
The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

author:Yanqi County Rong Media Center
The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 30, Chen Xuanbo, secretary of the Yanqi County Party Committee, led the county leaders to carry out visits and condolences at the grassroots level, sending the party's care and warmth to the families of party members who died in the line of duty, the "three old" personnel and party members in difficulty, and extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings.

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Chen Xuanbo and his entourage visited the homes of Pu Xueqiang, the family members of the party members who died in the line of duty, Huang Defang, the "three elders", and Erken Saimaiti, a party member who was in difficulty, and asked them about their daily life, health status and family economic situation, and told them to take care of their health, live optimistically, and report any difficulties to the organization in a timely manner, and send condolences and condolences to everyone.

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

In his condolences, Chen Xuanbo stressed that the party and the government will never forget the great contributions made by those who died in the line of duty to the cause of the party and the people, and at the same time thanked the veteran party members for their contributions to the party's cause and the economic and social development of Yanqi, and said that they would make every effort to help solve the difficulties they encountered in their lives. Relevant departments are required to increase their care and assistance for party members who are in difficulty, always keep the safety and well-being of the masses in mind, and do practical things for them and solve problems, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party organization. I hope that everyone will continue to care about and support the development of Yanqi, make suggestions and suggestions for economic development, social and people's livelihood, and publicize the party's policies. The old party members have expressed that they will stick to their original intentions, listen to the party's words, feel the party's kindness, follow the party, educate and lead future generations to continue to contribute to the cause of the party and the people under the guidance of the party, so that the party's cause will continue to grow in the torch. On June 30, Ma Yanbin, deputy secretary of the Yanqi County Party Committee and county magistrate, visited the families of party members and cadres who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, party members in difficulty and the "three old" personnel, sent them the party's care and warmth, and extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings.

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

At the home of Gao Yan, a family member who died in the line of duty, Ma Yanbin learned in detail about their family's production and living conditions and the employment of their children, thanked them for their contributions to the party's cause and the county's economic and social development, and encouraged them to strengthen their confidence, take care of their health, and live an optimistic life. He urged the responsible persons of relevant departments to show more concern for the daily lives of the families who died in the line of duty, and to find ways to help them solve practical difficulties, so that they can always feel the warmth of the party and the government. At the home of Maihemuti Ikemu, a party member who is in difficulty, Ma Yanbin learned in detail about their production and living conditions, and encouraged them to build up confidence and believe that life will get better and better. He also told the relevant departments to strengthen daily household visits, pay more attention to the production and life of the people in difficulty, and actively implement various assistance policies and measures, so that the people in difficulty can feel the care and warmth of the party organization.

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

At the home of Zhang Qianyou, a member of the "three elders", Ma Yanbin had a knee-to-knee conversation with the elderly, asked them about their physical condition, daily life, children's work, etc., and extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings to them on behalf of the county party committee and the county government. He specially instructed the responsible persons of the relevant work to focus on taking care of their daily life, to always keep their well-being in mind, and to send the care of the party and the government to them with practical actions. On June 30, Xiao Zhenxin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the Yanqi County People's Congress, visited and condoled the party members who were in difficulty and sent them the party's care and warmth.

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Xiao Zhenxin and his entourage visited and condoled with party members Wuergul Kurban and Ma Jing, who were living in difficulty. Everywhere he went, Xiao Zhenxin carefully inquired about their life, work and physical health, whether there were any difficulties and problems that needed to be solved, and encouraged them to build confidence and face difficulties with an optimistic and positive attitude. He also told the relevant units and departments to earnestly adhere to the bottom line of people's livelihood, visit more, contact more, and communicate more, always keep the well-being of families in difficulty in their hearts, find ways to solve problems for them, do a good job in service guarantee work conscientiously and meticulously, and make every effort to implement the care of the party and the government. Through the visit and condolence activities, the concern and concern for the old party members and party members in difficulty were expressed, which further enhanced the cohesion, appeal and centripetal force of the party organization, and played an important role in serving the masses, uniting people's hearts, and promoting harmony and stability. On June 30, Tian Deji, Secretary of the CPPCC Party Group and Chairman of Yanqi County, and his party came to the homes of party members in difficulty to convey the party's care and warmth.

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

At the home of Gao Xue'an, a veteran party member who was living in difficulty, Tian Deji cordially inquired about his physical condition, family income, living security, etc., and sent sincere greetings and best wishes. At the home of Patigul Maimat, a party member who is in difficulty, he asked her about her physical condition and living situation, and hoped that she would continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, be a good propagandist of the party and the government's policy of benefiting the people, and guide the people around her to improve the quality of life and create a better tomorrow with a strong and optimistic attitude towards life. Through visits and condolences, we will further promote the care of party members who are in difficulty in life, implement various assistance policies and measures, increase the intensity of assistance, and sincerely do practical things for them and solve problems, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party. (Buy Lan Yanmu)

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Source: Yanqi County Rong Media Center

Review: Liu Yu

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yan

Editor: Ma Xiaoyan

The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
The party's care warms people's hearts The leaders of Yanqi County carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

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