
Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society

author:Henan Business Daily


Top News Reporter Hu Rui/Text He Yushuai/Pictures, Videos

Unknowingly, Zhang Qin has only been with her "Home for the Disabled" car wash for ten years.

In the past ten years, Zhang Qin has hired only more than 80 disabled employees in this special car wash. There are people who are deaf and mute, people who are mentally retarded, and people who are physically disadvantaged.

Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society

Zhang Qin only took a photo with her employees

Here, the job of washing a car has allowed them to slowly regain their sense of self-worth after hovering on the fringes of society. Zhang Qin only treats them like family, works and lives together, patiently teaches them to behave and do things, and they also feel rare respect and warmth.

Xiaohu, who was disabled due to an accident more than ten years ago, has been working in a car wash for nine years, and when he was excited, Xiaohu blurted out: "As long as Sister Zhang is here, I will always follow her!"

Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society

Zhang Qin only washes cars for customers with her employees

"Home for the Handicapped" car wash

Zhang Qin's car wash is located near the intersection of Gonggong Road and Youai Road in Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, and from the appearance alone, this car wash is no different from other car washes, but if you stop and observe for a while, you will find that this shop is special - a car, six employees wash at the same time, some carry buckets and walk with a limp, some work with only one hand, and some are unresponsive when talking to people......

It is a car wash that employs many people with disabilities as employees, and is called a "home for the disabled" by many people.

More than 10 years ago, Zhang Qin, who had worked in a cotton mill in Zhengzhou for more than 20 years, was laid off. At the age of more than 40 years old, the education level is not high, and the cotton spinning technology is not used after leaving the factory.

A few years later, by chance, when Zhang Qin was only passing near Workers' Road, she saw a transfer notice from a car wash, "I thought at that time, this job is not easy to find, or I will find relatives and friends to pool money to take over this car wash." Zhang Qin only smiled and recalled the scene of her relationship with the car wash back then, and said that "it was all about livelihood at that time."

After taking over the car wash, Zhang Qin only recruited Xiaolong, a deaf and mute employee who had worked in a former car wash. At first, the former car wash was not doing well and was about to close, Xiaolong planned to leave Henan and return to his hometown in Shandong, but after Zhang Qin was staying, he continued to follow her to do car wash work.

"Xiaolong has followed me for nine years, and we have a very tacit understanding between us, I look at each other, he knows what to do." It is precisely because of Xiaolong that Zhang Qin only began to take some special care for the disabled.

Later, acquaintances continued to introduce disabled people to work in the store, or some disabled people took the initiative to apply for jobs after seeing the news reports. "It's not easy for them to be better than us, and it's not easy for them to gain a foothold in society." Zhang Qin only said.

Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society

A mustache that sprays detergent on the car

Ten years after opening the store, it has successively accepted more than 80 employees with disabilities

Since the store opened in 2014, in the past ten years, Zhang Qin has only made a rough estimate: the store has hired more than 80 disabled employees. As of now, two of the six employees in the store are disabled.

Forty-year-old Xiao Hu is currently the oldest employee in the store, and he walks with a limp, working with only one right hand and no strength with his left hand. He said that 14 years ago, while building a house in his hometown, he accidentally fell from the upper floor and fell into such a physical disability.

In the years of working in Zhang Qin's car wash, Xiaohu is happy. One of the things that comes from getting along with our colleagues, "When we don't have customers, we all talk and laugh. On the other hand, it also comes from the sense of accomplishment gained from this job, "When Sister Zhang is away, I take them to do it, and I am their foreman." Speaking of this, Xiaohu is quite proud.

Zhang Qin only told the top news reporter that before Xiaohu came to the car wash, he was "very rebellious and disobedient" at home. Zhang Qin only found out that Xiao Hu "has strong self-esteem and is a bit competitive", but at the same time, she also noticed that Xiao Hu is a very responsible person.

When working in a car wash, in many things, Zhang Qin will only follow Xiaohu and give him enough face, if Xiaohu does not do it right, Zhang Qin will only patiently enlighten him afterwards and do ideological work for him, so Xiaohu is very convinced of Zhang Qin.

In a conversation with a top news reporter, talking about the good relationship between this car wash and Zhang Qin, Xiaohu, who has always been steady and unsmiling, also showed excitement, and then blurted out: "As long as Sister Zhang is here, I will always follow her!" ”

Lao Zhao Wanxiaohu came to the car wash one year, he is 65 years old this year, he suffers from intellectual disability, he always calls Zhang Qin only "Mom", "My mother is very good to me, all the delicious food is left to me." During the interview, Lao Zhao Han told reporters with a smile. In his cognition, Zhang Qin, who is good to him, is like a "mother".

And Zhang Qin only gladly accepted such a title, sometimes chatting with Lao Zhao, touching Lao Zhao's head like a child.

Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society

Employees in the shop wash the vehicles together

He is very tolerant of everyone and has never scolded the staff

In this car wash shop, in addition to daily work, Zhang Qin only eats and lives with her employees. Although the employees cooperate with each other and cooperate tacitly when working, there are also talking and laughing between work. But in the process of getting along, some small frictions cannot be avoided.

"Sometimes I'm not there, Xiao Hu likes to tease Lao Zhao when he's okay and deceive him, Lao Zhao is very angry when he finds out, and he complains to me when he comes back; Lao Hu sometimes packs up his waste cartons, delaying everyone's car washing, and other employees can't stand it, and there will be conflicts......"

Zhang Qin only said that these employees of hers are a group of simple and kind people, but some of them do have an eccentric side in their personalities because of their physical defects, and they all have their own tempers.

At this time, Zhang Qin only had to stand up and play the role of the patriarch, uphold justice for everyone, and mediate conflicts. Sometimes, she will also see everyone's demands from the contradictions and solve them seriously.

The above-mentioned Lao Hu is 71 years old and lives with Xiao Hu and Xiao Dan, another male employee in the store. Because he is old and can't play with smartphones, Lao Hu goes to bed early on weekdays. But because of going to bed early, the two young people, Lao Hu and Xiao Hu, had a conflict in their schedules.

"After the lights were turned off, Lao Hu's mobile phone flashed again and again, affecting his rest." Zhang Qin only said that after Lao Hu complained to her about this matter, she immediately started to deal with it, "I went to make the door curtain blackout again, separating Lao Hu and Xiao Hu, Lao Hu lived in a room by himself, and Xiao Hu and Xiao Hu were outside." ”

Xiaoxue, an employee in the store, said that Zhang Qin is only very tolerant of everyone, and she is hearty, and has never scolded the staff, "In this situation in our store, Sister Zhang coaxes everyone to come to everything." ”

Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society

At the end of the day, Zhang Qin only sat down with her staff for dinner

Revenue is less than expenditure and still insist on opening stores: unwilling to give up on them

With neat short hair and plain dress, this is the first impression she gave to top news reporters when she met Zhang Qinzhi in a car wash.

Zhang Qin, 57, has only one daughter with her husband, "My daughter has already started a family, and she doesn't need me to take care of her." Therefore, Zhang Qin only spent most of her time and energy in this car wash.

In the past ten years, Zhang Qin has only worked and lived with these employees, "To be honest, in the past ten years, I have not been out of the house once, and I dare not get sick." Occasionally, when she goes out to play, Zhang Qin only takes her employees with her.

Since opening the car wash, the price of her car wash has never changed, ten yuan lower than the market price, "I am afraid that others will see us as disabled children, and we can't do a job for others." Zhang Qin only hopes to gain everyone's understanding and tolerance for employees with disabilities through low prices.

At the same time, she said that 80 percent of the people who come to the store to wash their cars are old customers, "and the price increase is also a thank you to the old customers, thank them for their support." ”

Mr. Ma, a nearby citizen, is a frequent customer of Zhang Qin's shop. He said that he often comes here to wash the car, mainly because of the quality of their service, "The car wash here is relatively fast in all aspects, and it will be finished for you in a while, and the washing is also very good." Mr. Ma said that if you wash in other places, just one or two people, sometimes you don't necessarily have to line up for half an hour.

A car wash on June 25 was Mr. Song's third visit to Zhang Qin's car wash. Mr. Song said that after following Zhang Qin's car wash on social platforms and learning that some of the employees here are disabled, he thought about supporting him as well.

In the past two years, the business of the car wash shop has not been very good, and as soon as the rent is paid, Zhang Qin will only be worried. She said that now the store's revenue is less than the expenditure, and in order to pay the rent, her retirement salary is pasted in. In the previous three years of the epidemic, she also took out a loan to pay rent.

The top news reporter asked: Then why do you insist on opening this car wash? Zhang Qin only paused for a moment and replied: I don't want to give up on them.

(Except for Zhang Qin and the car wash citizens, the rest of the characters are pseudonyms)

Ten years after opening the store, employing more than 80 employees with disabilities, they have found a home here on the margins of society