
The best way to love yourself in retirement is: Keep!

author:Qianfan said
The best way to love yourself in retirement is: Keep!

Recently, I participated in a health diet therapy group, and there will be a one-hour live class every night.

In order to save time, I spend my lecture time on the treadmill exercising.

After an hour of workouts and lectures, I feel comfortable and feel like I'm really good at using my time.

The reason why I took health classes is because I have been busy at work for decades, I don't cook much, and I don't know anything about the matching of ingredients.

After retiring, I realized the importance of health and felt that cooking was also a very fun thing, so I wanted to take care of my health and the health of my family by learning health knowledge.

In my opinion, an important manifestation of a person's love for themselves after retirement is one word: keep

One is to keep your health

When I was younger, I didn't pay much attention to my health, and it wasn't until I was in my forties that my body couldn't control my fortune and I realized that I really needed to exercise.

So I started walking briskly on the treadmill, and after three months, my weight dropped and my skin became firm and transparent.

Friends say I'm a few years younger than I used to be.

But when it comes to cooking, I'm not that interested in it.

After retiring, I read some health care knowledge, and realized that eating three meals a day is the best way to regulate the body.

Now I insist on exercising every day, learning health knowledge, and paying attention to the nutritional combination of three meals.

In my opinion, maintaining the health of myself and my family after retirement is the most important thing in life.

The best way to love yourself in retirement is: Keep!

The second is to keep your money

Some time ago, I participated in an offline salon of self-media and met several middle-aged people.

Some of them are restaurants, some are tourists, and some are in the clothing business. Everyone is lamenting that business is too difficult to do now.

Coincidentally, they are all thinking about changing careers.

It also made me realize that it is becoming more and more difficult to earn money nowadays, not only for young people to find jobs, but also for middle-aged people.

Fortunately, our retirees have their own pensions, so that they can live a worry-free life after retirement.

But after retirement, we must also guard our money, do not invest indiscriminately, do not spend for face, do not buy some items with low practical value, and do a good job in family property planning.

This is not only a guarantee for a happy life in his old age, but also a reduction in the pressure on his children's lives.

The third is to keep the warmth of the family

More than ten years ago, I knew a business owner who was doing well when he was young, and he didn't look down on his wife from the countryside.

Over the years, I have been looking for juniors and juniors outside, and as a result, I broke my wife's heart.

After their son went to work, his wife moved in with his son and ignored his life.

In the past few years, the business has not been good, and a lot of the money he originally earned has been lost, and the women who are good with her can't make any benefits, so they leave him one by one.

Now he lives alone, and his life is deserted.

When people reach middle age, especially after retirement, we must guard our families and keep the warmth of our families.

Give your partner more thoughtfulness and understanding, give your children more care and warmth, don't argue about right and wrong, don't argue about winning or losing, and save for your old age.

The fourth is to keep the curiosity of things

In the past, I was a person who was complacent, focusing only on the little things at hand and rarely interested in other things.

As a result, life is monotonous and boring, and life is boring.

After reading some books in the past few years, I realized that this was the result of a lack of curiosity about life.

After I retired, I tried to change myself, to take my attention away from myself and focus on external things.

Challenge yourself to do something different, meet some people who are different from you, and analyze the reasons behind the phenomenon through psychological knowledge.

When I do this, life becomes colorful and interesting.

In my opinion, keeping our curiosity about things after retirement can help us have a young and happy attitude on the way to old age.

The best way to love yourself in retirement is: Keep!

Oscar Wilde said: Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

On the road of life, we don't have to pursue perfection in everything, nor do we have to care about the eyes of others, as long as we have a healthy body, abundant money, family warmth, and curiosity about things.

On the road for the rest of your life, you can have more confidence and live the second half of your life.