
The top three experts sang live after work, and they spoke out in person

author:Global Times

Because of the live broadcast of singing on the Internet, Ou Jingmin, a vascular surgeon from a tertiary hospital in Shanghai, became popular, and fans poured into his live broadcast room, liking and wondering why the surgeon sang live broadcast, sometimes late at night, on the side of the road, or even in front of the railway station square.

Ou Jingmin said that doctors are also ordinary people and have their own interests and hobbies. On the premise of not affecting the work, it is not impossible to give full play to your talents and bring some happiness to everyone.

On the official website of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the profile of Ou Jingmin is as follows: chief physician, professor and doctoral supervisor of interventional vascular surgery. At present, he is mainly engaged in the minimally invasive treatment of vascular surgical diseases, and has a strong ability to solve difficult and critical vascular surgical diseases.

The official website of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine introduces Ou Jingmin

The top three experts sang live after work, and they spoke out in person

He independently completes nearly 1,000 cases of various vascular surgeries every year, and the treatment effect has reached the leading level in China. He has completed a scientific research project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, completed a number of provincial and ministerial scientific research projects and bureau-level scientific research projects as the person in charge, and published more than 30 papers in domestic and foreign journals.

The top three experts sang live after work, and they spoke out in person

Ou Jingmin, 52, was born in Anhui Province, studied at Bengbu Medical College as a bachelor's degree, and entered Shanghai Second Medical University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine) as a master's degree, and received a doctorate degree in 2002, after which he worked at Xinhua Hospital.

Now, the chief physician, who has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years, has opened personal accounts on multiple social platforms, including 24,000 followers on Douyin, and has conducted more than 10 live broadcasts since June, the latest live broadcast until nearly 1 a.m.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening on June 28, Ou Jingmin finished the last operation of the day, went home from work, and ran to the roadside near his home at nearly 10 o'clock in the evening to start broadcasting. Despite the rain outside, facing the camera, he was still in high spirits, singing one song after another from "I Miss Too Much" to "The Story of Time", and interacting with netizens.

Two or three thousand netizens soon poured into the live broadcast room, and some people left messages exclaiming: "The director is amazing", "The professor is great", "Interesting soul", "I can actually see the doctoral supervisor singing to me in the live broadcast room"...... Some people also left messages asking for medical questions or asking for a plus number to see a doctor, and some people threw out questions: "Is the doctor too stressed at work?" and "Is this planning to change careers"......

Why? In the face of everyone's doubts, Ou Jingmin told reporters, "I like to sing, but the most important thing in my work is to treat diseases and save people...... Live singing has given me a lot of positive energy, which can help me relieve work pressure, but also fill my loneliness, and at the same time make me believe that human potential is unlimited, and I also hope to pass on this positive energy to everyone. ”

In his opinion, doctors are also ordinary people, and they can also have their own interests and hobbies, and it is not impossible to give full play to their talents and specialties without affecting their work, and bring some happiness to everyone.

Ou Jingmin explained the screenshot of the platform to the intern

The top three experts sang live after work, and they spoke out in person

Ou Jingmin also revealed that one of his favorite songs is Wang Feng's "Blooming Life", "I used to be a person with low self-esteem, I felt that I was not so good, I came out of the countryside to study and work in the big city, and often soaked in the teaching and research department for 24 hours during my study, and I also had the experience of operating until half past 1 in the morning for 23 consecutive days after I went to work, and I continued to work hard to improve my medical skills, not only saved many lives, but also gained a full sense of professional achievement." ”

In fact, as a surgeon, work still occupies most of Ou Jingmin's time. On the evening of June 28, he sang live until 11:40 p.m., and when he got home, he didn't rest much, and at 1 o'clock in the morning, the hospital came to talk on the phone, and he hurried back for an operation.

Ou Jingmin sang live in front of the Huaibei Railway Station Square late at night Screenshot of the platform

The top three experts sang live after work, and they spoke out in person

Source | The Paper