
How were 260 kilograms of drugs seized? The police disclosed the details of the investigation of the "5.20" extraordinarily large transnational drug trafficking case

author:Palm Qujing

Recently, the Changning County Public Security Bureau in Yunnan Province released a video of the on-site arrest of drug dealers, reviewing the investigation of the "5.20" extraordinarily large drug trafficking case in 2021, and disclosing the details of the investigation of this extraordinarily large transnational drug trafficking case with 260 kilograms of seized drugs.

How were 260 kilograms of drugs seized? The police disclosed the details of the investigation of the "5.20" extraordinarily large transnational drug trafficking case

Won the first battle and seized more than 50 kilograms of drugs

At the beginning of May 2021, the anti-drug brigade of the Changning County Public Security Bureau obtained clues that a group of foreign drug dealers were preparing to organize a batch of drugs to be smuggled into the country. After analysis and judgment, the party committee of the bureau attached great importance to it and immediately dispatched capable police forces to form a special case team to Dehong Prefecture to investigate and handle the case.

At first, the task force only had the basic information of one of the drug dealers in China, and did not know anything about the specific entry situation, time, method, and identity information of the accomplices. In order to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, Li Dongkai, deputy commander of the anti-narcotics brigade, took many risks to conduct close investigations. Later, with the strong support of the higher authorities, the task force finally ushered in the first breakthrough, determined the identities and vehicle information of the two main suspects of the seller, Lin and Gan, and conducted a carpet investigation in Langdao Town, Ruili City. After investigation, the seller and the drug transport tool finally surfaced. However, it was not possible to know who the buyer was and when the transaction was, so the task force carried out strict control and squatting around the vehicle, staring at the suspect vehicle.

"A lot of times, anti-drug work is not as thrilling as on TV, but more about comparing brain power and endurance with drug dealers. A police officer handling the case said. In Ruili in May, the weather was unusually hot, and the squatting police could not open the windows for ventilation or leave their posts, and their clothes were soaked with sweat after changing shifts. Despite the difficult conditions, the police did not dare to slack off. At about 8 o'clock in the evening of the 7th, the waiting police found that Lin suddenly drove to Ruili, and the police immediately followed him secretly. Along the way, Lin drove stop-and-go. At this time, the police could not determine whether the drugs were in the car, so they could only choose to continue tracking. At about 9 o'clock in the evening, the car drove into a motor vehicle inspection station in Ruili City, and after investigation, Lin drove to the inspection and did not carry drugs. At 1:20 p.m. the next day, the white truck with a cloud N license plate was driven by Lin to the direction of Longchuan County, but after a day of tracking, it was found that Lin was going to run errands and had no signs of contact with drugs. That night, Lin drove back to the same place. There is nothing unusual about Lin's actions in the past few days, it is more like a temptation.

However, unexpected situations that the task force did not expect soon appeared. At about 10 o'clock that night, Lin suddenly went out, but instead of driving, he rode an electric tricycle. According to the analysis of the task force, he should have gone out to trade, but according to the situation, Lin will also conduct drug transactions with another group of people in the near future. At 22:15, the police found that Lin and a man had a brief meeting, which should have been a drug deal.

On the morning of the 9th, the task force learned that Lin had indeed handed over the drugs to a suspect nicknamed "Brother Tang" on the evening of the 8th. The top priority is to find "Brother Tang", and he must not be allowed to transport the drugs away. After a series of intense work, the task force determined the true identity of "Brother Tang": Tang, male, from Sichuan Province. After confirming the identity, the police searched for Tang through a lot of peripheral work, and soon found that Tang rented a private house in Lei Yun Village, Nongdao Town, and the investigators immediately rushed to the rental house to investigate. After arriving, the investigators found that there were many vehicles parked in the courtyard of the rental house, and it was not possible to determine which vehicle was the drug transport vehicle driven by Tang.

By checking the surveillance, it was found that at 10:27 p.m. on the 8th, a black sedan drove out of the intersection of the rental house and returned at 10:40 p.m., but the license plate was not clear. Another group of investigators also found the suspicious black sedan on surveillance near the place of the transaction. The investigators also found that several people from other provinces were living in rooms 8 and 9 of the rental house. After comprehensive analysis, the investigators believed that the black Mazda sedan parked at the entrance of the No. 8 rental house with a D license plate was seriously suspected of transporting drugs. At the same time, the suspiciousness of transporting drugs by people renting rooms 8 and 9 of rental houses is relatively high. Subsequently, with the cooperation of the police of the Nongdao Police Station in Ruili City, the investigators arrested the suspect Tang in the room, but Tang refused to admit that the black Mazda sedan with a D license plate was driving for himself.

The police seized 1 package of suspected methamphetamine in the fishing gear bag under the bed in the room, and the police sealed the package of suspected drugs and launched a surprise interrogation of Tang, but Tang insisted that he did not know about the vehicle. The police continued to search the room and seized one key to the Mazda sedan under the bedside futon.

Then, the police inspected the black Mazda sedan with a E D license plate in front of the suspect Tang, and seized 3 bags of suspected drugs in light green woven bags in the trunk of the car. The police opened 3 bags of suspected drugs, and found that each bag was sealed with light green woven bags and yellow tape, and after opening them, 172 suspected drugs wrapped in plastic bags were found, and the preliminary weight was more than 50 kilograms.

Cut off the entry channel for drugs

With the arrest of the buyer's drug dealer Tang, the next step is to focus on the seller. On the 10th, after investigation, the police found that foreign drug dealers were still organizing another batch of drugs, which were going to be sent to Ruili by Lin and others to be handed over to Tang. According to the preliminary investigation, the task force analyzed that the drugs should come in through the sidewalk at the border, and then decided to arrange a group of personnel to squat on the sidewalk all night, and another group of personnel to monitor the white truck with a cloud N license plate near the rental house. At about 12 noon on the 12th, investigators found a red three-wheeled motorcycle heading towards Nongdao Town, but it was not certain that the drugs were not in the car at this time. "If you do it now, if the drugs are not on the three-wheeled motorcycle, then this batch of drugs will not be able to be hit", in this case, the police decisively decided, and then patiently observed, waiting for the best time.

Finally at 2:38 p.m. that day, the police found that Lin and other three people were loading things into the truck, and the task force analyzed that the drugs should have been loaded into the car, and immediately decided to arrest Lin and others. At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, with the cooperation of the police of the Anti-drug Brigade of the Ruili City Public Security Bureau, the personnel of the special case team successfully arrested the suspect Lin and three others in the rented rental house rented by Lin in Nongdao Town, Ruili City, Dehong Prefecture, and seized 1 package of suspected methamphetamine packed in a blue plastic bag from Gan's black backpack on the spot. Later, in the courtyard of the rental house, the white pickup truck was inspected. At first glance, the car pulls 10 bags of charcoal in woven bags. The police unsealed the woven bags containing charcoal, and in the five bags of charcoal, they seized five packets of suspected heroin packaged in woven bags. After counting, a total of 260 pieces of suspected drugs were seized, about 78 kilograms.

After extended investigation, the police found that there would be two groups of drug dealers who would come to pick up the drugs. At about 8 o'clock in the evening of May 12, investigators arrested Li, a man who came to pick up drugs, in the underground parking lot of a boutique hotel. At 4:35 p.m. on May 20, with the cooperation of the anti-narcotics detachment of the Jiulongpo District Public Security Branch of Chongqing Municipality, the police arrested the criminal suspect Wang who came to pick up drugs in Shapingba District, Chongqing Municipality. After further digging clues, with the cooperation of the friendly neighborhood police, the Changning police seized two batches of drugs again and arrested relevant suspects, with a total of more than 260 kilograms of drugs. So far, this series of cases has been successfully solved, and a transnational drug trafficking network entrenched in many provinces has been completely dismantled.

Anti-drug hero

Participated in the arrest of 1,557 drug suspects

He was called an "old madman" by foreign drug dealers

"The Changning anti-drug police have practiced the oath of joining the police with their own actions and guarded this strong anti-drug people's defense line!" Bai Minghua, deputy director of the Changning County Public Security Bureau, said that the person in charge of the special case team in this case was Li Dongkai, deputy head of the anti-narcotics brigade of the Changning County Public Security Bureau.

Over the years, Li Dongkai has directly commanded and participated in the investigation of 735 cases of various drug-related crimes, participated in the arrest of 1,557 drug suspects, seized more than 2,124 kilograms of various drugs, and seized more than 145 tons of various drug-making materials. Among them, 75 clues were obtained for extraordinarily serious drug cases, more than 427 kilograms of drugs were seized, 4 guns and more than 20 bullets were seized. Participated in the arrest of 5 major fugitive criminal suspects "nails" supervised by the provincial department, and solved 2 cases supervised by the Ministry of Public Security and 8 cases supervised by the provincial level. Because of his outstanding work achievements, Li Dongkai has been commended twice by higher-level public security organs and government departments, rated as an advanced individual in drug control three times, and was honored by the Ministry of Public Security with one first-class merit and twice with a third-class meritorious service.

Li Dongkai has gone deep into the drug nest many times, engaged in life-and-death battles with drug dealers, and repeatedly cracked major drug cases, demonstrating the heroic demeanor of the anti-narcotics police with wisdom and courage and eradicating drugs and demons. He was an outstanding commander on the anti-narcotics front in Yunnan and a fierce general who was good at arranging troops and arranging formations, and severely punished a group of drug lords who had been organizing and carrying out large-scale drug-related criminal activities behind the scenes for a long time. Bai Minghua said.

Reporter Cui Min Correspondent Long Guangjie Photo report