
Choi Kang-hee personally retains the position! Luneng ace is back urgently! Lu Media: Earlier than Zeka, he returned in July

author:Brother Jian said sports

On June 30, Beijing time, in the case of the adjustment of foreign aid of the Shandong Taishan team, there is still no dynamic, a Shandong media has spread a news that makes Shandong fans tremble, this news is the news that the Brazilian foreign aid Pato of the Shandong Taishan team will urgently return to the team in July, according to the description of the Shandong media, the current Pato injury is very, very good, in order to catch up with the game of the Taishan team, he has communicated with the head coach Cui Kangxi who advocated the introduction of him, and Cui Kangxi is also very happy to wait for Pato's return, and personally promised that Xia Window would not remove Pato's name.

Choi Kang-hee personally retains the position! Luneng ace is back urgently! Lu Media: Earlier than Zeka, he returned in July
Choi Kang-hee personally retains the position! Luneng ace is back urgently! Lu Media: Earlier than Zeka, he returned in July
Choi Kang-hee personally retains the position! Luneng ace is back urgently! Lu Media: Earlier than Zeka, he returned in July

Pato as the ace of the Shandong Taishan team, since he was injured, there have been rumors in the Taishan fan circle that the Taishan team will withdraw Pato's registration in the summer window, but with the arrival of the summer window, Pato's name is very safe to stay in the Taishan first team squad, it seems that Ya verified the rumors that Cui Kangxi is waiting for Pato to return, according to Pato's current injury recovery, Pato, who can travel with his beloved wife, should arrive in the Taishan team earlier than Zeka, another injured foreign aid of the Taishan team, When Cui Kangxi was ready to welcome the return of his hand-picked favorite Pato, Shandong media also said that Pato would arrive on time before the summer window closed in July.

Choi Kang-hee personally retains the position! Luneng ace is back urgently! Lu Media: Earlier than Zeka, he returned in July
Choi Kang-hee personally retains the position! Luneng ace is back urgently! Lu Media: Earlier than Zeka, he returned in July

After nearly a week after the opening of the summer window of the Chinese Super League, Pato's name can safely stay in the Taishan first team, predicting that his hope of being eliminated by Cui Kangxi is already very small, when Pato will continue to represent Shandong Taishan team in the second half of the Chinese Super League After the game is almost a foregone conclusion, I don't know if the ace striker left by Cui Kangxi for Shandong Taishan team can finally help the Taishan team, I hope that Pato will be in the remaining half a year of his contract with the Taishan team, no matter how good or bad he plays, don't complete the renewal of the contract with the Taishan team after the contract expires, otherwise the forward line of the Taishan team will really become a forward line that will not score.