
Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

author:Yunnan Honghe release
Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →
Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Bamboo is the gentleman of flowers

It is not only with its upright posture and emerald green color

Dotted with natural beauty

And it has a lot of practical value


in Jinping County

Bamboo is much more than that

It has become an important pillar of local economic development

It has led to the increase of local people's income and prosperity

It has injected a strong impetus into rural revitalization

Also let the beautiful butterfly country

Radiate a different kind of vitality and vitality

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

The bamboo forest is verdant

Jinping County

It is the central area of the distribution of large thermal clumping bamboo

It accounts for more than half of the large clumping bamboo species in Yunnan Province

Among them, there is also a kind that is unique to Jinping

Bo's sweet dragon bamboo, fragrant bamboo and Jinping green shell bamboo, etc

According to statistics

There are 18 genera and 50 species of bamboo in the county

They account for 46% and 6% of the total number of genera and species in the country

It accounts for 46% and 18% of the total number of genera and species in Yunnan Province

It accounts for 100% and 78% of the total number of genera and species in Honghe Prefecture

It can be called the "hometown of bamboo seeds"

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Bamboo is a treasure all over its body

Since 2002

Jinping County has developed the bamboo industry on a large scale

So far, 175,000 acres of bamboo afforestation have been developed

Tens of thousands of acres of bamboo forests and mixed bamboo forests

Not only achievable

The purpose of protecting vegetation and protecting the environment

It is also provided for the Arrow Ring Butterfly

An excellent environment for inhabitation and breeding

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Arrow-ring butterflies hatch in bamboo forests

It starts in mid to late May every year

Hundreds of millions of arrow-ring butterflies

It is hatched in the bamboo forest of Ma'andi Township, Jinping County

It has achieved the reputation of "China's Red River Butterfly Valley".

During the 2024 Butterfly Valley Arts Festival

It attracted 123,800 tourists

The tourism revenue was 117 million yuan

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Arrow-ring butterflies inhabit bamboo forests

With this green treasure

Jinping County continues to extend the bamboo industry chain

Bamboo shoots, sour bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots, bamboo chimneys

Bamboo weaving handicrafts and other bamboo products

Favored by the market

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Fresh bamboo shoots

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Dried bamboo shoots

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Sour bamboo shoot beef


Bamboo processing, bamboo forest eco-tourism, bamboo economy, etc

The industry carries out investment promotion

Jinping County has been comprehensively explored and formed

Production, processing, logistics, leisure, tourism, etc

as one of the industrial clusters

Traction first, second, and third production go hand in hand

Create a bamboo industry brand with Jinping characteristics

Continuously improve the comprehensive benefits of the bamboo industry

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Courtesy of Jinping County Rong Media Center

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Bamboo chimney Courtesy of Jinping County Rong Media Center

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Bamboo basket Image source: Honghe Prefecture Rong Media Center Database


Fast growth, short cycle, high yield, renewable

It can be planted and harvested in 3-5 years

The development potential of the bamboo industry in Jinping County is huge

Preliminary estimate of Jinping bamboo

The annual output is about 6.24 million pieces

The annual output value of the bamboo industry reached 32.852 million yuan


It can reduce carbon emissions by 396,400 tons per year

211,300 tons of carbon sequestration

The total amount of carbon reduction and carbon sequestration reached 607,700 tons

Achieve a win-win situation of economic and ecological benefits

Correspondents: He Hanze, Yin Zenghua, text/photo

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Yaling, Yang Yiman

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Honghe State Rong Media Center

Legal Counsel: Yunnan Yazun Law Firm

Lawyer: Yang Yufeng, 13808775963

Address: New Vision Community, Chaoyang Road, Mengzi City, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province

Jinping County under the "bamboo" kung fu! Lead the masses to take the road of common prosperity →

Statement: Please indicate the source of Yunnan Honghe release (hhrb_hh)!