
Slap Lai Qingde in the face! The green camp dared to send Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine", and the blue camp dismissed Lai's nephew


After Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" reform bill was submitted to "interpret the Constitution," the Green Battalion's counterattack against the Blue and White Battalion did not stop, but intensified. This is not surprising at all, the KMT's chief summoner Fu Laiqing and the People's Party's chief summon Huang Guochang have publicly stated on more than one occasion that they will use the investigative powers granted by the reform bill to "catch all the cases" involving DPP officials, and mention the "high-end vaccine procurement case" by name, but these are absolutely unacceptable to the green camp.

Slap Lai Qingde in the face! The green camp dared to send Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine", and the blue camp dismissed Lai's nephew

Recently, according to a number of Taiwanese media reports, with the acquiescence of Lai Qingde, on June 30, the "Shanhai Citizens Demolition Action" launched by the flank of the Green Camp against the ouster of Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang has entered the second phase, with a total of 36,000 signatures, 116% of the threshold. Some Taiwanese scholars bluntly said that judging from the current number of signatures, the removal of Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang by the Green Camp can be said to be an ironclad matter, and the rest is only a matter of procedure and time.

Slap Lai Qingde in the face! The green camp dared to send Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine", and the blue camp dismissed Lai's nephew

Xie Guoliang is a bigwig in the Kuomintang, and the Green Camp is obviously "moving the real character" by taking Xie Guoliang under the knife. However, the Green Camp had another purpose in attacking Xie Guoliang: to encircle and suppress those who were close to the mainland. During his visit to the mainland, Xie Guoliang openly stated that he adhered to the "consensus of '92" and opposed "Taiwan independence." Such remarks undoubtedly pierced the "sensitive nerves" of the DPP authorities.

The mainland has just issued the "22 Measures for Punishing Taiwan Independence", and the green camp's dismissal of Xie Guoliang at this time is also one of the strategies to counter the mainland, warning those in the blue camp who have close ties with the mainland that it is best to stay away from the mainland, otherwise it will also be Xie Guoliang's fate.

Slap Lai Qingde in the face! The green camp dared to send Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine", and the blue camp dismissed Lai's nephew

In the face of the counterattack of the green battalion, the blue and white battalion obviously will not sit still. The "tough guy" Fu Laiqing is the vanguard of the green camp, and he openly said that if Xie Guoliang is deposed, then the blue camp will remove Tong Ziwei and Wu Siyao, the chairmen of the Keelung City Council. Tong Ziwei is not an ordinary DPP official, he is also Lai Qingde's cousin, it should be said that the blue camp aimed at Tong Ziwei for "disgusting" Lai Qingde.

In fact, the removal of Xie Guoliang by the Green Camp is only one of the goals, and the real purpose is to regain control of the "Legislative Yuan." The Green Think Tank has publicly stated that the reason why the "Legislative Yuan" reform bill has allowed Blue and White to succeed in "interpreting the Constitution" is because the Green Committee is at a disadvantage in the "Legislative Yuan", and the Green Committee can "take advantage of the opportunity" to force out the Blue Committee and the White Committee through the recall action.

Slap Lai Qingde in the face! The green camp dared to send Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine", and the blue camp dismissed Lai's nephew

The blue camp obviously knew the green camp's thoughts, so it directly submitted a motion to the "Legislative Yuan" to "raise the recall threshold", and Fu Laiqing made it clear that the amendment bill had been scheduled for discussion in the "Legislative Yuan" and was expected to be discussed next Thursday. Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun also "waved his flag and shouted" for raising the recall threshold, saying that it was unreasonable for someone to be elected with 100,000 votes but be recalled by 50,000 or 60,000 votes against.

Regarding the blue camp's advocacy of raising the recall threshold, Ke Jianming, the "old fox" of the green camp, warned when attending an unveiling event that if the blue camp and the white camp join forces again to forcibly promote the amendment to the "Election and Recall Law", the green camp will do whatever it takes, and will inevitably send the Kuomintang Keelung mayor Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine"; Then he shouted to Ke Wenzhe that if the white camp is still "in collusion" with the blue camp, the county and city councilors of the People's Party may be recalled.

Slap Lai Qingde in the face! The green camp dared to send Xie Guoliang to the "guillotine", and the blue camp dismissed Lai's nephew

It should be pointed out that the green camp has been trying to dismantle the cooperation between the blue camp and the white camp, and has repeatedly used Huang Shanshan of the white camp as a breakthrough. Recently, it has been rumored that Huang Shanshan has been active in private, preparing to take the opportunity to take over Xie Guoliang's position. However, the Green Camp's plan to remove the White Camp Hsinchu Gao Hongan once again pushed the White Camp to the Blue Camp, leading Ke Wenzhe to decide to support the Blue Camp's proposal to amend the "Election and Recall Law".

Original: Potatoes