
Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

author:39 HealthNet

Can cancer be transmitted from husband to wife?

Cancer has always endangered our lives and health. There is also such a strange phenomenon in the oncology community, that is, a couple who have lived together for a long time often suffer from cancer at the same time period, which is called "couple cancer" in the academic community.

So, why does couples have cancer?

The story of a recent couple who were both diagnosed with colorectal cancer may tell us more. However, the truth may not be what you think.

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

1. Can cancer be transmitted between husband and wife? Be careful with these 3 diseases!

For Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun, who live in Hangzhou, the word cancer is too far away, and they have never heard of the word cancer in couples. But who would have thought that this kind of thing would happen to them.

At the beginning of April this year, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun made an appointment for a painless gastrointestinal endoscopy. They did this examination just to have peace of mind, but after the results came out, the hearts of both of them were completely cold. It turned out that the results showed that both of them had multiple colorectal polyps, and the pathological results suggested high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia.

How did you get colorectal cancer? Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun were broken and puzzled, and in the end, it was the doctor's explanation that made them suddenly realize.

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

Jiang Jianhua, director of the Endoscopy Center of the First People's Hospital of Fuyang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, said that this is actually caused by bad eating habits. Like many people, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun eat leftovers, but their approach is more extreme. They often put a dish in the refrigerator before finishing it, and then fry it with fresh food the next day. Even. It is also common to eat a dish for three days.

Doctor explains: Overnight meals have higher levels of nitrite. When they enter the body, they combine with amines, the breakdown products of proteins, in the mouth, intestines, and stomach to form nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are class I carcinogens that may cause diseases such as esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and intestinal cancer.

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

So strictly speaking, there is no cancer transmission between husband and wife. However, because the husband and wife are in close contact and have close living habits, it is easy to have a situation like "husband and wife" for cancer.

In addition to cancer caused by dietary habits, there are also these two types of cancer, and couples are also prone to suffer together.

Lung cancer: We all know the dangers of secondhand smoke. Therefore, as long as one of the husband and wife smokes, then both of them should pay attention. In addition, the fumes from cooking at home, formaldehyde from house decoration, etc., all have the potential to cause cancer, and they all need to be vigilant.

Liver cancer: The reason why liver cancer is also easy to become "husband and wife cancer" is because of the hepatitis B virus. People with hepatitis B are already susceptible to liver cancer, and the hepatitis B virus is more contagious. In general, there are 3 routes of transmission of hepatitis B: mother-to-child transmission, blood-borne transmission, and sexual transmission.

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

2. 90 million people with hepatitis B tell you: don't do these 5 things in the morning

Cancer always comes so suddenly. Whether it is stomach cancer, liver cancer or lung cancer, it is often menacing, killing patients to the ground.

So what do we do if we are really infected?

China is a large country with hepatitis B, and the number of people living with hepatitis B is about 90 million. A doctor gave a "don't do it at 5 in the morning" for the 90 million people with hepatitis B.

Now we share it in the hope that those in need can benefit from it.

First, don't drink too much in the morning

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

Studies have found that there is an enzyme in the stomach and liver, called alcohol dehydrogenase, which can oxidize alcohol into acetaldehyde in the human body, which is obviously toxic to liver cells. However, the liver of hepatitis B virus carriers has weaknesses and deficiencies, and is particularly sensitive to acetaldehyde, and a small amount of acetaldehyde can cause liver damage and cause immune damage to the liver by hepatitis B virus.

In addition, long-term drinking itself can easily induce liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, so be sure to abstain from alcohol!

Second, be sure not to get angry in the morning

According to research statistics, irritable people are nearly six times more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than the general population, and the probability of liver disease is also eight times higher. Therefore, whether the liver is healthy or not has a lot to do with emotions, and angry people often cause uncomfortable liver qi, and anger will also reduce people's immunity, giving the virus an opportunity to be active.

Third, don't overexert yourself in the morning

Exertion can lead to a significant reduction in the liver's energy supply, and the liver's ability to resist disease will also become greatly weakened, allowing the hepatitis B virus to spread rapidly in the body and exacerbate the disease.

Fourth, be sure not to smoke in the morning

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

In addition to abstaining from alcohol, it is also advisable for people with hepatitis B to quit smoking.

Cigarettes are rich in a variety of harmful substances, including benzopyrene, tar, nicotine, nitrosamines, etc., which can easily reduce the body's immunity and induce the occurrence of liver cancer.

Fifth, be sure not to eat a high-fat, high-calorie diet in the morning

For people with hepatitis B, it's important to learn to keep your mouth shut. High fat and calories can increase the burden on the liver. Many people don't know that severe fatty liver is actually the culprit that induces liver cancer. Therefore, hepatitis B patients should eat less high-fat and high-calorie foods. What is more suitable for their diet is actually foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, dietary fiber and trace elements.

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

3. If you put these 3 foods in the refrigerator, you are an accomplice to cancer

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun's cancer is actually caused by eating food that has been stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Coincidentally, not long ago, there was such a news on the hot search: a 36-year-old pregnant woman was infected with Listeria premature when she was 27 weeks pregnant because she drank a glass of fresh milk that had been opened in the refrigerator. The child was not spared, and soon after birth, he developed septic shock, and the blood routine also showed abnormally high white blood cells, and there was a leukemia-like reaction. Fortunately, after treatment, the child's condition gradually improved.

However, such incidents are also a wake-up call. That is, although the refrigerator is convenient, it is by no means a "safe". We can't just put the food in and feel like we're all right. If you keep being so careless, your body will have to turn on a red light sooner or later!

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

Among the many foods, these three should be especially careful, they must not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time:

Overnight seafood: Fish, shrimp and other seafood are prone to protein degradants, including ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances if stored for a long time after cooking. These substances not only affect the taste, but also damage the liver and kidney function. In addition, long-term storage of aquatic products in the refrigerator is also prone to the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection, which increases the risk of stomach cancer.

Starchy foods such as rice and noodles: Foods containing starch will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract if they are kept in the refrigerator for a long time. What's more, it is also prone to the carcinogen aflatoxin. Studies have shown that 1 mg of aflatoxin is enough to cause cancer, and an adult who ingests 20 mg of aflatoxin at a time can die. So, be sure to be careful with starchy foods.

Can cancer be transmitted between couples? These 3 types can easily develop into "husband and wife cancer", so prevent them as soon as possible

Cold dishes left overnight: Cold dishes that are not cooked at high temperatures are more likely to grow bacteria. Moreover, some cold dishes are easy to accelerate deterioration at low temperatures, and they will also absorb the odor in the refrigerator. The most important thing is that cold dishes tend to have a high nitrite content after overnight, and nitrite is also easily converted into nitrosamines with strong carcinogenicity in the stomach acid environment.


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