholesale store from snacks to large in Yangpu, and has adhered to the price of the people for many years. With the arrival of summer, business began to flourish. The cold drinks here are 7% off and start in batches, which can be said to be a wholesale signboard, taking into account the retail business.

The simple store has a simple way of purchasing, and the cardboard box serves as a shopping basket, and the citizens who come to buy will take a whole box. Ms. Xie, an old customer, said: "It only costs 49 yuan to take a full bag, and I can eat for several weeks. ”

One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".

The previous "Ice Cream Assassin" made people have their own yardstick for the price of cold drinks. "In the first two years, a lot of ice cream was beautifully packaged, and there were all kinds of unbelievable and strange flavors, ranging from as little as 10 yuan to more than 30 yuan a piece at checkout." An uncle who was buying cold drinks said that he felt that the old brands that everyone was familiar with had returned to the public eye.

Bright brand ice bricks, green mood...... These old brands that are "familiar" to the public are still the main sellers, and the former "Ice Cream Assassin" has also constantly adjusted its prices and gradually returned to a more reasonable and stable pricing range. The reporter visited a large supermarket and found that many ice creams with a price of more than 10 yuan were being discounted. "The original price of Menglong's models is more than 10 yuan, and there have been promotional activities of 6.9% off recently, and it is less than 7 yuan after discount." The promoter said.

One batch! Yangpu's cheap cold drink shop is "hot".

Not only is the price affordable, but the variety is also a major feature of the Guohe cold drink wholesale store. Snow treasures, salt water popsicles, ice bricks, three-color cups...... Both adults and children can taste childhood memories in these cold drinks. In order to meet the health needs of contemporary young people, many old cold drinks have also played "new tricks", such as Guangming's new small cup of light sugar ice cream to choose from. "There are also many new varieties of ice cream this year, but the price is not as high as the new ones in previous years, and the manufacturers have also reduced prices to a certain extent." Zhao Xuekuan said.

In addition, Guohe cold drink wholesale stores have also followed the trend, not only opening online takeaway to provide convenience for the public, but also carrying out online publicity and group buying activities on platforms such as Douyin and Dianping, so that more citizens can enjoy more cost-effective purchase discounts.

Flame Flame Summer Sun

Grab some of your favorite inexpensive ice cream

Enjoy a little cooling

Text/Image: Shen Ying, Wang Yue (intern)

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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