
Forge a strong community, China is a family|Unity Square draws a "concentric circle" of national unity

author:Wah Seng Online

Summer is in full swing and the sun is scorching. In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Baotou City, Qingshan District, Unity Square, three red pomegranate sculptures of different forms are particularly attractive, and the pomegranate in the middle is engraved with the words "Promote all ethnic groups to hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds", vividly telling the story of national unity of all ethnic groups in Baotou City, hand in hand, like a family.

Unity Square was built in 2000 and covers an area of about 65,000 square meters. In the past, it was an important place for people of all ethnic groups to relax, recreation, walk and fitness. It is precisely because of the solid mass foundation that in 2022, Qingshan District will upgrade and build it into a theme landscape park for national unity.

Forge a strong community, China is a family|Unity Square draws a "concentric circle" of national unity

The south gate of Unity Square is marked with the sign of "Forging the Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Halina

Walking into the unity square, the main logo of "forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation" at the south gate and the wrought iron shape of "common unity and struggle for common prosperity and development" below are eye-catching, echoing this, the north gate is built with a red ribbon shaped gate, like a red flag waving in the wind.

In the square, there are "national unity and family" corridor, 24 solar terms corridor, sculptures that gather elements of national unity, national blessings and other propaganda carriers, which are deeply loved by the masses.

Forge a strong community, China is a family|Unity Square draws a "concentric circle" of national unity

Landscape of national unity in Unity Square. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Halina

Liu Xueqing, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Qingshan District Ethnic Affairs Committee, said that after the Unity Square was upgraded, it has become an important carrier for building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

Forge a strong community, China is a family|Unity Square draws a "concentric circle" of national unity

The Qingshan District Ethnic Affairs Committee carried out publicity and education activities in Unity Square. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

In 2022, Unity Square was named as the Baotou City Forge Chinese Nation Community Awareness Education Practice Base, becoming an important position for carrying out education on the awareness of the Chinese nation's community.

Recently, Fuqiang Road Primary School in Qingshan District held a theme activity of "Pomegranate Seed Family Little Spark Inheritance" in Unity Square. After the teachers and children visited the education practice base of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, three "red pomegranate" little speakers of different nationalities told the students stories of national unity that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, such as "Working Together to Build Baotou Steel", "Three Thousand Orphans Entering Inner Mongolia" and "Little Sisters of the Grassland Heroes".

Zhang Tianqi, a fifth-grade student at Fuqiang Road Primary School, said that these stories all happened in Baotou, and revisiting these stories made her more deeply understand the importance of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Due to its beautiful environment and unique landscape, Unity Square has also become an important place for exchanges and blending of various ethnic groups. Almost every weekend and every evening, it is crowded with people, and people of all ethnic groups living nearby gather here to sing and dance, run and exercise, play chess and enjoy the shade, and share a good time.

Naren, a 67-year-old Mongolian citizen who lives near Unity Square, comes to Unity Square every evening to dance and exercise. Over time, she made friends from many other nationalities here.

"As the name suggests, the atmosphere of national unity is very strong." "I really like to come here, I have made a lot of friends here, we dance and exercise together, we participate in competitions together, we help each other like a family, and we have a lot of good memories." ”

In recent years, Unity Square has gradually become an important venue for various large-scale local activities, such as the annual Spring Breeze Action large-scale job fair, Lucheng Culture and Art Festival, Spring Festival, and folk performances on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

"Unity Square has become a demonstration window for Baotou City to publicize the national unity policy, and many places have come here to study. Unity Square has made the education of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation from indoor to outdoor, which has greatly improved the awareness and participation rate of people of all ethnic groups, and more than 100,000 people participate in it every year. Liu Xueqing said. (Reporter Halina, Hou Bangxing)

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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