
Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately

author:Tianjin emergency
Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately
Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately

On the morning of June 29, Qu Haifu, deputy secretary of the Jinghai District Party Committee and head of the district, Wang Yuna and Chen Guogang, members of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, Zhang Yongtao, deputy head of the district, and Bai Bingbing led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot. He stressed that all departments at all levels should enhance their sense of danger, maintain a high degree of vigilance, persist in moving the checkpoints forward, get a good grasp of all aspects of flood prevention and drought control, ensure the safe and stable passage of the flood in the whole region, and earnestly ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately

Qu Haifu and other leaders inspected the Liangwangzhuang Pumping Station, the construction site of the low-lying area of Shengli Street in the urban area and the district flood control materials warehouse, the Zhutou Drainage Canal, the Ziya River Dike and the Wangkou Water Lifting Station, the Liuguanzhuang Rainwater Pumping Station, the Dongfang Rainwater Pumping Station and the Yundong Drainage and Dredging Site, the Qingbei Flood Distribution Gate of the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area, the Flood Control Materials Warehouse of Taitou Town and the Wubao Water Lifting Station, etc., listened to the flood control work arrangements, the implementation of responsibilities, the progress of key projects and the report of the emergency plan, and understood the life-saving equipment and emergency material reserves. Carefully check whether the flood control materials and equipment are preset in place, whether the emergency rescue personnel are familiar with the operation and use of emergency drainage equipment, the operation of facilities and equipment and the implementation of safety precautions in key parts.

Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately

Qu Haifu stressed that now that the flood season has begun, all departments at all levels in the region should firmly establish the concept of people first and life first, further enhance the sense of worry, strengthen the bottom-line thinking, adhere to the pass forward, prevention first, strengthen rain and flood monitoring and early warning, pay close attention to key parts and key links to strengthen inspections and inspections, and effectively weave a dense flood prevention safety net. It is necessary to speed up the construction progress of the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction project in the Haihe River basin after the "23.7" catastrophic flood, do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down, strictly control the quality of the project, make up for the shortcomings and loopholes, and improve the ability to prevent and reduce disasters. It is necessary to resolutely overcome the mentality of paralysis and laxity, take precautions, plan ahead, scientifically and accurately make flood prevention plans, and prepare sufficient equipment and materials. It is necessary to tighten the responsibility for compaction, strengthen emergency response during the flood season, and do a good job in the reinforcement of key parts such as rivers, bridges, sluices, and pumping stations to ensure that they play a role in the flood season. It is necessary to tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster reduction at all times, be strictly on duty, strengthen overall planning and scheduling, and ensure the safety of the whole region during the flood season.

Responsible comrades of the district government office, district prevention office, emergency bureau, water affairs bureau and other relevant departments and townships participated.

Source: Jinghai Emergency

Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately

Editor/Reviewer: Zhu Xinkai

Review: Liu Chunxiang

Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately
Leaders of the Jinghai District Government led a team to inspect the emergency preparedness for flood control on the spot, enhance the awareness of danger, strengthen overall planning, and respond scientifically and accurately