
26 years old! Exam preparation 8 times! Admitted to the civil service of a township in a different place!

author:Zhejiang Huatu

There are always people who say that "the examination editor is not in a different place, and the remote place is not a township", but the topic that has recently caused heated discussions has made some candidates begin to change their thinking: Is it true that the examination editor cannot be in a different place? Is it "unbearable" to be in a different township?

26 years old! Exam preparation 8 times! Admitted to the civil service of a township in a different place!

-The hardships of being in a different place can only be understood by friends who have been admitted-

26 years old! Exam preparation 8 times! Admitted to the civil service of a township in a different place!

- Examiner editor! Test the soul of the editor! Only when you are admitted can you take the initiative to stop-

26 years old! Exam preparation 8 times! Admitted to the civil service of a township in a different place!

-The world is the same and not exactly the same-

26 years old! Exam preparation 8 times! Admitted to the civil service of a township in a different place!

-Volunteer Affairs-

26 years old! Exam preparation 8 times! Admitted to the civil service of a township in a different place!

-There are a lot of people who take the exam, but only a small part of them pass the exam-

"The public examination is not in a different place, and the township is not in a different place", it is really not easy to be admitted to the establishment, what is the insurmountable "curse" of civil servants in townships and towns in other places? Mr. Tutu will talk and exchange with you today, and welcome friends to leave their opinions in the comment area.

High pressure at work

Townships and towns are the last layer of the administrative level, and almost all policies and work have to be undertaken by grassroots townships and towns, and the content of the work is extremely complicated, as well as writing materials and making reports. It is as big as the inspection, inspection, and meeting of each leader, and as small as the writing of every material. There are many things, and the work is exhausting, and once these jobs are added to the word "different place", the living habits in a different place are not adaptable, and it is not easy to communicate in dialects, the difficulty of these jobs will increase exponentially.

The recruitment threshold is low

For township civil servants, the recruitment threshold is really low, basically most candidates can register, but the competitive pressure also increases with the lowering of the threshold, and the number of people competing for the same post in many township posts is as high as 1000:1.

Lifestyle habits are different

If you are admitted to the local township civil servant, you will know some acquaintances and have a basic network of relationships in the place where you grew up, and sometimes the obstacle to work may only be that the elders you know well will not cooperate with your work according to the usual cognitive thinking;

If you are admitted to a township in a different place alone, you may face difficulties on the first day of employment, and the most direct manifestation may be the speech barrier caused by dialects, the lack of adaptation to water and soil caused by eating habits, and the homesickness caused by busy work and transportation distances......

Regardless of whether they are in a different place or not, township civil servants are not only bad but also good.

According to the national policy, generally speaking, township civil servants are subsidized, about 10%-20% of their salary. It's probably a few hundred dollars a month, which is not satisfactory.

If you plan to join a township civil servant, it is impossible to get rich and expensive, but the salary of civil servants is the vane of local finance, and it is not a big problem to reach the middle and upper reaches of the average local life.

In addition, township and town civil servants should generally be promoted faster, especially in recent years, which has been calling for the reuse of young cadres with experience in townships and townships. In the selection and internal promotion, priority will also be given to cadres with experience in townships and townships, so everyone must work hard.

July is coming, and although it is the off-season for public exams, it is also a good time to prepare for the exam. From now on, candidates can learn more about the various preparation exams, gradually enter the preparation for the exam, and wait for the appropriate announcement to be released, and then directly enter the "Level 1 preparation state".