
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

author:One Night Book


Zhang Linghe, Zhao Jinmai starring in the new plot of the TV series "Hua Nian" can be said to be more and more exciting, in the new plot, due to Li Ming's targeting of the family, there is no reward for the family who contributed to the enemy, plus the hostility he showed to the family before, so the family finally warned Li Ming, as a family, it is naturally impossible to deal with the emperor directly, they just let the emperor's holy decree not leave the palace, without the orders of Shangguan Xu and Su Minzhi, no one executes, which shows the strength of the family.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

And the family even chose the unlucky Qin family, and began to target the Qin family, directly slandering the Qin family for embezzling military salaries, collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, many people in the Qin family were killed, Qin Zhen was really good at saving his life, and was saved by Li Rong, and Li Rong concealed this matter from the spread, her younger brother Li Chuan, liked Qin Zhenzhen, but she was afraid of care, but she was afraid of care, but she didn't expect that at this time Li Chuan listened to Pei Wenxuan's words, in order to protect the Qin family, Li Chuan suggested that Li Rong surrender to Li Ming, and wanted to establish an institution to supervise hundreds of officials.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

Pei Wenxuan is naturally the mastermind behind this matter, in fact, the inspectorate did it in the previous life Li Ming, and as a result, many big cases were found, although it is notorious, but this institution is the only one that can save the Qin family today, and finally Li Rong still agreed, found Li Ming, and although Li Ming agreed on the surface, it was obvious that Li Rong's approach was not clear, Li Rong used public opinion to make a big deal about the Qin family being framed, so that the family was attacked by public opinion, and then let Qin Zhen fake his death and appear by his side as Xun Chuan, Become a member of her Inspectorate.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

In order to save the Qin family, Li Rong even naively thought that Su Rongqing would help herself, it turned out that her idea was indeed very naïve, even if Su Rongqing was not one of the reborn, it was impossible for him to betray his family to help Li Rong, even if he liked her, it was impossible to sacrifice his family, you must know that this matter was promoted by the Su family and the Shangguan family, and they used the Qin family to deal with Li Ming together, if there is a problem within the Su family, then what will be waiting for the Su family can be imagined, so it is impossible for Su Rongqing to help Li Rong, Even if he wanted to help, it was impossible for Li Rong to be unfavorable to the Su family, not to mention that he was reborn in this life, and the only thing he wanted to do was to protect the Su family.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

And even if Su Rongqing betrayed Li Rong, and even if Su Rongqing poisoned Li Rong in the previous life, Li Rong was still obsessed, Su Rongqing was close to her for seventeen years in the previous life, she loved Su Rongqing for seventeen years, and after knowing that Su Rongqing stayed by her side because of revenge, Li Rong did not hate him, and even understood him. And in this life, she didn't know that Su Rongqing was reborn, or maybe she was aware of it in her heart, but she didn't want to admit that she was still obsessed with Su Rongqing.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

Even in the original work, even if Su Rongqing was finally with Concubine Rou and others, joined forces to rebel, and almost killed Li Rong, Li Rong still remembered the love of the past life for seventeen years, and finally chose to let Su Rongqing go, and did not destroy the people of the Su family, it can be said that Li Rong is really obsessed with Su Rongqing, Pei Wenxuan really loves her for two lives, she wants to die and live for Su Rongqing in both lives, but she lives up to Pei Wenxuan's infatuation.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

And in fact, she almost killed Pei Wenxuan, in the later period, Su Rongqing's true face was exposed, his purpose in this life was to prevent Li Chuan from ascending the throne, he thought that as long as Li Chuan was not the emperor, then the Su family would not be destroyed, and Li Rong showed mercy to Su Rongqing many times, but Su Rongqing attacked Pei Wenxuan several times in order to prevent Li Chuan from ascending the throne, because he knew that Pei Wenxuan was a powerful helper for Li Chuan to ascend the throne, so Pei Wenxuan must die, plus he also guessed that Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong were reborn, and he was even more aimed at Pei Wenxuan, almost killed Pei Wenxuan, but fortunately, he turned the corner.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

In the end, she was surrounded by Su Rongqing and Concubine Rou, and almost died tragically, it was Pei Wenxuan who caught the family members of those families, and then personally appeared to protect Li Rong, if those people of the family were ruthless enough to kill Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, then in the end, it was natural that the country changed hands, and all the calculations of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong were in vain, but fortunately, in the end, Pei Wenxuan waited for the rescuers, which saved his life.

"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her
"Spending the Year of China" until Su Rongqing betrayed, Li Rong was still obsessed, and Pei Wenxuan was almost killed by her

It can only be said that although Li Rong has been powerful in both lives in this work, she became the princess of the prison country in the first life, and even became the empress in the second drama version, but she really has some love brains, especially for Su Rongqing, a handsome man who has made her love for more than ten years, it can only be said that Li Rong's obsession with Su Rongqing is proof that she has failed Pei Wenxuan.