
Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?

author:Xingyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?
Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?
Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?

As a mother

Not only is it hard to conceive in October

And you have to go through the labor pains of childbirth

If you suffer from acute mastitis again while breastfeeding

That's to add insult to injury

Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?

Pain of acute mastitis during lactation

Lumps, redness, swelling, heat, pain,

Chills, fever, baby "food shortage"......

This has also become a disease that mothers talk about

Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?

Acute mastitis in the lactation period

Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?

It is mainly caused by milk stasis and bacterial invasion, but also includes some traumatic factors. Lactation mastitis is more common in primiparous women who lack experience in breastfeeding. If mothers have breast swelling, pain, poor milk discharge, fever, etc., they should go to a regular hospital for treatment in time and receive professional and systematic treatment, so as not to delay the condition and affect the health of the mother and baby.

Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?




Quick answer



If I have mastitis, my breasts are painful, swollen and feverish, how to deal with them urgently?

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In the early stage of the disease, local cold compresses can be applied to the breasts, which can reduce the congestion, edema and pain of inflammation, and can also reduce the secretion of milk and reduce the progression of the disease. When accompanied by fever, if the body temperature is lower than 38.5 °C, it can be cooled by warm water scrub bath, ice compress and other physical cooling; If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°C and is accompanied by dizziness and other discomforts, under the guidance of a doctor, you can take oral antipyretics such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and suspend breastfeeding.


Can I still breastfeed if I have mastitis?

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1. If it is only simple mastitis, you can continue breastfeeding without fever. If you have a fever, when the body temperature is below 38.5 °C, it is in a low-grade state and does not affect breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor in time for symptomatic treatment.

2. If you have a fever and your body temperature is above 38.5 °C, you should observe the color and character of the milk, and if you feel that the milk is deteriorating, such as yellow-green, purulent, etc., you should try to avoid breastfeeding and empty the breast in time (the discharged milk cannot be fed to the baby and should be discarded); If the milk is not denatured and the child has no digestive symptoms after eating, he can breastfeed normally, and should seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor's instructions for symptomatic treatment.

3. If pus aspiration has been performed, you should consult a doctor and determine whether to breastfeed according to the doctor's instructions.


What medicine can I take while breastfeeding when I have mastitis, and will it affect breastfeeding?

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Antipyretic and anti-infective drugs can be taken according to the needs of the condition, and patients are advised to take them under the guidance of a doctor.


I already have mastitis, can I still breastfeed?

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Yes, and it is necessary. For mastitis caused by too much milk, you can achieve a balance between supply and demand by expressing milk correctly to remove excess milk and reduce milk discharge when mastitis is relieved.

The correct breastfeeding is to massage the breasts scientifically, remember to be violent and permed. For simple milk stasis, external drugs (under the guidance of a doctor) can also be applied to assist in removing stasis.


Do I need to deal with small white spots on my nipple?

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Not all small white dots can cause mastitis. And each type of small white dot is handled differently. Some small white spots are caused by an inappropriate nursing position, over-reliance on a breast pump or a problem with your baby's latch. If necessary, you can consult a doctor, and do not treat it blindly, so as not to make it worse.


How can mastitis be prevented?

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1. Timely emptying of milk to prevent stasis: Breastfeeding should not be stopped prematurely in the early stage of acute mastitis, and infant sucking can effectively empty milk. You can also massage your breasts, squeeze your ducts to unclog your mammary glands, and express milk with a breast pump.

2. Keep nipples and areolas clean: It is recommended to wash them with warm water after each feeding to prevent chapping, change underwear frequently, and pay attention to hygiene.

3. Develop good breastfeeding habits: breastfeed regularly, empty the milk as much as possible, use a breast pump to express and empty the milk when you can't express it, it is recommended not to let the baby sleep with the nipple, and hold up the breast with a bra after breastfeeding. Pay attention to your baby's oral hygiene before breastfeeding.

4. Timely treatment of cracked and damaged nipple skin: suspend breastfeeding when nipple skin is broken, use antibacterial ointment after local cleaning, and then breastfeed after healing; Seek medical attention if symptoms are severe.

5. Correct inverted nipples and other deformities: If inverted nipples or other deformities are found, seek medical attention in time and actively treat them.

6. Maintain physical and mental health and eat reasonably: maintain an optimistic attitude and eliminate bad emotions; Reasonable diet, should be light, easy to digest, avoid spicy; Exercise properly and get enough rest to improve the body's immunity.


Article source|Yang Haiyan (some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, non-commercial use, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

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Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?





Quick questions and answers about breast knowledge - do you dare to take the call?

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