
The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

In order to deeply practice the concept of "People's City", thoroughly implement the employment priority strategy, and promote the realization of fuller and higher-quality employment of college students, on June 28, the "People's City, Happy Shanghai" Shanghai Employment and Entrepreneurship Theme Day and the establishment ceremony of the "District School College Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Alliance" in Yangpu District were held in the lecture hall of the Entrepreneurship Center of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The urban area has joined hands to upgrade the quality of public employment and entrepreneurship services to help graduates set sail in the wind.

Urban synergy to nurture career guides

Career guidance is the soul of employment and entrepreneurship services, and it is also an important guarantee for the high-quality and sustainable development of public employment services. In recent years, Yangpu has promoted learning and training through competitions, promoted the continuous improvement of the professional level of the regional vocational guidance team, and the strength of public employment and entrepreneurship services has been growing day by day.

A few days ago, Shanghai held the first job search ability training teacher class and 4 sessions of "Ma Lanhua Plan" lecturer training, a total of 5 people in Yangpu obtained job search ability training teachers, 14 people became "licensed" entrepreneurship training lecturers. At the event, the lecturer representative was awarded a certificate. In addition, after fierce competition, two grassroots workers in Yangpu won awards in the selection and evaluation of the 3rd Public Employment Service Business Competition (Shanghai). The event presented awards to the winners on the spot.

The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves

As a "post-90s" Ma Lanhua training lecturer, Zhang Tinghe has nearly ten years of entrepreneurial experience. He told reporters that the mentor is mainly from the perspective of experience, environment, market and management, and provides professional guidance to young college students with entrepreneurial intentions. The "Ma Lanhua" lecturer training meeting will systematically train everyone from multiple dimensions such as the personality characteristics of entrepreneurs and whether they are suitable for entrepreneurship to help make up for shortcomings and improve the awareness and ability of lecturers.

Government and enterprises work together to create the first choice for talent development

Enterprises are the most basic container for employment, the "chassis" for the employment of college graduates, and the "stage" for talent development. With the agglomeration and development of Yangpu's new economic industries and the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, it has not only promoted the quality and efficiency of the regional economy, but also brought more and higher-quality jobs.

The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves

According to the relevant person in charge of the Yangpu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, "Since 2022, Yangpu has issued nearly 360 million yuan in various employment and entrepreneurship subsidies, benefiting more than 9,000 enterprises. Taking 'Xiaohongshu Technology Co., Ltd.' and 'Shanghai KFC Co., Ltd.' as examples, they can get 'million subsidies' after the policies are superimposed. ”

At the scene, Yangpu issued a policy subsidy "gift package" totaling nearly 5 million yuan to two enterprises. The School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Siping Road Sub-district issued "Jingyi Service Card" to the representatives of the 8 award-winning enterprises of the "China Chuangyi" Yangpu District Competition, and will also provide tracking services including media publicity, resource docking, loan financing and so on in the future.

Not only that, Yangpu also excavated job resources by carrying out enterprise services, establishing demand lists, issuing service packages, etc., giving full play to the role of job aggregation and sharing mechanisms, and carried out a series of recruitment activities such as "Career Leads to the Future, Joyful Yangpu" to ensure that there are weekly recruitment, monthly activities, and employment services The frequency and popularity of employment services are not reduced, and explore the ability to improve the adaptability of positions and talents by touching the graduates' majors across the front row and matching the recruitment needs of enterprises in advance, and strive to make young talents in colleges and universities fall in love with Yangpu, stay in Yangpu, and take root in Yangpu.

The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves

As one of the "highlights" of employment promotion, the successful holding of the job-seeking ability training camp has provided a way for many young people in the district to explore and realize themselves. During the six-day training, Cheng Xiang, a member of the training camp from Yinhang Street, had a new understanding of the content of personal resume revision and interview skills. "The curriculum of the whole training camp is very reasonable, first let us understand the career we like, find confidence and direction, and then give professional advice according to our different personal situations."

The linkage of the three districts serves the whole cycle of graduation and job hunting

The event launched the "District School College Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Cooperation Alliance", marking another solid step forward in Yangpu District School Cooperation. The alliance will be led by the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and will join hands with colleges and universities in the district, member units of the District Employment Work Leading Group, streets, science and technology parks and human resources institutions, and is committed to providing intensive and diversified public employment and entrepreneurship services for young people, including college students, and in-depth implementation of the "training-internship-apprenticeship-employment" chain service, from guiding concepts to creating opportunities, and then to accurately matching supply and demand, and infiltrating public employment services into all aspects of college students' employment. Enhance the adhesion between students and enterprises in the preparatory stage of employment, build a win-win platform for graduates and enterprises, introduce high-quality industries and industrial resources according to local conditions, and help college students and other young people to find employment and start businesses.

The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves

Shi Yuqi, a graduate of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, obtained an internship opportunity at Shanghai Lanmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd. through the Yangpu District Talent Training Program, and has successfully become a regular employee. When it comes to this internship experience, Shi Yuqi still feels that he has gained a lot. "I am very grateful to Yangpu District for providing such a platform for our fresh graduates, so that we can comprehensively improve our abilities in some more mature enterprises, and learn how to better communicate and collaborate with others."

It is worth mentioning that in order to make employment services closer to the people, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has carefully built and launched the "Xiaoyang" employment service brand. Fudan students were invited to serve as ambassadors for college students' employment, and called on contemporary college students to establish the concept of "employment first and then career choice".

The relevant person in charge of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said that in the future, the "Xiaoyang" brand will focus on the needs of employment groups, adopt online and offline integration, rely on the "15-minute community employment service station" and the "happy business space" of colleges and universities, build an all-round communication and interaction platform in the community, campus and park, provide various forms of public employment services such as consultation and Q&A, live interaction, topic teaching, and face-to-face communication, and build a public employment service system that covers a comprehensive, throughout the whole region, and radiates the whole process, so as to comprehensively promote high-quality and full employment in the region.

The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves
The city joins hands to escort the graduation season! Yangpu helps young talents to ride the wind and waves

The event was guided by the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Yangpu District People's Government and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, co-sponsored by the Shanghai Employment Promotion Center and Yangpu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and fully supported by 8 universities in the region, including Fudan University, Tongji University and Shanghai Electric Power University.

Text: Dou Yuqi

Image: Wang Ziliang

Editor: Wu Baixin

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu