
People's livelihood, elements, and bay area are connected, decoding the super "connectivity" meaning of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
People's livelihood, elements, and bay area are connected, decoding the super "connectivity" meaning of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel

On the Lingding Ocean, the Shenzhong Channel crossed the clouds and crossed the sea, and officially "took up the post" at 3 pm on June 30. After seven years of construction, this world-class cross-sea cluster project has been opened to traffic and has become another important east-west passage of the Pearl River Estuary.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage integrates bridges, islands, tunnels and underwater interchanges, with a total length of about 24 kilometers, about 30 kilometers away from the Humen Bridge in the north and about 31 kilometers away from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the south. After the opening of the road, the driving time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan will be shortened from 2 hours to 30 minutes.

One bridge passes, all roads pass. The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will facilitate the travel of residents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and will also facilitate the efficient and smooth flow of technology, talents, finance and other factors. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor and other cross-river corridors form a super channel group to jointly promote the integrated development of the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary.

People's livelihood, elements, and bay area are connected, decoding the super "connectivity" meaning of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel

The Shenzhong Passage after the opening of traffic.

Civilian "Familiar"

"In the past, I had to go north through the Humen Bridge and then south to Shenzhen, which took about two hours." Mr. Qiu, a native of Zhongshan, sometimes drives to Shenzhen to meet friends, and a two-hour drive is the norm.

Before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, the main cross-river passages on the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary in the Pearl River Delta were the Humen Bridge and the Nansha Bridge, and the Humen Bridge opened to traffic in 1997 was designed to be 80,000 standard vehicles per day, but with the economic and social development, the traffic flow after the opening of traffic has far exceeded the design standard, and the highest single-day traffic was close to 200,000 vehicles. In 2023, the traffic flow of the Nansha Bridge will increase by 120% compared with the initial opening of the bridge, far exceeding the design flow of 100,000 vehicles per day. The high traffic flow of the two bridges also indicates that the east-west cross-river passage of the Pearl River Estuary is not yet saturated.

Flipping over the map, you can see that the Humen Bridge and the Nansha Bridge are located at the north end of the Pearl River Estuary, from the Humen Bridge to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai Bridge within 60 kilometers, there was no direct connection channel before, Zhuhai Zhongshan and Shenzhen Dongguan interchange, need to go north to cross the river and then turn south. The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has changed this situation, which is about 30 kilometers away from the Humen Bridge in the north and 31 kilometers away from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the south, which means that a passage across the Pearl River Estuary has just been erected on the water surface of more than 60 kilometers, and it can be reached in half an hour between Zhongshan and Shenzhen.

The establishment of a direct passage between Shenzhen and Zhongshan has not only benefited the residents of Shenzhen and Zhongshan, but also made it more convenient for residents in many cities in the Greater Bay Area, and many enterprises in the transportation industry have adjusted their driving routes. According to the relevant person in charge of Guangdong-Hong Kong Motor Transport Joint Venture Co., Ltd., before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Zhongshan citizens need to reach the urban area of Hong Kong, and the drive will take more than 3 hours. After the opening, the Guangdong-Hong Kong direct bus line will be adjusted to run through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, and Zhongshan can reach the urban area of Hong Kong within 2 hours.

With the convenience brought by the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, cities on both sides of the Pearl River Estuary have invested more resources to enrich travel modes. For example, Shenzhen and China have opened cross-city buses, and Zhongshan has put into operation Shenzhen-Zhongshan Airport, which runs multiple buses between Zhongshan Expo Center and Shenzhen Airport every day. Similarly, Jiangmen also operates the Jiangmen Airport of Shenzhen Airport, which is an extension of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport in Jiangmen and western Zhuhai, providing one-stop remote check-in and airport special line services for Shenjiang docking, and the Shenjiang Airport Express has also been put into operation.

People's livelihood, elements, and bay area are connected, decoding the super "connectivity" meaning of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel

Deep middle channel.

Element "Tsu"

Located in the core area of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor connects major cooperation platforms such as Qianhai, Nansha, Hengqin and Hetao, and connects the "two corridors" of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong and Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridors, which not only drives the efficient operation of transportation, but also enables the more efficient and smooth flow of science and technology, talents, finance and other elements in the Greater Bay Area.

Jiao Ping, a professor at the Greater Bay Area Dual Circulation Development Research Institute of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, believes that the physical distance between the above platforms will be greatly shortened with the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor. In the future, the four platforms will serve as the main battlefield for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation, and will usher in greater room for development in terms of the exchange of development experience, reference and collaborative innovation.

Chen Chi, a special researcher of the Counsellors' Office of the Guangdong Provincial Government, said that the connection of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has improved the transportation system of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and will further promote the linkage of multiple cities in Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Guangzhou and Jiangmen, which is conducive to the continuous release of the development potential of the Bay Area. He believes that all localities can take the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor as an opportunity to open up the factor market, guide the innovation resources of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong to blossom and bear fruit on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and contribute to the development of an innovative bay area.

Many cities in the Greater Bay Area have begun to actively plan to seize the opportunities brought by the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor. Through the connection between the Wanqingsha branch line of the South-Central Expressway and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the driving time between Guangzhou Nansha and Shenzhen is expected to be shortened to 20 minutes in the future, and to 15 minutes with Zhongshan. In order to gather chains and clusters to form a trend and activate new momentum for industrial development, Nansha will plan the "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel" area. The "Shenzhong Passage" area mainly refers to an area of about 8 square kilometers from 15 chong in the north to 18 chong in the south of Wanqingsha. According to the plan, the "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor" area, as the rear industrial hinterland of Nansha Port, will focus on the development of health R&D intelligent manufacturing and high-end medical services in the future, and develop differentiated industries with surrounding cities such as Shenzhen and Zhongshan to create a "Guangzhou-Shenzhen Industrial Integration Demonstration Zone".

In order to undertake Shenzhen's innovation and industrial radiation, Zhongshan on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary has made a lot of preparations. For example, in the east of Ma'an Island next to the landing point of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, the Shenzhen-China Industrial Cooperation Demonstration Park - Bay Area Future Science and Technology City, which is jointly built by the state-owned assets platforms of Shenzhen and China, has entered the final stage, and the relevant person in charge of the industrial park said that the future park will be committed to building a demonstration benchmark for "Shenzhen R&D + Zhongshan transformation" and the development of new quality productivity. Shenzhen and Zhongshan are far more than that, Zhongshan also proposed to build a Shenzhen-China Economic Cooperation Zone, and explore a new industrial linkage model of "Shenzhen headquarters + Zhongshan manufacturing", "Shenzhen chain master + Zhongshan supporting" and "Shenzhen R&D + Zhongshan transformation".

Bay Area "Pass"

In fact, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor not only brings convenience to the flow of economic and innovative factors, but also has high hopes to promote the integrated development of the east and west sides of the Pearl River Estuary through the opening of traffic, and improve the level of "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and "soft connectivity" of rules and mechanisms in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Previously, the provident fund management centers of Shenzhen and Zhongshan jointly signed the "Cooperation Agreement on Promoting the Integrated Development of Housing Provident Fund in Zhongshan City, Shenzhen", marking that the mutual recognition, interoperability and integrated development of housing provident fund between Shenzhen and China have entered a new stage. At present, the provident fund of Shenzhen and China is gradually coordinated in terms of withdrawal and loan policies. At the same time, the two sides have set up a "Shenzhen-China service window" and a special service hotline to implement "one-to-one" directional services, and handle more than 20 businesses such as housing purchase, retirement and rental withdrawal for employees in Shenzhen and Zhongshan.

With the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, more cities and more fields will achieve integrated development in the future.

Jin Wenzhou, a professor at the School of Civil Engineering and Transportation at South China University of Technology, pointed out that the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is an east wind in the integration process of the Greater Bay Area, which has a positive impact on the cities on the west bank of the Pearl River. Liu Jianghua, former vice president of the Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences, suggested speeding up the construction of co-urbanization in the connecting areas of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, taking the lead in exploring solutions in the fields of medical care, social security and education, and creating a good environment for investors, entrepreneurs and employment groups to balance business and housing.

After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it will form a group of cross-sea and cross-river passages in the Greater Bay Area together with the completed Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Nansha Bridge and Humen Bridge, helping to accelerate the formation of a "one-hour commuting circle" in the 100-kilometer "Golden Inner Bay" around the Pearl River Estuary. Not only that, the Pearl River Estuary is also planning and building more channels, including the Lianhuashan River Crossing Channel, the Shiziyang Channel and the Shenzhen-Zhuhai Channel, which will form a super channel in the Pearl River Estuary in the future, further igniting a strong engine of new quality productivity, helping to form a world-class dynamic bay area, promoting the docking and sharing of industrial innovation resources in the Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, deepening exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as business environment, cultural tourism, people's livelihood undertakings, and social governance, and jointly building an innovation chain, industrial chain and supply chain on a larger scale.

Written by: Nandu reporter Jiang Zhen and intern Zheng Zixuan

Courtesy of Cantonese Jiaojixuan