
Tea recommendations for men and women in summer: different tea options for different genders

author:Cola for strong tea

Summer has arrived so inadvertently, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and tea has become everyone's summer relieving product. But you know what? In fact, there is still a little difference between men and women in choosing tea. This doesn't mean that we men have to drink that kind of strong tea, and women can only drink flower tea. No, it's just because everyone's tastes and needs are different. So today, let's talk about how you should choose tea this summer.

Let's start with our men. In summer, a refreshing cup of green tea is a lifesaver! Think about it, after a busy day's work, sweating profusely, how comfortable it is to have a cup of green tea at this time! The tea leaves are floating in the water, and I feel good when I look at it. Take a sip, the fragrance can simply make people forget the tiredness of the day. Moreover, green tea can also help relieve the heat, which is a good choice in summer!

Tea recommendations for men and women in summer: different tea options for different genders

Also, oolong tea is also quite suitable for us men. Especially for those men who often need to go out to socialize and have dinner with friends, oolong tea is a good thing. Not only does it help you digest food, but it also degreases. You think, you eat more barbecue and crayfish in summer, wouldn't it be beautiful to have a cup of oolong tea! It not only satisfies the appetite, but also takes care of the body's health.

Oh yes, there is also Pu'er tea, this tea, especially suitable for us middle-aged men. Pu'er tea can lower lipids and blood pressure, and can also nourish the stomach. On a summer afternoon, make a pot of Pu'er tea leisurely, and read a book or listen to music while drinking tea, how pleasant! What's more, Pu'er tea also helps to relax and reduce stress.

What about our ladies? It's nice to have a cup of rose tea in the summer! Rose tea not only has a pleasant aroma and a sweet taste; It also has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin! In summer, ultraviolet rays are so strong that the skin is easily injured; So, a cup of rose tea can not only replenish moisture but also maintain the skin; It's a double win! And it's a pleasure to drink~

Tea recommendations for men and women in summer: different tea options for different genders

There is also jasmine tea, which is also a good choice for ladies in summer; Its aroma is particularly fresh and has a good breath freshening effect; If you feel discomfort in your mouth after eating a heavy food; Then a cup of jasmine tea is the right thing! Not only does it remove odors from your mouth, but it also gives you a refreshing feeling; Keep you in a good mood in the summer~

Of course, lemon black tea is also one of the summer teas that cannot be missed! Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity; Black tea, on the other hand, helps to refresh the mind and improve work efficiency; The combination of the two can not only beautify the skin, but also enhance immunity; It's the perfect match for a summer day! Imagine drinking a cup of cold lemon tea on a hot summer day; It's so sour!

Of course, some teas are suitable for both men and women; For example, chrysanthemum tea is one of them! Chrysanthemum tea has the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the eyes, and it can also lower blood pressure! It's a lifesaver for those who work in front of the computer for a long time! A cup of chrysanthemum tea can not only relieve eye fatigue but also maintain health care; Why not?

Honeysuckle tea is also a good choice in summer! Honeysuckle has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, especially suitable for drinking in summer; Whether you're a man or a woman, if you're feeling hot or have a sore throat, then a cup of honeysuckle tea is the place to be! It can not only help you relieve your symptoms, but also bring you a cool~

Let me give you some tips for drinking tea in summer: First of all, although tea is good for the body, we can't drink too much! Generally speaking, the amount of tea you drink is limited to three to five cups a day! Secondly, we should avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach, because drinking tea on an empty stomach may irritate our gastric mucosa and cause discomfort! So it's best to drink tea half an hour to an hour after the meal! Also, let's choose tea according to our own physique, because everyone's physique is different! Finally, it is also very important to pay attention to the temperature of the water, do not brew directly with boiling water when making tea, which will destroy the nutrients in the tea, it is best to leave the boiling water for a few minutes before making tea!

Tea recommendations for men and women in summer: different tea options for different genders

Oh, having said all that, have you already found the summer tea you want? Both men and women can find a tea that suits them this summer and enjoy a healthy and refreshing summer! So, hurry up and make yourself a good cup of tea! Don't let this summer leave you with regrets!