
After "winning the lottery by express", more than 1,000 people were defrauded of hundreds of millions of yuan!

author:Heian Etsu

In recent years, the public's awareness of anti-fraud and anti-fraud has increased, and they can often hang up as soon as they receive fraudulent calls. But if you receive a courier with the correct name, phone number, and address, and there is a scratch card inside, will you try your luck? If the prize is delivered to your door quickly, and then the customer service staff pulls into the group and introduces more ways to make money, will you continue to do it?

The police recently detected a case of using express delivery as a drainage tool to commit fraud, and thousands of people in 18 provinces across the country were defrauded, involving hundreds of millions of yuan. How did such a courier come about? How to prevent the scam behind it?

In December last year, Ms. Li unexpectedly received a courier.

Ms. Li said: "The first day I got the courier, I thought it was strange because I didn't buy it, it was a very small black bag, with a name and a surname, and a phone number, all of which were mine." I didn't think much of it, but when I opened it, there was a small notebook, a brochure, and a scratch card. ”

After "winning the lottery by express", more than 1,000 people were defrauded of hundreds of millions of yuan!

The cards in the express delivery carry out the "scratch" activity in the name of a well-known Internet platform

(Photo provided by the police)

Ms. Li scratched out the fifth prize, a piece of fruit. Scan the code according to the information on the card to register, and soon received the fruit delivered to your door. The customer service staff took advantage of the situation and pulled her into a chat group again, recommending a "part-time job" to make money by swiping orders.

Hu Yanjie, a police officer from the Anti-Fraud Center, introduced: "The customer service pulled a group, and at the beginning it was to carry out activities such as liking and collecting stores, and red envelopes were sent in the group, and they were indeed sent, and she believed it." After that, they said that these tasks were too small and they couldn't make much money, and the next APP, taking large orders from the APP, would earn more money. ”

Ms. Li's order brushing task has ranged from a few yuan to thousands of yuan or tens of thousands of yuan, requiring her to invest money first and then get higher rebates.

Ms. Li said: "I think back on the whole process, that is, they gave Xiaoli step by step, thinking that this thing might be real, and then through this process step by step. I transferred 50,000 yuan, 80,000 yuan, and then when I transferred again, I felt that there was a problem, I didn't have that much money at that time. Some people said in the group, I'll take out a loan immediately. In fact, they are all childcare. ”

After "winning the lottery by express", more than 1,000 people were defrauded of hundreds of millions of yuan!

The victim participated in the swiping under the guidance of the suspect (Photo provided by the police)

Ms. Li said that from receiving the express delivery to discovering that she had been deceived, in just three days, she had invested more than 300,000 yuan in accordance with the other party's guidance. After receiving the report, the police launched an investigation and confirmed the location of the express delivery received by Ms. Li, and the sender purchased 300,000 express tracking numbers from the outlets at one time.

Hu Yanjie introduced: "We found the source through their freight vehicles, and many rooms have stacked packaging for express delivery, as well as small gifts, drainage cards, express tracking numbers, face sheets, etc. ”

The police traced further to the source and found the scene where the couriers were packed.

Hu Yanjie said: "There are part-time people sitting at several tables, just packing the courier there, putting small cards and small gifts in the courier, and then pasting the tracking number, all doing these things." ”

After "winning the lottery by express", more than 1,000 people were defrauded of hundreds of millions of yuan!

The police seized a large number of courier labels with printed delivery information

(Photo provided by the police)

Surveys have shown that these citizens' personal information, including names, phone numbers, and addresses, comes from abroad, and is even classified according to their age and gender, which are relatively susceptible to deception. According to Hu Yanjie's analysis, this way of winning the lottery through express delivery to attract the victim to join the swiping order, compared with traditional fraud, the drainage link is relatively long, but it is easier to gain the trust of the victim.

Hu Yanjie introduced: "This is a relatively long link. Because traditional drainage is very simple, it is more direct to send advertisements or make phone calls to pull people into the group. However, it is very complicated to send express delivery, many links must be done well, and a large amount of advance funds must be made first, but its success rate will indeed be higher than other drainage methods. For example, other drainage, if you receive a fraudulent call, hang up directly, but some people who receive express delivery are more greedy and cheap, and when they receive small gifts, they take them back, and take them back to see that they can scratch the prize, and they can scrape out the fruit, and the fruit is also sent. Step by step, they built a relationship of trust. ”

The suspect confessed to the police that such a drainage express delivery, from printing scratch cards, buying small gifts, to hiring someone to pack, rent a car for transportation, and place an order for delivery, each cost about 10 yuan. According to police statistics, the gang involved in the case issued more than 5 million pieces of diversion express delivery, and thousands of people in 18 provinces across the country fell into the "trap" of wire fraud and were defrauded of hundreds of millions of yuan. As long as the fraudulent express is signed, the suspect can receive a reward from the previous family, with a total profit of more than 300 yuan. At present, six suspects have been approved for arrest on suspicion of fraud, and two have been placed under residential surveillance on suspicion of aiding information network criminal activities, and the case is under further investigation.

The victim, Ms. Li, said: "I deliberately don't think about it now. It actually brought me more of a kind of spiritual self-denial, because I am also an educated person, and I have been deceived so much by these liars, I don't believe how I can be so stupid. ”

Ms. Li is not the only one who has been deceived because of receiving such a courier. The police recorded the process of dissuading the victim, Ms. Zhang, from transferring money:

Police: Why do you transfer money to others?

Ms. Zhang: It's swiping.

Police: How did you receive the information?

Ms. Zhang: I inadvertently added a group.

Police: Did you transfer the money yourself? You also told me that a relative borrowed money from you.

Ms. Zhang: According to the other party's meaning, this is how it operates.

Police: The other party asked you to say that?

Ms. Zhang: Yes, the other party will make it up.

Police: I look at the chat history between the other party and you, the red heart like group, the small task group, etc., what are these for? You're all about swiping. You have been deceived of more than 30,000 yuan in total, if we don't contact you, are you still ready to transfer money to the scammer?

Ms. Zhang: The other party asked me to transfer another 45,800 yuan.

The police said that after the case, they had signed a letter of responsibility with hundreds of express delivery outlets in the jurisdiction to establish the first line of defense to intercept the fraudulent express delivery. At the same time, community police, grid members and other forces were organized to carry out investigations and publicity, and recipients suspected of being involved in fraud were asked to sign more than 2,000 anti-fraud publicity and prevention notices. Since June this year, the number of local winning express diversion wire fraud cases has been 0.

After "winning the lottery by express", more than 1,000 people were defrauded of hundreds of millions of yuan!

Be wary of "non-buying" express delivery, the so-called "merchant activities" are all under the guise of the urn, please do not scan the QR code. Usually, the receiving information of online shopping can be replaced by a nickname; The address can be written with the name of the community, but it does not need to be specific; If you have two mobile phone numbers, you can fill in a number that you don't use often to distinguish between them. If the problem package has information such as a number that you don't use often, you can judge that this is a problem package.