
Actual combat training! In this way, Uda trains young cadres

author:Daily Uda

In order to comprehensively improve the ability of young cadres in policy theory, investigation and research, and problem-solving, and forge a team of young cadres who meet the standards of good cadres in the new era, have firm theoretical literacy, are loyal, clean and responsible, and are determined to benefit the people. From June 13th to 28th, the Organization Department of the Wuda District Party Committee and the Party School of the District Party Committee organized a seminar on the high-quality development of young cadres. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the seminar takes the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, and adopts the four-in-one "soul-casting" model of "Party School Lecturer Theory + Department Head Knowing Situation + Special Seminar to Promote Learning + Quality Development and Strengthening the Body", combining the party's innovative theory with the actual situation of the region, combining learning and discussion with quality development, and guiding young cadres to improve their ability and ability in strengthening dialectical thinking, overcoming panic in skills, and solving problems and difficulties.

Strengthen political tempering, and forge the soul with the party's innovative theory. The new era has put forward higher requirements for the cultivation of party spirit, ability and quality of young cadres, and only by strengthening the party's innovative theoretical armament can it withstand the test of the times. Based on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the lecturers of the party schools at the city and district levels educate young cadres to firmly grasp the main line of forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, deeply study the history of the party, inherit the red gene, and constantly strengthen the theoretical armament and enhance ideals and beliefs. In the profound understanding of the party's innovative theory of the broad and profound ideological system, the profound and long-lasting feelings of the people, and the fruitful practical power, we will further improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution.

Actual combat training! In this way, Uda trains young cadres

Broaden your horizons and expand your overall thinking from a professional perspective. In order to cultivate the ability of young cadres to look at the overall situation outside of the domain, so that they can have an all-round in-depth understanding of the actual situation of our region. The main persons in charge of 13 departments, including the District Party Committee Office, the Party School, the Development and Reform Commission, the Education Bureau, and the Commerce Bureau, and industry experts, were invited to give lectures to 29 young cadres. Based on the key tasks of the unit and the actual situation of the district, the main persons in charge of each department analyzed the economic development, industrial transformation, grassroots governance, people's livelihood and the implementation of the five major tasks in Wuda District from a professional perspective, which not only clarified the goals and tasks of our district, but also pointed out the shortcomings and weaknesses. Encourage young cadres to base themselves on their own work, start from small things, bit by bit, and constantly improve their professional quality.

Actual combat training! In this way, Uda trains young cadres

Pay attention to the combination of learning and application, and guide the actual work with innovative theories. In order to test the learning effectiveness of young cadres, special seminars were organized according to the theoretical lectures in the early stage and the actual learning content of the district conditions. The young cadres were divided into three discussion groups, which conducted in-depth discussions and exchanged speeches on improving their ability to perform their duties, actively taking responsibility, and promoting the detailed implementation of the five major tasks in our district. Based on their own realities, the young cadres have integrated the learning results with their own work, and shared their learning insights, work experiences and next steps closely related to the theme of the seminar, so as to achieve theoretical guidance and practice.

Actual combat training! In this way, Uda trains young cadres

Add motivation and vitality to get out of the thorny road with a strong body. This seminar not only focuses on learning the mind to shape the soul, but also pays attention to strengthening the body and improving the quality, so as to "strengthen the heart" and "strengthen the body". From June 27th to 28th, a two-day and one-night fully enclosed quality development activity was carried out, and special projects such as "Eventful Years", "Peak Team" and "Fighting the World in a Group" were carried out through team formation, brainstorming, physical training, party history learning, sharing insights, etc., so as to comprehensively improve the personal pressure, teamwork and self-driving ability of young cadres, so that young cadres can devote themselves to the fiery practice of building a beautiful Wuda with more enthusiasm, more unity and more abundant energy.

The blueprint draws a thousand scenes, and strives to sail thousands of miles. Young cadres will take this high-quality development seminar as an opportunity to strive to transform the new theories and knowledge they have learned into new ideas and new measures to perform their duties, and contribute wisdom and strength to the all-round promotion of the high-quality economic and social development of our district.