
Septuagenarian father was opposed by his son for online dating, father: I am in true love with my online dating partner, and I rarely like her

author:Old nonsense said three farmers


Online dating is a phenomenon that prompts two people to meet through the Internet, which leads to two people falling in love. This phenomenon abounds in real life, some succeed, but some, fail. But in any case, online dating has become a subconsciously acceptable way of falling in love. Compared with face-to-face blind dates, this method is less embarrassing, but more mysterious; Compared with free love in reality, the range of friends available has expanded a lot.

An emotional expert said that with the popularity of the Internet, the phenomenon of online dating has become more and more common. People can chat with each other with the help of chat tools, and in the process of chatting, they get to know each other, which prompts two people to fall in love. However, because online dating is different from real love, online dating will inevitably have fraud and danger, and when fraud and danger come, the parties will complain!

The emotional expert went on to say that online dating will be more rapid and direct than real-life relationships, and will avoid embarrassment when meeting. There are relevant information that people who like online dating are mostly those who are introverted and timid, and they may not know how to fall in love in real life, and the online dating partners in the network give them confidence, so that they can experience the joy of love.

The emotional expert finally said that online dating has become a fashion for modern people. Generally speaking, most of the people who are dating online are young people, and the older people are rarely dating online. After all, older people are not very familiar with the Internet and don't know how to chat with people on the Internet, so how can they be online in this situation?

However, an incident in real life may turn the emotional expert's opinion upside down!

No, somewhere in Henan, such a thing happened!

Septuagenarian father was opposed by his son for online dating, father: I am in true love with my online dating partner, and I rarely like her


Uncle Liu, 72 years old this year, has been widowed for many years. When Uncle Liu was just widowed, he also wanted to find another wife, but his son had just gotten married at the time, which caused him to be embarrassed to mention that he was looking for another wife.

Since the second half of last year, Uncle Liu has learned to surf the Internet, and in the process of surfing the Internet, he met a woman from Anhui Song, and after understanding, he knew that Song was 50 years old this year and was a widowed woman.

Since Uncle Liu and Song are both widowed, the two of them have a feeling of sympathy for each other again, and under the domination of this feeling, the two actually started online dating. But when Uncle Liu proposed to marry Song home, he was strongly opposed by his son, who thought: Uncle Liu is already in his seventies, there is no need to remarry, if Uncle Liu insists on remarrying, he will disassociate himself from Uncle Liu.

Faced with his son's opposition, Uncle Liu had no choice but to find a reporter from the TV station, hoping that the reporter from the TV station could help him convince his son. Uncle Liu told a reporter from the TV station: "I am in true love with my online dating partner, and I rarely like her." I really don't know why my son is against us being together. I hope the reporter can help persuade his son. ”

After listening to Uncle Liu's appeal, the reporter found Uncle Liu's son for communication. But who knows, Uncle Liu's son still insists on his position and resolutely opposes Uncle Liu's online dating. The reporter had no choice but to give up mediation on the incident.

The above is a general process of this event.

When many netizens learned about this incident, netizens started a heated discussion.

Septuagenarian father was opposed by his son for online dating, father: I am in true love with my online dating partner, and I rarely like her

Netizen voices

Netizen gentleman loves money: I don't know why Uncle Liu's son opposes Uncle Liu's online dating, although Uncle Liu is already in his seventies, he also has the right to fall in love! I think Uncle Liu's son's approach is a little inappropriate.

Netizen Spring Story: Since Uncle Liu wants to date online, Uncle Liu's son doesn't care so much. Otherwise, it will make Uncle Liu sad!

In short, netizens have a lot to talk about.

Septuagenarian father was opposed by his son for online dating, father: I am in true love with my online dating partner, and I rarely like her

Lao Hu's point of view

The mainland advocates freedom of love, and everyone has the right to fall in love, and this right cannot be deprived by others.

However, in real life, there are many similar incidents. Many children oppose their parents remarrying. Actually, this shouldn't be. I hope Uncle Liu's son can think about it, after all, his father has met true love, how can he block this true love?