
In the counterattack against India, Zhao Zhongbao and I formed a deep revolutionary comrade-in-arms

author:Snowy feelings


Me and Zhao Zhongbao

Wang Shilian

The battle on the snowy plateau, Shaohua is far away.

Comrade Zhao Zhongbao went to work in the confidential group of the Second Regiment Headquarters of the Shannan Sub-district on the eve of the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack.

In the counterattack against India, Zhao Zhongbao and I formed a deep revolutionary comrade-in-arms

At that time, the front finger of the regiment had been pushed forward, and the rear finger of the regiment was still wrong.

Li Fengyu, Yu Wenlin and others have pushed forward with the group. After the regiment, it was pointed out that only the team leader Deng Shuliang and Zhao Zhongbao and me, the newcomers Zhang Wanmei and Tian Yinghua had only seen Xi Xi and could not yet put into work, and the task of translating telegrams was mainly undertaken by me and Zhao Zhongbao.

At that time, there were the General Staff Headquarters, the Tibet Military Region, and the Shannan Sub-district on the rear of the regiment, and a few points and stations in front of the regiment. Some of the instructions of the superiors and the situation of the subordinates must be issued by the superiors and reported to the subordinates through the regimental rear command. There were a lot of telegrams, most of them urgent. Zhao Zhong and I forgot to sleep and eat, and fought day and night. Sometimes I fall asleep unconsciously while working. Zhao Zhongbao didn't know how many times the tip of the fountain pen was inserted into the newspaper sent and received.

After the Battle of Kejielang, as the front finger of the regiment was pushed forward, the rear finger of the regiment was also pushed to Jimitang.

The four seasons are like winter, and the wind blows every day. When we set out from the wrong place, we were all dressed in cotton clothes. When you take the car to Shejugou, then climb the mountain. The mountains are high and densely forested, the cliffs are steep, and the roads are narrow, making it extremely difficult to walk.

The further you go, the more pleasant the climate is, the sun is shining, and it is as warm as spring.

Because of the heavy documents I was carrying and the cotton clothes I was wearing, I was sweating after a while. Towards Le, I fainted.

After I woke up, it turned out that the things I was carrying were handed over to Tian Yinghua to carry them.

After Wang Mingshun saw this, he took the initiative to let me ride the horse, and he walked forward on foot.

But when I got on it, the horse jumped up and threw me off my horse, and my foot and neck were swollen.

We had to let the horses carry the documents and luggage, and Zhao Zhongbao and I led the horses forward.

Jimmy Pond has a pleasant climate, green mountains and green waters, and we all feel refreshed and motivated.

The climate is good, and the food has been greatly improved.

In the future, the work will gradually move on the right track, and we will carry out the work in an orderly manner. In addition to completing our work, Zhao Zhongbao and I sometimes went to the Longbupu airdrop site with the relevant personnel of the regimental organization to carry the canned milk and canned fruit discarded by the Indian army when they fled

Sometimes, Zhao Zhongbao also went to other points to send documents and send and receive newspapers.

Soon after, the mainland government issued a statement that it would take the initiative to cease fire and withdraw, and return the Indian prisoners of war and some guns and ammunition.

After the end of the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack, the 2nd Regiment Confidential Group was awarded the collective third-class meritorious service.

After the second regiment withdrew to the wrong one, everything returned to normal.

Many years later, I transferred back to Shandong, and Zhao Zhongbao was demobilized to work in Chengdu Pioneer Factory.

Later, I also came to Chengdu to settle down for some reason.

I have more contact with Zhao Zhongbao and other comrades-in-arms. Okatoki often participates in the activities of the "Snowy Plateau Mountains South America" platform.

Veterans of the snowy plateau gathered together to reminisce about the past and look forward to a better future

As we grew older, we all slowly retired. Although we see each other less, we are all freer, and we still meet every day in WeChat, greeting each other every day. Gangshi also misses and cherishes the deep friendship that is not a brother but a brother.

In the counterattack against India, Zhao Zhongbao and I formed a deep revolutionary comrade-in-arms

(All illustrations in this article are provided by the author)

About the Author: 

Wang Shilian: Born in December 1935, originally from Linqing City, Shandong Province, joined the army in 1955 and entered the DPRK, served as a central cultural instructor in the third battalion of the 541st Regiment of the 134th Division Artillery, and entered the Changchun Confidential School in July 1956. After graduation, he went to work in the Confidential Bureau of the Shenyang Air Force Command, went to Tibet in March 1959 to support the counterinsurgency, and in July of that year, he went to work in the headquarters of the Second Regiment of the Shannan Division. In 1965, he was transferred to the Cultural Department of the Political Department of the Military Region, and in 1970, he was transferred to the 3rd Battalion of the 52nd Division as an instructor. In December 1978, he was transferred to the Cultural Bureau of Linqing City, Shandong Province as the director, and in 1985, he was transferred to the Chengdu Municipal Health Bureau to work until his retirement.

In the counterattack against India, Zhao Zhongbao and I formed a deep revolutionary comrade-in-arms

Author: Wang Shilian