
Wary! Recently, it has been high

author:Shaoxing release
Wary! Recently, it has been high

With the summer season coming

Drowning accidents have also entered a prone and high incidence period

There have been a number of recent incidents

The tragedy of drowning in adolescents and children

The security alarm bell is ringing again!

On June 16, 2024, the Sangesi Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Longhui County, Hunan Province received a report that an accidental falling into the water occurred in a puddle downstream of the Zhongzhou Power Station in Sangesi Town, resulting in two deaths. The deceased were verified to be two local children aged 9.

Case 2: On June 15, 2024, a tragedy occurred in the Daoren Reservoir in Daoren Village, Maotian Town, Yueyang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, where a pair of brothers drowned, the elder brother was 10 years old and the younger brother was 6 years old.

Case 3: On the afternoon of June 13, 2024, a 17-year-old boy drowned near Queshan Longhu Wetland Park in Jinan City, Shandong Province. Rescuers said that the teenager and his companion accidentally fell into the water while renting paddleboards to play in the lake and were trapped in fishing nets in the water. After more than one hour of rescue, the teenager was rescued ashore, but there were no vital signs.

Case 4: On June 13, 2024, a 13-year-old junior high school boy in Xiangshan District fell into the air and fell into the waters of the Nanwan River during heavy rain in Guilin, Guangxi. Two days later, the family found the child drowned more than 2 kilometers away from the place where he fell into the water.

Case 5: On June 10, 2024, in a park in Jingcun, Zhaiwu Town, Heshan, Guangdong, two children accidentally fell into the water, and a villager rushed to rescue him after hearing the news and unfortunately drowned. In the end, all three were tragically killed.

There are many rivers and lakes in Shaoxing, and the water network is dense

Important Reminder

Please don't go into the water blindly

Don't swim in unsafe waters in the wild!!

Play by the water, go down to the river and lake to play in the water

Swim in groups of three or five

Go into the water to fish and fish for items in the water

are the main causes of drowning among minors

These must be kept in mind


Wary! Recently, it has been high

Let's learn these self-help measures together

It can save your life in times of crisis!


The essentials of self-rescue actions

Take a deep breath and hold your breath

Cross your hands over your chest

Wary! Recently, it has been high

Tilt your head back and breathe through your mouth

Wary! Recently, it has been high

Keep your hands pressed against the surface of the water and stretch them above your head

Wary! Recently, it has been high

The chin must be tilted upward

The knee joint should be slightly flexed

Wary! Recently, it has been high

So that the body can surface

Wait for a professional rescue team to come to the rescue

Someone was found drowning

How to rescue?


When someone is found drowning

Wary! Recently, it has been high

When the drowning victim is rescued from shore

Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high

You should know these myths about drowning

Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high
Wary! Recently, it has been high

The best prevention is to stay away from dangerous waters

Once again, parents are reminded

Don't let your child go for a wild swim!

Don't let your child leave the house alone to play near the water!

Be sure to keep drowning prevention knowledge in mind

Always be vigilant and strengthen protection!

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Xiaobu on duty: Meng Zhouxia's information: Yangzhou release, CCTV news and other Shaoxing news media center compilation and distribution