
Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

author:Talk about food moments

July is the hottest stage of the year, when there is more rain and the temperature is high, people are particularly prone to feel sleepy, tired, and have no appetite, so it is extremely important to replenish the body's nutrition. In the hot month of July, you should pay attention to the diet to prevent heat stroke and dispel dampness and heat.

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

In the case of high temperature and high humidity, it is a good thing for crops, but for us, it is very easy to get angry, or feel tired, after all, the human body will lose a lot of sweat, so at this time, if you go to eat beef and pork, it is easy to add fuel to the fire, we need to eat, it should be lighter, it can replenish the middle and benefit the qi, and at the same time it can also clear heat and strengthen the spleen.

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy. What are these three types of meat?

1. Duck meat (to make up for fatigue)

Recommended method: [Bamboo duck soup]

Main ingredients: duck, bamboo, ginger slices, salt, vegetable oil

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

1. Prepare an older duck, as long as it is more than a year, such a duck will taste delicious when stewed, if it is a tender duck, there is no umami taste at all. The prepared duck is cleaned, we chop it into small pieces and clean it.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, put the duck in it, blanch the water in the pot under cold water, when blanching, you can bring some ginger slices and chives, and pour a little cooking wine into it to remove the smell, after blanching, take it out and clean the foam.

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

3. Find a casserole, put a little oil in it, then add some ginger slices, fry it until fragrant, then pour in the duck and stir-fry, add boiling water, then start to boil over high heat, turn to low heat and start to simmer, when the stewed meat is relatively soft, put in the soaked bamboo sunflower.

4. When it is almost out of the pot, we season it, and it is enough to add a little salt, and there is no need to put other condiments on it.

2. Eel (high protein)

Recommended method: [Dried stir-fried eel]

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

Ingredients: eel, ginger, garlic, chili, rapeseed oil, salt, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, cooking wine, chicken essence

1. Buy the eel back and clean it, when you buy it, this step can be handed over to the vendor to help you deal with it, and by the way, let him remove the three-edged thorn, so that when cooking, it will be simpler and easier, and it will be easier to cook.

2. Put rapeseed oil in the pot, heat it, put the eel we have processed into it and start stir-frying, stir-fry it until the surface is slightly burnt, at this time we put ginger and garlic, you can have some chili if you like to eat chili.

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

3. Start to season it, add salt and light soy sauce, then add a little balsamic vinegar, add cooking wine, and then add a little chicken essence, stir-fry over high heat until it tastes, and after it is cooked thoroughly, turn off the heat and you can get out of the pot.

3. Shrimp meat (low calorie)

Recommended method: [Salt-baked shrimp]

Ingredients required: prawns, sea salt

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

1. Clean up the prawns we bought, and then we start to cook them, don't put oil in the pot, and stir-fry with some sea salt, it is best to choose the kind of large granules, after stir-frying, put out a part.

Entering the hot July, eat less beef and pork, eat more 3 kinds of meat, legs and feet, full of energy

2. Then put the processed prawns in, and then put the other part of the sea salt on top of the prawns, we only need to low heat, and then start to wait slowly, do not open the lid halfway, about 7~8 minutes, you can start eating.

Entering July, that is, telling us that midsummer is coming, at this time, the weather becomes extraordinarily hot, and the human body is prone to fatigue, so at this time we should eat a little more meat, and it is low-calorie meat, which can enhance physical fitness, and people will be more comfortable.