
Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."


Although the Taiwan authorities argued that this move was not a countermeasure to the mainland's "22 punishments for Taiwan independence" but a reminder to the people on the island to pay attention to travel safety, this explanation of distorting the facts and framing the people on the island has not won the support of the tourism practitioners on the island.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

On the contrary, Taiwan's tourism industry is actively communicating with the mainland. According to a number of media reports, the 22-member Fuzhou Tourism Association Matsu Stepping Group, led by Han Ming, president of the Fuzhou Tourism Association, successfully arrived at Nangan Fuao Port and is expected to return to Fuzhou Langqi by boat on July 1. A number of senior government officials of Lianjiang County went to the wharf to greet them, and a welcoming ceremony was held to show the solemnity, and it is obvious that Lianjiang County attaches great importance to the mainland tourists' trip to Matsu.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

Sun Xiaohao, chairman of the Matsu Tourism Association, expressed the hope that the Matsu tour can drive the tourism industry in Matsu and resume normal tourism exchanges faster. The success of the Matsu stepping group has made Kinmen tourism practitioners envious, and they hope that the Kinmen legislators and the county government can also take action to break through the deadlock as soon as possible and strive for mainland tourists to come to Kinmen.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

The statements made by tourism practitioners in Kinmen and Matsu have undoubtedly slapped the DPP authorities in the face, thoroughly exposing that the DPP's restriction of Taiwan island people from traveling to the mainland on the grounds of so-called security is a scam. Earlier, Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan also mocked the DPP that if the DPP is really for the safety of the people on Taiwan Island, it should actively communicate with the mainland instead of exacerbating the conflict.

As a matter of fact, restricting people from Taiwan from traveling to the mainland is a means used by the "Taiwan independence elements" headed by Lai Ching-te to carry out separatist activities, including investigating mainland journalists stationed in Taiwan, all of which are to prevent the Taiwan people from communicating and communicating with the mainland people and to prevent the Taiwan people from learning the truth.

You must know that just recently, the Taiwan authorities severely punished a professor of business administration at Tamkang University, who had led young Taiwanese students to visit the mainland and referred to the mainland as the "motherland" in an interview with the mainland media. It was this act that aroused strong dissatisfaction among the DPP authorities, and finally launched an investigation against the professor for violating the principle of "reciprocal dignity" communication.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

In addition to doing their utmost to block information on Taiwan and control public opinion on Taiwan, the DPP authorities have also actively sought support from external forces. A few days ago, when Lai Qingde met with the US congressional delegation, he hoped in person that the United States would bring in more international forces.

Recently, however, the "contributions" of the Taiwan authorities have not been rewarded, and on the contrary, they have frequently suffered from deflated efforts in the international community again. Ambassador Xie Feng delivered an important speech at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) held in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, and elaborated on China's concepts such as "building a community with a shared future for mankind", which was warmly welcomed by the General Assembly.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

The mainland's splendid appearance in Paraguay has completely broken the defense of the Taiwan authorities, because Paraguay is one of the few 12 "countries with diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. The key point is that Ambassador Xie Feng and others emphasized at the annual meeting that 183 countries and regions have established diplomatic relations with China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. On such occasions, the mainland's public naming of Taiwan in front of Paraguay is tantamount to mocking the DPP authorities to their faces.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

Or "retaliation" against the mainland, and recently the DPP has arranged for several bigwigs in the green camp to publicly criticize Ambassador Lu Shaye. A few days ago, when talking about the Taiwan issue in public, Ambassador Lu Shaye said that China's civil war has not yet ended in a certain sense, and the Taiwan authorities are now a rebel regime, and the mainland has the right to expel them at any time!

Ambassador Lu Shaye's strong remarks naturally pierced the sensitive nerves of the Taiwan authorities, and a series of rebuttals poured in. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Wang Dingyu said that Lu Shaye's speech ran counter to the facts, and that the Taiwan people have listened to this kind of remarks that have no common sense and threaten Taiwan for 40 or 50 years, but the international community must abide by international norms and regional peace depends on civilization.

Slap in the face of the green camp! Matsu greeted the mainland delegation, and the Taiwan authorities were ridiculed by the mainland in the "countries with diplomatic relations."

What Tudou wants to say is that the mainland has exercised restraint and endured the Taiwan authorities for a long time and has given the Taiwan authorities tremendous benefits, but they have not received the feedback they deserve, and the Taiwan authorities have intensified their efforts.

Original: Potatoes