
Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Events of the Week (June 24-30, 2024)

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

The 46 billion yuan super project "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel" was opened for trial operation on June 30, officially joining the "metropolitan area" of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area!

The east and west banks of the Pearl River are finally next to each other across the sea. From benefiting the industrial development of Shenzhen and China, to driving cross-Pearl River Estuary industrial cooperation, and ultimately boosting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and more regions to achieve a leap in economic development, behind the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is the "multiplier effect" caused by a cross-sea channel.

As the most difficult sea-crossing bridge in the world, what will it bring to us?

Special report: Deep and Chinese connection, the world is infinite


How to "go new" made in Guangdong? "20+8" new industries have emerged with new momentum

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

More than 40 years of spring breeze and rain, spring and autumn fruits. Today, the land of southern Guangdong is in the spring tide again, the quality of traditional industries is upgraded, and emerging industries are booming. New quality productivity takes root and sprouts on this fertile soil, blossoms and bears fruit, and emerges with vitality. Behind this, it is naturally inseparable from the advantages of the perfect industrial chain and supply chain in the Greater Bay Area, and the support of thousands of small, medium and micro enterprises in the Bay Area.

According to official data, by the end of 2023, Guangdong Province has cultivated a total of 1,525 specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises, ranking first in the country. The new productivity revolution of new quality productivity is gathering the "new" tide of the era that is rolling forward, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as the main position of high-quality development in the mainland, should stand at the forefront of the tide and move towards the "new".

To this end, Nandu Bay Finance Society launched the theme report of "Bay Area to "New" Force", entered the "little giant" and "unicorn" enterprises, and focused on new quality productivity samples; Visit the leaders of scientific and technological innovation, pay tribute to the "benchmark of the Bay Area" of high-quality development, and continue to sing the good voice of the Bay Area on this new "answer sheet" for the development of new quality productivity.

Bay Area to the "new" apocalypse

To open a new life for the silver age, Guangdong Finance has a responsibility

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

At the beginning of this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the country's first special document to support the development of the silver economy, "Opinions on the Development of the Silver Economy and the Improvement of the Well-being of the Elderly", which created a good policy environment and institutional environment for the development of the silver economy from the central level, opened up a broad space for development, and the pension finance has attracted much attention. As a strong financial province and a pioneer area of the personal pension system, how to explore and summarize the service model of Guangdong's financial characteristics?

In order to promote the steady and far-reaching development of the "silver economy" market, in 2024, Nandu Bay Finance Society will launch a series of planning for the financial literacy of the elderly in the Greater Bay Area with the theme of "Opening a New Life for the Silver Age, Guangdong Financial Responsibility", and simultaneously launch the "Escort the Silver Economy" Bay Area Financial Literacy Escort Alliance activity, and join hands with banks, insurance, funds and other financial formats and industry associations to jointly promote the opening of a new chapter of high-quality development of Guangdong's pension finance.

Wancai Pension Finance Weekly| To open a new life for the silver age, Guangdong Finance has a responsibility


From July 1, the duty-free quota for Hong Kong, Macao and mainland tourists will be doubled! It was raised to 12,000 yuan

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

On June 28, the Ministry of Finance announced that from July 1, the shopping duty-free quota for residents and passengers entering Hong Kong and Macao will be increased to 12,000 yuan, an increase of 7,000 yuan from the previous one.

The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee, extended a warm welcome and expected to bring in up to HK$17.6 billion in additional shopping spending for Hong Kong every year. Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) also expressed its heartfelt gratitude and will spare no effort to expand visitor sources.

According to the disclosure, as of the end of May, the total number of visitors to Hong Kong this year reached 18 million, of which 13.8 million were from the Mainland, an increase of about 74% over the same period last year.

Beijing issued a document that the minimum down payment for the first house is 20%!

On June 26, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued the "Notice on Optimizing the Policies and Measures for the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in the City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which clearly implemented the adjustment of the minimum down payment ratio and the lower limit of the interest rate of commercial personal housing loans, adjusted the minimum down payment ratio of personal housing loans of the housing provident fund, supported the improved housing demand of families with many children, increased the loan amount of the housing provident fund for the purchase of green buildings, prefabricated buildings or ultra-low energy consumption buildings, and organized the "trade-in" of housing activities and other policy measures. According to the Notice, the minimum down payment ratio for the purchase of the first house in Beijing will be adjusted to 20%, and the lower limit of the mortgage interest rate will be adjusted to 3.5%. The Notice will come into force on June 27, 2024.


It is rumored on the Internet that Dongfang Selection requires pit positions and publicity fees? Yu Minhong: We do not accept rumors and slander

On the evening of June 29, in response to the market rumors of "Oriental Selection Requirements and Charging Pit Fees and Publicity Fees", Oriental Selection issued a solemn statement saying that the company has never asked the government for publicity fees, and also insists on not charging so-called pit fees to any enterprises and businesses.

That night, Yu Minhong, founder of New Oriental and CEO of Oriental Selection, reprinted the above statement on his personal Douyin account and posted that "We accept criticism, but we do not accept rumors and slander!" ”

Bank of Xi'an in the turmoil:

A number of senior executives overstayed their appointments, putting pressure on performance and asset quality

On June 21, Bank of Xi'an announced that Di Hao, the bank's vice president, passed away on June 18. On the same day, "Di Hao, vice president of the Bank of Xi'an, fell to his death" on Weibo's hot search. While the suspected death of the vice president of the Bank of Xi'an caused heated discussions, the bank's internal control management issues and performance have also attracted attention in the industry.

Adidas released the results of its investigation: executives accused of corruption and bullying have left the company

On June 26, adidas announced the progress of the investigation into the alleged corruption and bullying of its executives in China. The relevant person in charge of Adidas China told the reporter of Nandu Bay Finance Society that in response to this matter, in the afternoon of the same day, Adidas China reported the investigation results of the matter internally in the form of an online meeting of all employees, and the reported marketing department executives and another marketing department employee have left the company.

The EU plans to fine-tune China's electric vehicle tariffs by 0.5%? The industry sees it this way

According to Bloomberg on the 26th, citing sources familiar with the matter, the EU is expected to slightly adjust its proposed tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China. As of press time, none of the relevant car companies have responded to this matter. Analysts in the automotive industry pointed out that it is of little significance to follow this fine-tuning range, and it is difficult to solve the problem through the 2013 Sino-European PV dispute.

Entering the "full custody"? Amazon sells low-price white labels, and sellers are worried about price involution

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

On June 26, a seller revealed that he was invited to participate in Amazon's closed-door meeting in Shenzhen. At the conference, Amazon announced that it will launch a new section on its website, dedicated to white-label low-cost fashion, home and lifestyle categories.

Nandu Bay Finance Society learned from Amazon insiders that Amazon does have a plan to open a "low-cost store". Amazon's official response to this statement said, "Amazon and seller partners continue to explore new ways to provide customers with richer choices, better prices, and more convenient services." In recent years, TEMU, SHEIN, TikTok, etc. have all made efforts to fully manage the business, and now Amazon has entered the market, aiming at the same key categories, emphasizing direct hair while highlighting the timeliness of performance, which inevitably makes the outside world think about it.


The top ten bull stocks in the first half of the year were released

The first half of A-share trading ended on June 28, and the Shanghai Composite Index fell slightly by 0.25%; Top 10 bull stocks released: excluding the new shares listed this year, Zhengdan shares (300641) rose more than 3 times in the first half of the year, the largest annual increase in stocks, Zhengdan shares rose mainly because of its main product trimellitic anhydride product market price increase.

A number of low-altitude economic concept stocks were on the list, Wanfeng Aowei (002085) rose 176%, the second largest stock of the year, Jindun shares (300411) rose more than 95%, and CITIC Haizhi (000099) rose more than 86%.

Among the other stocks on the list, Xin Yisheng (300502) rose 114% in the first half of the year and is a CPO concept stock. Wall Nuclear Materials (002130) rose 91% in the first half of the year, and it is a concept stock of copper cable high-speed connection. Shantui shares (000680) are stocks in the construction machinery sector, and Xinji Energy (601918) is a stock in the coal sector.

The two major positions are high-profile, and Dongguan Securities is the "audition" president and vice president

According to the recent recruitment announcement, Dongguan Securities is recruiting 1 general manager (president) and 1 deputy general manager (vice president). What are the considerations for the company to recruit the general manager through the national "audition"? How is it progressing so far?

On June 25, a reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Society interviewed Dongguan Securities by phone, email, etc., but has not received a reply as of press time. However, in an interview with the Bay Finance Society, some observers analyzed that small and medium-sized brokerages can expand their influence and attract high-end talents by recruiting executives through "auditions".


Rolls-Royce plunges millions? Sales of the Chaohao brand plummeted, and McLaren sold 9 units in the first 5 months

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

Recently, the news of Rolls-Royce's "wild drop of one million yuan" has sparked heated discussions in the car circle. In fact, not only Rolls-Royce, but almost all ultra-luxury brands have seen a significant decline in sales in China this year. Some auto analysts pointed out that from January to May this year, the sales of ultra-luxury brands such as Bentley, Lamborghini, and Ferrari plummeted by more than 30%, and McLaren's year-on-year decline was as high as 90%.

The Great Wall "embraces" Huawei and intends to cooperate like this!

Recently, Great Wall Motor and Huawei signed the HUAWEI HiCar Integrated Development Cooperation Agreement. According to the agreement, Great Wall Motor will be the first batch of automotive companies to obtain in-depth development resources such as HUAWEI HiCar product source code and development tools. On this basis, the teams of both parties will further build a win-win development ecosystem.

It is more convenient for new energy vehicles to replenish energy!

The total number of charging facilities in China has reached nearly 10 million, ranking first in the world

As of the end of May this year, the total number of charging infrastructure in the country reached 9.92 million units, ranking first in the world. In the eyes of industry insiders, the ratio of pure electric vehicles in the incremental market in 2024 has reached 1:1, which is far ahead of the world, but there are still problems such as imperfect layout and slow development of private piles, which affect the popularity of electric vehicles to a certain extent.


Midea Real Estate promotes internal restructuring! On June 23, Midea Real Estate announced that the company will carry out equity restructuring and reorganize the property rights of the wholly-owned real estate development business from a listed company to a controlling shareholder, and the equity restructuring method will be distributed in kind in the Hong Kong capital market. After the completion of the restructuring, Midea Real Estate will realize the equity separation of the asset-heavy business and the continuing operation business of real estate development.

According to the announcement, Midea Real Estate proposes to implement the proposed distribution to shareholders who are on the company's register of shareholders on the record date, according to which Midea Real Estate intends to carry out an internal reorganization of the real estate development and sales business (hereinafter referred to as the "real estate development business"), with a private company holding the business, and at the same time forming a private company group, and then divesting the private company group from Midea Real Estate by distributing shares of the private company in kind.

3 real estate companies bid for 12 rounds! Guangzhou's first premium land was born this year

Guangzhou's first premium residential land was released this year. On the morning of June 25, after 12 rounds of bidding, the AF040134 plot south of Hedong Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou City, was won by Poly at a total price of about 699.9 million yuan, equivalent to a floor price of 28,541 yuan per square meter. It is reported that this will be the 16th parcel of land in Liwan, Luozi, Poly.


Brands such as Yadea, Emma, Tailing, and Luyuan! Fifteen batches of e-bikes were found to be unqualified

Recently, the Gansu Provincial Administration for Market Regulation announced the results of the special supervision and random inspection of the quality of electric bicycles and rechargeable batteries in 2024. Spot checks found that the quality of 15 batches of electric bicycles sold by 15 units did not meet the standard requirements, involving brands including Yadea, Emma, Tailing, Luyuan, Xiaodao, Xinri, etc., and the unqualified items mainly included logos and warnings, chargers and batteries (battery tamper-proof), mutual recognition and collaborative charging.

Food advertisements involving disease treatment functions are fined!

Hefu Lao Noodles: The products involved have been removed from the shelves

Recently, the national enterprise credit information publicity system showed that Nanjing Kunfu Catering Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hefu Lao Mian, violated the regulations on the management of advertising content in the food advertisement that involved disease treatment functions, and according to Article 58 of the Advertising Law, the Nanjing Qinhuai District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau fined the company 60,000 yuan.

On June 27, the relevant person in charge of the headquarters of Hefu Lao Mian responded to an interview with a reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Society, saying that this issue is a dispute over the promotion of raw materials, "After receiving the relevant notice, we have made adjustments in publicity as soon as possible." Moreover, this product is a new spring product and has been removed from the shelves. ”

Pure water is as low as 8 cents a bottle! Nongfu Spring, Cestbon, Wahaha, etc. started a price war

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

Bottled water products that were originally priced at 2 yuan have been heavily reduced in price this summer, and some products have even fallen below the 1 yuan range.

Recently, a reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Society visited a number of offline supermarkets in Guangzhou and found that a variety of brands of packaged drinking water are opening preferential promotions, among which Nongfu Spring pure water has the largest discount, with the lowest price per bottle being less than 1 yuan, and related products such as Cestbon and Wahaha are also being sold at reduced prices. Not only offline, but also on online e-commerce platforms and live broadcast rooms, brands such as Nongfu Spring, Cestbon and Wahaha have also engaged in price reduction promotions, from product categories to channels and prices, this fierce "water war" has been fully launched.

Wine smell

Directly hit the general meeting of shareholders of Luzhou Laojiao

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

On the afternoon of June 27, Luzhou Laojiao (000568. SZ) shareholders' meeting was held. It is worth mentioning that in 2024, Luzhou Laojiao's business goal is to strive to achieve a year-on-year increase of no less than 15% in operating income. In the fluctuation of the liquor cycle, whether Luzhou Laojiao will adjust its business targets is the focus of the market. General Manager Lin Feng said at the scene: "We will run as fast as we can on a benign basis." ”

The change of Xijiu's major shareholder was approved, and the "low-key" disclosure of performance was concerned

On June 25, the website of the Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement Division 1 of the State Administration for Market Regulation released the list of cases of unconditional approval of concentration of undertakings from June 10 to June 16, 2024. Among them, Guizhou Qiansheng State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Qiansheng State-owned Assets) acquired the equity of Guizhou Xijiu Investment Holding Group (hereinafter referred to as Xijiu Group) Co., Ltd., which was unconditionally approved by the State Administration for Market Regulation.

The reporter of Nandu Bay Finance Society noticed that on the same day that the change of major shareholders was approved, Xijiu's 2023 performance was also "inadvertently" concerned by the outside world.

After the incident of "self-made fake Moutai identified as true", Kweichow Moutai upgraded its identification and anti-counterfeiting system

Bay Finance Weekly Report | Memorabilia The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor triggered a "multiplier effect"

After encountering the incident of "self-made fake Moutai identified as genuine", Kweichow Moutai upgraded its product identification and anti-counterfeiting system. On June 29, a reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Society learned from Kweichow Moutai that the company has recently held a special scheduling meeting, held a special training course for product identification skills improvement, and accelerated the upgrading of Kweichow Moutai (Jiachen Dragon Year) anti-counterfeiting technology, etc., to upgrade the identification system of Moutai and other products.