
After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

author:Foraging in the market

The 144-hour transit visa-free policy is China's top "business card", making it more convenient for foreigners to come to China to play and experience China's beautiful mountains and rivers and customs. In overseas media, many foreign bloggers' travel video vlogs to China have become popular, but under the influence of the "information cocoon" of Western media, many foreigners have a stereotype of China, believing that China is a country with undeveloped civilization and backward development.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

The 144-hour visa-free policy proposed by China took advantage of this shareholder trend to break down the barriers between the people and bring fire to Chinese tourism among foreign bloggers. As long as the label of China travel is typed on the title copy, foreign bloggers will usher in a lot of traffic, which is simply the "traffic password" of the Internet, and people around the world are eager to understand a real China.

The 144-hour transit visa exemption means that citizens of the 54 countries on the Chinese list can enjoy visa-free transit in China for a maximum stay of 144 hours if they have valid national travel documents and a connecting ticket with a confirmed date and seat within a limited time.
After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

1. Infrastructure

In the past, foreigners were misled by the Western media, and their impression of China has always been stuck in the negative image of "backwardness, poverty, poor hygiene, dirty streets, and poor facilities".

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

After some foreigners landed, they "shouted" at the high-speed rail, and the means of transportation that the Chinese people have long been accustomed to have become a rarity for them, and the "fast, stable and quiet" of China's high-speed rail has opened the eyes of the "soil" foreigners, and they have taken photos with the high-speed rail, and for a time China's high-speed rail has become a hot word, and countless people have come to China to experience a fast and stable high-speed rail.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

And various parks have also become an important place for foreigners to learn about China, they dance square dances with aunts, try fitness equipment, gather to watch the uncles play chess, even if they can't understand it at all, they have to squat for a long time, and then praise China in broken Mandarin.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

The living atmosphere of these ordinary residents has made foreigners feel a lot of emotion, they feel a lot of goodwill from the Chinese people, and then record their daily ordinary life and post it on the Internet to prove to China: the real and pluralistic China is not only strong but also friendly, and the "China danger" advocated by the Western media is actually a kind of slander!

Second, the scenery is beautiful

The 144-hour time-limited visa-free is more exciting than the six-minute trial for non-members, and foreigners have turned into tourist special forces to run around major tourist attractions in order to visit China's scenery in a short period of time. In order to introduce China, but also for the traffic of their own accounts, they can record the process in almost every detail, thus attracting more foreigners to want to come to China.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

Foreigners in Beijing climb the Great Wall and visit the Forbidden City are considered beginner tours, and the magnificent ancient buildings have conquered their eyes, and some have learned to take photos in China's unique group photo poses. Advanced travel bloggers have learned to go to Xi'an and Luoyang to wear Hanfu to check in Chinese architecture and experience a Chinese-style dress-up.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

The higher level, drilled into the mountains, they did not go to appreciate the bustling city, but walked through the deep mountains, dense forests, streams, mountain roads, enjoying the unique scenery of China, the clouds and mist, the lush forests and bamboos, there is a picturesque beauty, let them linger.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

3. Chinese cuisine

In the face of all kinds of Chinese cuisine, even if it is only a short 144 hours, many foreigners have gained 10 pounds to go back. There are really too many Chinese delicacies, and the breakfast alone makes the crooked nuts praise again and again, such as egg scones, fresh meat buns, fried dough sticks, sauce cakes, siu mai, purple potato cakes...... There are so many kinds that foreigners are dazzled, and breakfast alone makes their bellies round.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

But in their minds, the most "dangerous" place is still China's night market. Barbecue, hot pot, stinky tofu, fried noodles, the food stalls are synonymous with "grabbing money", and China's late-night snack culture has surprised crooked nuts, after all, in their country, night trips are always full of real dangers.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

Of course, there are also differences in diet, but not to mention that foreigners can't understand the spicy ice cream in Sichuan and Chongqing, and many Chinese people can't understand it either......

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

Some foreigners have found a "China expert" friend as a tour guide, and have a tangible experience of various Chinese cultures, while friends who have been in China for many years have even learned to stroke boxing.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

4. Convenient payment

In addition to beautiful scenery and delicious food, convenient payment is the technology that makes foreigners most excited and wants to bring back to China. Food, clothing, housing and transportation can be done with only a mobile phone, which is much more convenient than swiping a card. Cashless payment methods, you can buy anything you want by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone, and you can't just scan the code to pay in large supermarkets. When they find out that any small shop can do without cash, they just need to ask, "Do you sweep me or do I sweep you?" When you make a payment, you can sigh "ohmygod, ohmygod".

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

After experiencing the convenience of scanning the code payment, they all wailed what to do after returning to China, and immediately expressed the hope that Alipay or WeChat's payment services would be opened abroad, so that they could enjoy this convenience after returning to China. With the development of payment methods, the recent rise of face-brushing payment has shocked them, calling "Chinese technology!" ”

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

5. Security

The most surprising thing for foreigners is the safety of China, in their own country, it is unthinkable to travel at night, especially in some countries where guns can be legally owned, and after eight or nine o'clock, almost no more shops and businesses will be seen on the streets. Many international students say that they have been in danger in the past.

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

When foreigners come to China, they see a peaceful and prosperous scene, even much safer than their own country, which is very different from the propaganda on the Internet, how can they not be shocked? When you take out your mobile phone at night to take pictures and record videos, you will not be snatched by flying cross-handed, and the bag behind you will not be torn off the strap and taken away, the dim path will be illuminated by bright street lights, and there is no spiritual guy who is ambushed in the dark to find someone to "borrow money".

After the 144-hour transit visa exemption, the five major impacts on China by foreigners were too deeply deceived by foreign media

With an orderly and stable and peaceful social environment, it is no wonder that more and more foreigners are coming to live in China, and some foreigners are suffering from the difficulty of obtaining a Chinese green card, and even come up with the idea of entering Taiwan's household registration first and waiting to become Chinese citizens.

- Lao Jing said -

The short 144-hour journey shocked the hearts of foreigners, satisfied their stomachs, soured their legs, and changed their cognition. When foreigners step out of the security checkpoint and enter various cities on the mainland, they are all shocked by today's China. Now China, has already begun a reverse "cultural invasion", and the 144-hour visa-free decision can be called a stroke of genius, allowing foreigners to persuade other foreigners by themselves, which is really "after entering the customs, there is a great Confucianism to defend me". #六月生活记录#

I am a foraging agent in the market, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! I like to focus on eating, drinking, and having fun in the market, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, follow me, enjoy the food and don't get lost.

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