
Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

author:Minami Shobo

In November 1943, during the Cairo Conference, Chiang Kai-shek and US President Roosevelt were chatting casually, and suddenly said: "Mr. President, if you go to China, who would you most like to see?" ”

When Roosevelt heard this, he immediately gave the answer: Mr. Himmler Dai Lia of China. Roosevelt told Chiang Kai-shek that Dai Li's reputation in the United States was so great that the American media called him the most mysterious person in China.

In the eyes of many people, Dai Li is a figure who can be compared with Li Kenong, the king of our party's intelligence. In modern Chinese history, Dai Li is a historical figure that has to be mentioned, Zhou Enlai once mentioned that Dai Li's death made the Chinese Revolution ten years ahead of schedule. It can be seen from this sentence that in the eyes of Zhou Enlai, Dai Li is a terrible opponent.

However, this spy leader, who is called "China's Himmler" by the Western media, has one person who has scared him all his life.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

1. The person Dai Li fears the most

Mother Lan Yuexi is the person Dai Li is most afraid of, I'm afraid that many people won't think of this answer.

It was his mother who raised Dai Li's adulthood, and when Dai Li was very young, his father died.

Many people would not have thought that this spy leader, who had brutalized countless Communists, would actually be a dutiful son.

When Dai Li was a child, once, he stole broad beans from his uncle's house, and after Uncle Dai Li's uncle found out, he ran to his house to ask for the guilt.

As a result, Dai Li asked him confidently: "When my father died, you took away my mahogany furniture, why didn't you say steal it?" ”

For a while, Uncle Dai Li was speechless.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

After Dai Li's mother Lan Yuexi knew about this, she taught Dai Li a hard lesson for being unfilial and disrespectful, and in the face of her mother's scolding, Dai Li did not have the slightest resentment.

Even though Dai Li later became the first person in the Kuomintang intelligence system, Dai Li was still very filial and afraid of his mother.

Dai Li once said to his subordinates: "The person I am most afraid of in this life is my mother, I admire the chairman, and I respect and fear my mother. ”

Second, Dai Li admires two people

In Dai Li's life, in addition to being afraid of his mother, he also has two people he admires.

The first person to admire was naturally Chiang Kai-shek.

Before Chiang Kai-shek became the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, Dai Li had already met Chiang Kai-shek in Shanghai, and at that time, Chiang Kai-shek was already a big man in Shanghai.

For Dai Li, a low-level figure who has always been "depressed", perhaps, at that time, he had already begun to admire Chiang Kai-shek.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

In September 1926, Dai Li was admitted to the sixth phase of Whampoa and became a student of Chiang Kai-shek.

It can be said that Chiang Kai-shek was able to sit firmly in the position of the leader of the Kuomintang, and the Whampoa students were the most important supporting force for Chiang Kai-shek, and as the head of a school, Chiang Kai-shek's prestige among the students was conceivable, and it was the Whampoa students who helped Chiang Kai-shek control the military power of the Kuomintang army step by step.

The most important reason why most Kuomintang generals who were born in Whampoa will be loyal to Chiang Kai-shek is naturally because they can be promoted and make a fortune by following Chiang Kai-shek, but there is another reason that cannot be ignored, that is, the identity of Chiang Kai-shek's principal.

As a student of the sixth phase of Whampoa, Dai Li naturally admired the principal.

After graduating from Whampoa, it was Chiang Kai-shek who promoted Dai Li, trusted Dai Li, and made Dai Li step by step the number one intelligence boss of the Kuomintang. This promotion and trust made Dai Li loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, and also made Dai Li admire Chiang Kai-shek.

In 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan, he regretfully mentioned that if Yunong was still there, why would the party-state be defeated and retreat to Taiwan.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

The second person Dai Li admired was Zhou Enlai.

As a Whampoa student, he is naturally familiar with Zhou Enlai, and Dai Li, who is clear about Zhou Enlai's ability, personality charm, and prestige among Whampoa students.

For Zhou Enlai, it can be said that most Whampoa students are extremely admirable.

In April 1927, when Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup d'état in Shanghai, Zhou Enlai was unfortunately captured by Xue Yue's first division.

Dai Li has been engaged in intelligence work since 1927, and the person in charge of our party's Shanghai Special Branch is Zhou Enlai, although Dai Li was not a big man in the Kuomintang intelligence system in the early thirties of the last century, but he was also deeply trusted by Chiang Kai-shek, and his power in the Kuomintang intelligence system was not small.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

However, the Kuomintang intelligence department and our party's intelligence department fought each other, and Chiang Kai-shek stressed at the intelligence conference that as long as Zhou Enlai was caught, the Communist Party was very likely to be dismantled. It can be seen from this that Chiang Kai-shek was jealous of Zhou Enlai.

However, the Kuomintang and Zhou Enlai fought countless times, but Zhou Enlai was always able to save the day, in addition, the Communist Party's intelligence front was built by Zhou Enlai, and Zhou Enlai's contribution to our party's intelligence work is unmatched.

As an intelligence genius, I believe that Dai Li admires Zhou Enlai very much in his heart.

In addition, the reason why Dai Li admired Zhou Enlai also stemmed from Chiang Kai-shek's respect for Zhou Enlai.

Chiang Kai-shek once explained to Dai Li that if the secret service system caught any Communist Party, it could be killed, but Zhou Enlai could not.

3. Dai Li still admires Du Yuesheng?

For those whom Dai Li admires, there are also some sources that say that Dai Li also admires Shanghai Youth Gang boss Du Yuesheng very much.

When Dai Li was on the beach in his early years, Du Yuesheng had the grace of knowing Dai Li, and he and Dai Li became brothers.

When Dai Li's officialdom was unsatisfactory, Du Yuesheng not only did not stay away from him, but continued to send him money and invite him to eat and drink.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

What Dai Li admired the most was that after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Du Yuesheng took out a large amount of money to help a large number of civilians evacuate Shanghai, and actively responded to the call of the Nationalist Government to sink his own ships to stop the Japanese navy.

After the fall of Shanghai, Du Yuesheng also provided intelligence to the military commander and helped the military commander assassinate the traitor.

It is worth mentioning that although Dai Li made countless mistakes to the people in his life, he still made certain contributions during the Anti-Japanese War.

During the Battle of Songhu, Dai Li, while organizing men and horses to collect intelligence on the Japanese army, led the armed forces under the military command to assist the regular army and fight against the Japanese army.

In addition, Dai Li organized the military commanders to assassinate high-ranking Japanese officials, assassinate Wang Jingwei, and assassinate at least dozens of traitors, including Zhou Fengqi, the puppet governor of Zhejiang, and Fu Xiao'an, the puppet mayor of Shanghai.

At the beginning of December 1941, the Military Administration led by Dai Li deciphered the intelligence that Japan was going to raid Pearl Harbor in the United States, but unfortunately, Roosevelt never believed it.

Dai Li, the head of the secret service, once said frankly: I am most afraid of 1 person in this life, and I admire 2 people the most! Who are they?

It is precisely because Dai Li's threat to the Japanese army is so great that the Japanese army offers Dai Li's reward to Dai Li, which is greater than that of some generals of the Eighth Route Army and the National Army. According to the recollections of Shen Zui, a senior officer of the Military Command who was later captured by our army, as many as 18,000 official personnel of the Military Command Bureau died during the entire War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

On March 17, 1946, Dai Li died in a plane crash outside Nanjing. Some people say that Dai Li's successor, Mao Renfeng, cannot be compared with Dai Li's intelligence ability at all, and if Dai Li's death is not so early, perhaps our party will encounter great trouble on the intelligence front, and I have to say that this is a terrible opponent that deserves special attention.