
Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

author:I like the pig brain of the sweet girl


The upstream of the nuclear power industry chain is the supply of nuclear fuel, the midstream is the manufacturing of nuclear power equipment, and the downstream is the operation and management of nuclear power plants

The upstream nuclear fuel supply industry is highly concentrated, and China National Nuclear Corporation is the only supplier of nuclear fuel, because nuclear power is highly related to national security and has high technical requirements. At the same time, CNNC is also one of the users of nuclear fuel

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

Midstream nuclear power equipment, including nuclear reactor manufacturing, nuclear power core equipment manufacturing, nuclear power auxiliary equipment manufacturing, that is, nuclear islands, conventional islands, auxiliary equipment systems.

Nuclear islands and conventional islands are the key cores of nuclear power plants, and these two types of equipment are large in size, have high manufacturing technology requirements, and large capital investment, so they are mainly concentrated in state-owned enterprises

Representative companies include: Taihai Nuclear Power, Shanghai Electric, Dongfang Electric, Harbin Electric, and China First Heavy Industries.

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

The requirements for auxiliary equipment systems are not higher than the previous two, and private enterprises can usually enter the market segment of equipment with lower barriers, such as pumps, valves, pipelines, air refrigeration equipment, etc., and private enterprises have more opportunities to participate

Such enterprises, such as valve manufacturing Jiangsu Shentong, Yingliu shares; In this case, Nanfeng shares are in the wind turbine manufacturing subdivision track, and there are also Jindun shares in the same industry.

Downstream operation and management, this part requires a nuclear power license, and only China National Nuclear Industry Corporation, China General Nuclear Power Corporation, and State Power Investment Corporation have nuclear power licenses in China

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

The power generation group has also established joint ventures with the three major nuclear power operators to jointly invest in nuclear power projects.

Therefore, state-owned enterprises are the main part of nuclear power operation, and the barriers are high, and other private enterprises have no opportunity to participate

China National Nuclear Corporation, China General Nuclear Power Group and State Power Investment Corporation are divided into three parts.

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

The four listed companies under CNNC are China Nuclear Power, China Nuclear Science and Technology, Oriental Zirconium and Zhongi, which are mainly engaged in valves, overseas uranium resource development and nuclear power operation related businesses

The listed companies of CGN Group are CGN Technology, CGN Power, CGN Mining and CGN New Energy, which are engaged in building nuclear technology, nuclear energy, nuclear fuel, and new energy

has six listed companies, including China Power, China Power New Energy, Shanghai Electric Power and Dongfang Energy, covering power plants, environmental protection projects, heat supply, coal development and other fields

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

For domestic nuclear power enterprises, power station operation and nuclear island equipment are the most profitable links.

Therefore, on the whole, even if you are optimistic about the nuclear power field, no matter how you invest, it will not be the turn of Nanfeng shares

Because it is too far from the core of the industrial chain

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

China Nuclear Power, a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation, is relatively more worthy of study in the nuclear power industry chain. This is the only nuclear power operation target in the A-share market, and the major shareholder, China National Nuclear Corporation, is the only large state-owned enterprise in China that has a complete nuclear fuel cycle industry and can realize the closed cycle of nuclear power.

This track has an extremely strong "event-driven cycle", and the timing of its occurrence is difficult to predict, prone to black swans, and special care must be taken.

Nuclear power field analysis of the first season of the second episode of the business situation

The operation and management of nuclear power plants is the core link of the entire chain