
Hello, Hongqiao|Skillfully attacked the Japanese army repair institute in Dahongqiao

author:Beautiful Red Bridge

The story of the history of the Red Bridge Party

During the Anti-Japanese War, Tianjin was the city with the harshest Japanese puppet rule, and there were heavy Japanese soldiers and puppet policemen and traitor spies. Since Tianjin is relatively close to the anti-Japanese base area in the 10th Central Hebei District, almost always the Japanese puppet army sent from Tianjin will destroy the base area in the 10th Central Hebei District every time there is a big sweep. In order to contain the enemy's forces and cooperate with the anti-sweeping operations of the whole sub-district, the anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the party often went in and out of the suburbs of Tianjin to carry out activities in the enemy's backyard. In August 1944, the camouflage attack on the Japanese army repair shop in Dahongqiao, Tianjin, was a battle that had a great impact on the enemy.

One afternoon in August 1944, He Chuanren, a staff officer of the Sanlian County Brigade, and Wang Zhi'an, the captain of the Erlian District Brigade, and a group of 13 people disguised themselves as gendarmerie troops, wearing Ma Lianpo straw hats, pedaling dresses and leather shoes, wearing long shirts, blue and blue, deliberately showing their chests and arms, with box guns on their belts, walking staggeringly, and with their toes high, starting from Xinzhuang South to Ben Tie Guo Shop, and then to Jinba Highway. When I overcame many dangers and obstacles along the way to Tianjin Dahongqiao, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening.

Hello, Hongqiao|Skillfully attacked the Japanese army repair institute in Dahongqiao

The area around Dahongqiao is very lively, with people coming and going, and the river is endless. The target of Wang Zhi'an's attack was in a courtyard north of Dahongqiao, and the courtyard was surrounded by Japanese camps, many sentry posts, and heavily guarded, which was very unfavorable to approaching the target. At this time, the lights on the steel frame of the big red bridge are as bright as day, there are guard boxes at both ends of the south and north ends of the bridge, and the posts have telephones leading to the barracks, and there are defensive measures such as shooting. Wang Zhi'an and his teammates were planning to wait for an opportunity to pass through the south of the bridge, and suddenly found some abandoned trenches outside the camp near the river lamp, so they squatted down one after another and jumped into the trenches to discuss. Everyone summed it up, even if they were dressed up, they couldn't just pass through like this, and it would be troublesome to check the sentry box, so they could only mix in when there were many people. Those who are familiar with the situation say that this period is about to end, and it will be almost over at eleven o'clock. Wang Zhi'an and his teammates waited here in hiding.

After a while, the show ended, and there was a flow of people on the bridge, both men and women, mixed with individual military and police. Wang Zhi'an and the others were divided into groups of two, disguised as gendarmes watching the play, and took the opportunity to disperse through the Dahong Bridge, and came to the door of the repair shop one after another. At this time, there were people coming and going in front of the repair station, and Wang Zhi'an and the two of them were pacing, and the camp devils didn't ask. He Chuanren took the opportunity to go in, and Wang Zhi'an and the two team members watched the wind outside the door. They had discussed in advance that they would never fire their guns as a last resort. Wang An'an had already hidden his gun when he was looking for the wind, pretending to be a trader. Suddenly, the gendarmerie came, and they were all riding bicycles, carrying guns, and their eyebrows were raised. Seeing that they were about to pass, one of the gendarmes' car chains fell, and the gendarmes stopped to hang the chains alone, but four or five people got out of the car and waited for him, but the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't hang up. The gendarmes in front came back, and when they saw Wang Zhi'an at the door of the repair office, they became suspicious, and their eyes swept straight to Wang Zhi'an. At this time, Wang Zhi'an was really in a dilemma, he couldn't walk, he couldn't stand still, and he was afraid that there would be a gun inside, so he asked the two team members to pay attention to the inside, and he simply smoked by the door. Thinking that this would not work, he had an idea, and hurriedly accosted the gendarme and hung a chain on it. Two gendarmes approached Wang Zhi'an and asked, "What are you doing?" Wang Zhi'an smiled and said, "I am running the grain business." The gendarmes were a little suspicious: "What are you doing here?" Wang Zhi'an smiled, quickly got up and said, "Boss, this insurance is only done here." He quickly took out a box of cigarettes and handed them them, the cigarette box was open, and a thick pile of counterfeit money was exposed above the mouth. It is called entering the smoke, but it is actually entering the wealth. When these two people saw that the cigarette (money) was much more kind, they said that they would not smoke it but took it. Wang Zhi'an said repeatedly: "It's not easy to do business!" Brothers take care of you in the future! Then the gendarme also hung up the chain and rode away.

He Chuanren did not go well after they entered the hospital, as soon as they entered the door, they collided with a Han traitor (Korean) who was leading a wolf dog, and Tong Leshan, the leader of the pistol squad of the brigade, violently pressed a gun against his chest, which scared Han traitor (Korean) and called grandpa. It just so happened that the Han traitor (Korean) understood Chinese, and when he asked them where the captain was, he didn't dare to say. Fortunately, the soldiers had already scouted the place, so they went directly into the captain's house. At this time, most of the devils had fallen asleep, and the captain had fallen asleep on the floor, and Tong Leshan kicked him in the neck violently, and even the pillow was kicked away. "Don't move!" Tong Leshan shouted loudly, coupled with that kick, the enemy captain was stunned, mistakenly thinking that it was a green forest figure who came to ask for money, sat up and rubbed and pointed to the safe next to him, and as soon as he moved, Tong Leshan kicked him, for fear that he would do something. Because when Wang Zhi'an came, they stipulated several disciplines, not to touch the power grid, to prevent touching the electric bell, especially to catch the enemy and not allow them to move (only later did I know that the enemy captain was referring to the counterfeit banknotes of 800,000 yuan in the safe).

After searching, a total of 7 Japanese soldiers in this courtyard became prisoners before they even had time to take their weapons in their sleep. Tong Leshan put a letter signed by the Eighth Route Army on the enemy's desk in a dignified manner. According to the discipline of the time of coming, the team members did not even take a towel, escorted the prisoners, and walked to the courtyard with guns. Tong Leshan threw a brick from the courtyard according to the code agreed in advance, suggesting that the task had been completed inside, and Wang Zhi'an also threw bricks into the courtyard, suggesting that there was no enemy outside and he could come out.

Knowing that there was no enemy outside, the team members in the courtyard carried a machine gun. Wang Zhi'an ordered people to withdraw all the machine gun and rifle bullets, and re-"equip" the Japanese army with these bulletless guns, one Japanese prisoner carried the machine gun in front, and the rest of the rifles were distributed to other prisoners, lined up, and told the Japanese prisoners again that they were not allowed to run. Wang Zhi'an and the others were just about to set off, when they suddenly heard the wolf dog biting, and the soldiers were in a hurry, so they asked the Han traitor (Korean) to lead the wolf dog to walk in the team, and Wang Zhi'an and them were mixed in front and behind the Japanese army, crossed the big red bridge, and headed southwest. At this time, Wang Zhi'an and they were already authentic "military police", because there were Japanese soldiers as signs, people were also sideways, and their anger was rough, and the Japanese soldiers in the adjacent two camps did not know the situation, and they were all stunned and stared, ignoring them and passing. On the way, Wang Zhi'an and the others asked for a big car from a puppet township office, took the car to the west, took the captives into the green yarn tent, and rushed back to the reed pond station along the east grassland.

The above content was compiled by the Party History Research Office of the District Party Committee from the "Tianjin Party History Data Series - Hongqiao Party History Data Collection", and the original text recalled Wang Zhi'an.