
Flight CZ3701, emergency diversion!

author:Jinjiang TV New Media Center

On the morning of June 29,

China Southern Airlines CZ3701 flight from Guangzhou to Taiyuan

On the way to your destination,

An underage passenger suddenly lost consciousness,

The crew immediately launched an in-flight rescue.

In the end, the flight was successfully diverted to Wuhan Tianhe Airport.

The passenger's vital signs returned to normal after being taken to the hospital.

At 10:24 on the same day, flight CZ3701 took off from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport for about 1 hour, and the help bell rang in the cabin. When the purser on duty, Xia Rong, arrived at the seat of the passenger seeking help, she found that a girl had convulsions. The on-board emergency medical treatment procedure was immediately initiated, the captain was notified and the doctor was sought over the radio.

After receiving the message for help, a doctor and a nurse on the plane immediately identified themselves and accompanied the flight attendant to the side of the sick passenger to rescue him. With the help of everyone, the girl was lowered to the ground, and doctors, nurses and the girl's mother took turns performing CPR on the girl who had fallen into a coma.

After emergency treatment, the girl gradually regained consciousness, and after receiving oxygen, her condition improved slightly. But soon after, the girl lost consciousness again. Knowing the disposal situation in the cabin, the crew immediately decided: alternate landing in Wuhan!

After receiving the information of the flight diversion, the Hubei Branch of China Southern Airlines immediately launched an emergency medical response, coordinated with the airport and air traffic control departments, notified the ground support units to arrive at the designated location in advance, and the ambulance arrived under the plane in advance to wait, and set up a green channel for air-ground linkage to ensure that passengers received treatment as soon as the flight landed safely.

At 11:03 on the same day, flight CZ3701 landed successfully at Tianhe Airport in the rain. After the plane landed, an ambulance took the girl to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. At 18 o'clock, the reporter learned from the Hubei branch of China Southern Airlines that the girl's vital signs have returned to normal.

Ranked number one! Congratulations to Jinjiang!

Jinjiang, this girl, is out of the circle!

Flight CZ3701, emergency diversion!

Source | Hubei Daily

Edit | Chen Wanjun

Audit | Chen Wenjing, Zhang Zhenye, Zhu Yawen

Flight CZ3701, emergency diversion!
Flight CZ3701, emergency diversion!

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