
Shen Yuan's poems: Qin Shi Mingyue Jin Shi makeup

author:Poetic and picturesque

Shen Yuan's poems: Qin Shi Mingyue Jin Shi makeup

Text/Shen Yuan

Shen Yuan's poems: Qin Shi Mingyue Jin Shi makeup

Greedy for lust and flower red, looking back at the double embroidery of Beijing.

Qin Shi Mingyue Jin Shi makeup, Wang Xie Tang in front of the begonia thin.

Luo Yuan's wet spots fly tear bombs, and the West Lake is lit up like day in the middle of the night.

Xiang Lingli sleeps with his hairpin, and Luo paper floats in the clouds.

Shen Yuan's poems: Qin Shi Mingyue Jin Shi makeup


1. This is a rhyme poem.

2. Jingque: refers to Chang'an, there is a poem "Chang'an looks back and embroiders piles".

3, Begonia thin: refers to Bai Juyi in "Pipa Xing", and Sima is thin in green shirts. In the Yuan song, there is "In the old days, Wang Xie and the swallow in front of the hall flew to whose house...... Jiangzhou Sima, the green shirt is wet with tears, and it is the end of the world.

4, Xiangling: refers to Shun's wife Xiangshui Goddess, not Bai Juyi's lover.

5, Luo Paper Chuke: refers to Zuo Si's "Sandu Fu" and Qu Yuan respectively.

6, Wang Xie Tangqian, Luo Yuan's wet spots, West Lake in the middle of the night, hairpin head phoenix, etc.: I know it, don't annotate.

Hu Lianba, the whole poem belongs to the side poems of protecting the family and defending the country. A little tragic and sad, a little joyful and a little sad.

Shen Yuan's poems: Qin Shi Mingyue Jin Shi makeup