
The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?

author:Fish feed technology

"Cost-effective" is not a small video this time,It's the voice of the user,X5 and M9The comparison is simply a product of two eras,It's not bragging, it's really not bragging, it's said that the users in the world are poached from Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi, it's really not bragging.,

The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?

Technology is king, the car is not only as simple as driving, but also the intelligent car is to turn the car into a scientific and technological equipment that serves more people.

In particular, we should pay attention to the barrier-free AI voice recognition technology on the pure-blooded Hongmeng, and suddenly found that the great thing about it is that if you get on the car, it means that people with voice impairments can also use voice control normally while driving, which really plays the role of technology in serving the people, rather than only for most people.

The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?

If this technology is integrated into the car in the later stage, it is not to look at the 3D model world in the intelligent driving, but to realize the automatic driving operation of physical recognition and more accurate judgment, so the value of technology is often lurking in a goodwill research and development!

The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?

I don't know if Bao M executives will continue to insist that the big screen is useless,Now the question is not whether it is useful or not,In a word, you can see that the M9 car is of high grade when you get in the car,Then go back to X5,I want to ask if it is back to the "Stone Age"?

The role of the screen is not only to see the navigation, but also to drive late at night night view of the night, I believe that many people have encountered the situation that they can not see clearly even if they turn on the lights when driving at night, is there a way to help see the road conditions clearly?

Therefore, the technology on the car is to help get a better experience, not blindly reject.

The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?

Since it is a challenge to traditional cars, it is inevitable that the overseas market will be launched, and the overseas release of Cialis overseas will officially launch the M7 and M5, and the unexpected appearance of SERES 3 is the M3?

The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?

However, what also makes the old users who have suffered from the "backstab" in China finally feel a little better, the overseas version is mainly an extended range version, and it is an "old front face design" that is actually not old, and it will be released for one to a year, and it is expected that the M7 Ultra version and the new M5 will be launched together after the follow-up production capacity.

If European and American manufacturers still insist on returning to engine technology, it is really "reversing", in the face of the challenges of domestic car manufacturing going to sea, intelligence and longer battery life, if the traditional way does not change, then we can't complain that Huawei is "sprinkling paraquat"!

The difference is too great! X5 vs. M9 is simply a product of two eras, and there is even a question M3?