
Just now, Yubo issued a clarification announcement

author:Internet gossip

Recently, the report on the Internet that Yubo (Wang Baoping), the first person in the front-end of Alibaba, aimed at the Chinese version of Notion, with a valuation of over 100 million yuan in 2 months, has attracted widespread attention.

Just now, Yubo issued a clarification announcement

Today, Yubo himself issued a statement on his social software to clarify the false content in some commercial self-media reports. He said that the direction of entrepreneurship and track speculation in some reports were not his own intentions.

Just now, Yubo issued a clarification announcement

It is reported that the entrepreneurial direction and track speculation mentioned in the reports by the self-media such as qubit and Lei Feng are far from the actual plan of Yubo himself. Yubo stressed that he has no intention of getting involved in the domestic market or copying the route of products such as Notion. He said that the effort to repeat an existing successful product in the market is not only a waste of time, but also lacks innovative value.

As for why he chose to remain silent instead of directly responding to the speculation of the media, Yubo said that he did have the impulse to expose the false reports at first, but in the process of communicating with the media, he realized that it is not easy to correct the mistakes. He explained that correcting mistakes takes a lot of time to communicate, and even if they are corrected, they cannot eliminate the misunderstandings and repercussions that have been created. From the point of view of time cost and personal energy, he chose silence.

The following is the original text of Yubo's response:

Just now, Yubo issued a clarification announcement