
This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

author:Separate fish

Everyone found that no, there is less and less "human flavor" in domestic dramas.

One by one, the characters are black and white.

Either it's a hateful villain.

Either be on the honor roll and be exemplary.

Especially the protagonist, there must be no flaws, no character flaws, and the three views must be correct.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

All in all, the ambiguous and complex characters fade away.

Because of this, many people begin to miss the old dramas.

Uncle Yu has talked about the two Haiyan dramas "Jade Guanyin" and "Never Look Away" one after another, which once evoked the memories of many people.

At the same time, another old drama was repeatedly mentioned in the comment area.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

The biggest feature of this drama is the boldness and complexity of the characters in the play.

Today, Uncle Yu will talk about Haiyan drama three times.

Look at how "taboo-free" domestic dramas used to be-

What to Save You, My Love

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow
This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

As we all know, the Haiyan drama of that year was a veritable celebrity making machine.

Lu Yi, Sun Li, Tong Dawei, Zhou Yiwei...... are all starlight that came out of the sea rock drama.

"What to Save You, My Love" (hereinafter referred to as "Lover") also became popular in one fell swoop, starring Yin Xiaotian, Yu Na and Liu Ye.

Yin Xiaotian was in his early 20s at that time, and became popular with the sunny and upright Han Ding.

Together with Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei, and Nie Yuan, they were rated as the "New Four Students" by the media at the time.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Yu Na was just a model at the time and had no experience in acting.

The first time she acted, she became popular because of the role of Luo Jingjing, and then starred in dramas such as "One Meter of Sunshine" and "Talented Men and Women".

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

As for Liu Ye.

Although he was already a Golden Horse actor at that time, because the movies he starred in in the early days were niche, his popularity was not so widespread.

really became popular in the public after starring in this drama.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Before this drama, "Never Look Away" was a big hit.

Eight major satellite TV broadcasts, with a record-breaking rating of 6.1, swept several major awards of the Golden Eagle......

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Two years later, the same theme of love + crime, the same combination of Zhao Baogang + Haiyan, the broadcast of "Lover" has also received great expectations.

The explosiveness of this drama did not disappoint.

There is a picture of shame.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

There are also lines about the collapse of the three views.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

The chaotic and exciting plots are countless.

What is the polyamory of two men and one woman, two women and one man;

What girlfriend begs her current boyfriend to save her ex-boyfriend;

What else is the rich second-generation lady who falls in love with the culprit who caused her family to be ruined......

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Although after the broadcast of this drama, the overall response and ratings were not as good as "Never Look Away".

But the level of discussion is still high.

And now, it is still unique in style and avant-garde in topic.

Especially in character building, it is almost a depth that can no longer be seen in current domestic dramas.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

As we all know, the complex and contradictory human nature is the biggest attraction of Haiyan dramas.

He is keen to dissect human nature enough to be open enough that he can't wait to show everything hidden in the darkest corners.

This is even more true of "Lover".

The main characters of this play have all kinds of problems.

The heroine Luo Jingjing (played by Yu Na) is a person who is completely herself.

Her current boyfriend is lawyer Han Ding (Yin Xiaotian).

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Her first love, Long Xiaoyu (played by Liu Ye), was arrested on suspicion of murder.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

So, she used her feelings as a bargaining chip to force Han Ding to defend Long Xiaoyu.

On the other hand, he was always suspicious of Han Ding, which deeply stabbed Han Ding's sincerity.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Another heroine, Zhu Siping (Fu Jing).

As the victim who was killed in the play, he has always been a disgusting image.

She is lazy and loves to engage in petty theft.

The stealing was exposed, and Long Xiaoyu was forced to take the blame for himself.

She likes to use the moral kidnapping that she once rescued Long Xiaoyu.

turned Long Xiaoyu's life upside down, without a trace of peace.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

However, such two female characters who seem to be unlikable also have many sincere and kind flashes in the play.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Because human nature has always been complex, a flesh-and-blood character cannot only be pure good and bad.

This point is vividly reflected in Long Xiaoyu.

The appearance of Long Xiaoyu is related to Zhu Siping's death.

All the evidence at the scene of the crime pointed to Long Xiaoyu as the murderer.

But Luo Jingjing didn't believe it.

In her opinion, Long Xiaoyu is an extremely kind and sincere man.

Moreover, as Han Ding investigated Long Xiaoyu's understanding, he also found that he really didn't look like a villain who could kill.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

Long Xiaoyu has a very tragic background.

When he was a child, his mother followed a rich man, and his singing father took him to live a hard life.

Later, his father died of illness, Long Xiaoyu dropped out of college, and relied on rowing a canopy boat every day to feed himself.

During a rowing trip, he met Zhu Siping.

Zhu Siping took Long Xiaoyu home, provided him with accommodation, and helped him find a job.

Since he was a child, he was taught by his father to repay his kindness, and he served Zhu Siping's mother as his own mother.

Even helping Zhu Siping to take the blame has no complaints.

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Later, he met Luo Jingjing, and with her help, Long Xiaoyu got a job as a secretary in Luo's father's pharmaceutical factory.

Luo's father is also vigorously cultivated.

In fact, in Han Ding's inquiry, everyone who came into contact with Long Xiaoyu said that he was a person who was kind to the extreme.

Including Han Ding himself, he was also moved by Long Xiaoyu's sincerity and his relationship with Luo Jingjing.

He became more and more disbelieving that someone like Long Xiaoyu would kill Zhu Siping.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

But in fact, Long Xiaoyu hides a deep dark side in his heart.

Han Ding once asked Long Xiaoyu how much he loved Luo Jingjing, and he said that he loved so much that he could give his life for her.

However, Long Xiaoyu also once said something like this:

Have you ever felt hunger?

Hunger is the most instinctive fear of any human being.

When you're not hungry, love matters.

One can give one's life for love, but there is no way to fight hunger.

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Hai Yan once said that "Lover" focuses on the concept of "poverty alienates people".

Of course, Long Xiaoyu loves Luo Jingjing.

But he can't deny that a large part of the reason why he and Luo Jingjing are together is that the other party gave him the guarantee of his life.

He fought for Luo's father and stole confidential documents in order to maintain his relationship with Luo Jingjing.

This series of behaviors seems to be all about protecting their feelings.

But in fact, hidden deep inside, there is still a desire not to want everything you have now to disappear again.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

In fact, after finding Zhu Siping who had been stabbed and fell in a pool of blood, Long Xiaoyu's first reaction was to save her.

But he hesitated, because Zhu Siping knew the secret enough to destroy the pharmaceutical factory.

So Long Xiaoyu finally waved a stick and killed Zhu Siping.

Of course, even if Long Xiaoyu didn't beat Zhu Siping, she might die.

But making such a choice is an inevitable consequence.

Because those who have been hungry will not allow any possibility of hunger to recur.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow
This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

At the end of the story, Han Ding asked the police officer in charge of Long Xiaoyu's case:

If you knew my character, if you knew that I couldn't have killed someone, would you doubt me?

The policeman replied:

Nothing is impossible.

Bad people don't have to be inhuman, and good people don't have to be beastly.

Good guys and bad guys, distinguished by the mainstream.

Good people are the main ones for good, and bad people for the bad guys to put evil first.

But in a specific matter, there are often mistakes, and priorities are reversed.

A good person, a kind person, a decent person, at a certain moment, in a certain situation, will suddenly release the evil that he usually strictly restrains himself.

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Full of kindness and sincerity, it is Long Xiaoyu.

The one with a fierce light in his eyes and a ruthless and resolute one is also Long Xiaoyu.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

This kind of impurity highlights the complexity and contradiction of human nature, which is precisely the reason why people love Haiyan dramas.

Even Han Ding, who seems to be close to the heart of the Virgin, has his own imperfections.

Han Ding gave up his studies for Luo Jingjing, regardless of his work, and gave everything to please her and tolerate her.

But we can also see that behind all this dedication, it actually started entirely with his wishful thinking.

Many times he wants to exchange Luo Jingjing's feelings for his own efforts, isn't this a kind of moral kidnapping?

And because of his own emotions, he ignores his parents' dedication and communication, and in a sense, it is also out of a kind of self-centeredness.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

But this kind of human flavor is almost difficult to find in the current domestic dramas.

All the characters are either black or white.

There must be no ambiguity.

But, how can there be a person who is completely black and white?

In the past two years, why can Gao Qiqiang of "Hurricane" become popular?

Isn't it because as a villain, he also has goodness, truth and sincerity, and even more suffering.

This is a living and bloody person.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

However, to Officer Wang in "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow".

is also Zhang Songwen, but it makes people feel awkward.

A father who has experienced the greatest pain in his life, but he can still be beyond his emotions and stick to justice unwaveringly.

This is not a man, but a god.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

In fact, every time I see the character of Long Xiaoyu, I can't help but associate him with Liu Ye himself.

Liu Ye "made a fortune" in the early days because he played a lot of such grayscale characters.

His own temperament is also very compatible with this complex and melancholy character.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

It's just that in recent years, he has hardly played such roles anymore.

It's more of a purely positive image.

When it comes to Liu Ye now, more people are talking about the early roles of Lan Yu, Long Xiaoyu, and Zhong Yuemin.

There are also many people on the Internet who ask:

What is Liu Ye doing now? Why does it feel like he's not acting much anymore?

In fact, it's not that he doesn't act, but his works in recent years are very single, and the quality is very poor.

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow
This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow

It's hard not to say that this is also a kind of "disappearance".

To further speak:

Is it just one actor who has disappeared?

And what should we do to save this?

This domestic entertainment actor has disappeared somehow